Frequently Asked Questions - Campus
How can I find out who to contact in Procurement Services regarding a particular purchase?
The Commodity Assignments list can be found on our Contact Us page. -
Where is the Procurement Services office located?
The Procurement Services office is located in Hicks Hall (Bldg. 53), Suite 2950, at 4892 First Coast Technology Parkway. -
Where can I find information regarding Central Receiving?
Visit the Central Receiving webpage for information regarding the receiving operation. - What types of requests require additional approvals?
Supplier Registration
How does a vendor/supplier register to do business with 成人AV视频?
New 成人AV视频 suppliers will complete the new supplier registration form located on the Procurement Services homepage: /procurement/.
Other recipients will complete the Student, Grants, Refunds, & Other Payee Form to receive payment from the University.
Do new Foundation vendors/suppliers register electronically?
Yes. All vendors/suppliers new to the 成人AV视频 Foundation must complete the new supplier registration form located on the Procurement Services homepage: /procurement/ to receive payment. This excludes direct pay to emplyees, who are not considered vendors/suppliers.
Other recipients will complete the Student, Grants, Refunds, & Other Payee Form to receive payment from the University.
How can a terminated supplier become active again?
The department should contact for assistance.
What is the process for placing a furniture order?
All furniture orders require the completion of a located on the Forms page. Additional photos of the space must be emailed to Procurement Services will review the information and work with the appropriate supplier for your needs. You can expect a response within 48 hours of yoru Furniture Request submission. -
Why must I buy commercial furniture?
While Commercial Furniture does cost more than residential furniture [i.e. IKEA, TARGET, AMAZON] it’s due to the rigorous industry standards and code requirements determined by [Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association]. These standards provide the necessary performance criteria our University needs for sustainable and long lasting furniture that are backed by long term warranties. The guidance our office provides is based on the research we have done with commercial furniture manufactures in the Higher Education field.
How do I submit a warranty claim for commercial furniture?
Please submit a – even for warranties. You must include photos of the barcodes that reflect the serial number. Furniture purchased from a State Contract most often has at least a five-year warranty (some manufacturers are longer). Keep in mind that warranties cover normal wear/usage within that period. Our office will work with the furniture manufacturer to evaluate your warranty submission. Keep in mind that abuse/excessive wear and material warranties may not be covered, however, we will provide a quote and time estimate for repair.
Requisitions, Purchase Orders, Change Orders
Why do I need a requisition?
A requisition is the documented authorization and approval to procure goods and services for the university. Procurement Services should not be sourcing and pricing goods and services without this authorization and approval. Requisitions are required for agreements being routed through iContracts. -
Do I need to submit a requisition for a purchase of goods or contractual services being paid from a Foundation fund account?
Yes. Procurement Services receives requisitions and issues purchase orders for goods and contractual services being paid from a Foundation funding source. Furthermore, contracts are required to be routed through the iContracts process.
How do I enter a Requisition in Workday?
For specific instructions on any of the processes in Workday, you should consult the Workday Help Articles on the Workday webpage, first. For Procurement processes, search for the articles with Procurement in the title. We also recommend that you attend Workday Training made available by 成人AV视频 Center Professional Development and Training on Osprey Ascend. If at any time you need assistance, you may contact the Buyer responsible for the goods/services you are purchasing. -
How can I tell when a purchase order has been created and issued for my requisition?
You may view the status of your requistion by searching My Requisitions, clicking on the My Requisitions Report, then changing the appropriate parameters to find either a list of your requisitions or a particular requisition and its status. The status will appear in the status column. A PO number will appear in the Purchase Orders column if a Purchase Order has been created. -
How do I know if I need to create more than one line item on my requisition?
Each specific/different item should be entered as a separate line item. -
How do I create a Change Order for my PO?
The Procurement Change Order Request Form can be found on myWings, under Employee Forms. For specific instructions on any of the processes in Workday, you should consult the Workday Help Articles on the Workday webpage, first. For Procurement processes, search for the articles with Procurement in the title. We also recommend that you attend Workday Training made available by 成人AV视频 Center Professional Development and Training on Osprey Ascend. If at any time you need assistance, you may contact the Buyer responsible for the goods/services you are purchasing. -
Do I have to create a receipt for all Purchase Orders?
Yes. If you have purchased goods or services using a Purchase Order you must complete the "Create Receipt" task in Workday. For specific instructions on any of the processes in Workday, you should consult the Workday Help Articles on the Workday webpage, first. For Procurement processes, search for the articles with Procurement in the title. We also recommend that you attend Workday Training made available by 成人AV视频 Center Professional Development and Training on Osprey Ascend. If at any time you need assistance, you may contact the Buyer responsible for the goods/services you are purchasing.
How do I know when I should use my P-Card or T-Card?
Please visit the Card Services page for more information on the use of the Procurement Card (P-Card) and the Travel Card (T-Card).
- Note that the T-Card should be used for travel-related expenses only, never the P-Card.
- See the Expenditure Matrix, on the Campus Resources page, for P-Card allowable expenditures.
- Questions regarding purchasing guidelines should be directed to one of our Buyers.
- Questions regarding P-Card/T-Card procedures should be directed to the Card Services.
What is the University's sales tax exemption number?
Please see 成人AV视频's for purchases made through September 30, 2028.
Purchasing Supplies & Other Items
Can the departments buy hand sanitizer, tissues and first aid items as office supplies?
Yes, these items may be purchased for a common area of your department, but cannot be purchased for an individual’s office. -
How do I log on to the new business cards web site to buy my business cards?
成人AV视频's business card and stationary vendor is Printing Edge. Login and ordering information is located on the Supplies & Print section of the Osprey Acquire webpage -
I would like to purchase a polo/shirt or sweater with my 成人AV视频 department logo on it. Can I use my own credit card for purchases from Consolidus or another promotional products supplier?
No. Polo/shirts or other apparel with a 成人AV视频 department logo can only purchased with university funds (P-Card or PO) through Consolidus, or other Procurement Services approved supplier. For personal purchases of 成人AV视频 clothing, visit the or the online store.
What is the competitive solicitation threshold?
The competitive solicitation threshold is the dollar amount over which goods or services must be bought by a competitive process. In accordance with Regulation 13.0010R "Procurement Program," the formal competitive solicitation threshold is $150,000. Procurement Services has guidelines for the purchase of commodities and services costing less than $150,000. These are available on the Competitive Quotes/Solicitation Thresholds webpage. -
Is it the responsibility of the user department to obtain competitive quotes for their purchasing requests?
Departments are responsible for obtaining and submitting quotes as documentation supporting both Requisitions and iContracts. Quotes from different suppliers must be equal in scope, that is, different quotes must equally provide sufficient details for goods/services needed and delivery specifications. Procurement Services has the right to obtain additional quotes if it is determined to be in the best interest of the University. If you need assistance in contacting suppliers or obtaining quotes you may contact a Buyer. -
My department needs to purchase a vehicle. How should we go about getting a quote?
There are State and Government contracts in place for vehicles with very competitive pricing. Contact the Procurement Services Buyer who handles vehicles to obtain the current link to these contracts. Procurement Services will obtain a quote from the contracted vehicle dealer. If it meets with the department’s budget, a requisition should be input noting the contract source.
When do I use a service agreement or entertainment agreement?
Service agreements are used when hiring an independent contractor to perform a contractual service for the University. Contractual service is defined as the rendering by a contractor of its time and effort rather than the furnishing of specific commodities. The term applies only to those services rendered by individuals and firms who are independent contractors. Contractual service does not include the furnishing of labor or materials or the selection of professional services for the construction, renovation, repair, modification, or demolition of facilities or real property. The entertainment agreement should be used when hiring an independent contractor for entertainment purposes. -
How do I know if the University already has a contract in place for the commodity/service I need to order?
The University partners with numerous suppliers to meet cross-campus needs, organized into the categories shown on Osprey Acquire. Please refer to the Commodity Assignments page and contact the assigned Buyer if you need assistance identifying a potential contract to meet a need. -
How do I determine which contract to use?
For a list of contracts and their intended use, please visit the Office of General Counsel's Standard Contracts webpage. If additional guidance is needed in identifying a potential contract, please refer to the Commodity Assignments page and contact the Buyer assigned to the product of service you are purchasing. -
Where can I find information on the iContracts process?
Information regarding the use of iContracts can be found on the iContracts webpage. -
Do we need a requisition for the entertainment contract?
No. The entertainment agreement/contract should be processed in iContracts. The iContracts system is located within myWings:
Use the magnify search option on the top left to search: iContracts (Contract Routing)
Who can I contact for help with contract questions?
Please email for assistance with your contract questions.