Online Tutoring Support
The 成人AV视频 offers online tutoring via Brainfuse to students currently enrolled in the following online programs:
- Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Development, BAE
- Healthcare Management, BHM
- Healthcare Management: Aging Service, BHM
- Learning Design and Technology: Workforce Learning and Leadership, BS
- Nursing, RN-BSN Bachelor of Science in Nursing: RN-BSN Bridge Track
- Nutrition and Dietetics: Didactic Program in Dietetics, BSN
- Sports Management, Marketing Concentration, BS
- ASL/ Educational Interpreting Concentration, MS
- ASL/ English General Practice, MS
- ASL/ English Interpreting Pedagogy, MS
- Curriculum & Instruction: Early Childhood Educational Leadership, M. Ed.
- Elementary Education, MAT
- Elementary Education, M. Ed.
- Executive Health Administration, EMHA
- Health Informatics, MS
- Instructional Technology, Training, and Development, MS
- Nursing Education, MSN
- Nursing Leadership, MSN
- Nutrition and Dietetics: Dietetic Professional Studies, MS
- Nutrition and Dietetics: Integrated Grad Program, MS
- Clinical Nutrition, DCN
- Health Administration, DHA
- Nursing Practice, Post-MSN DNP
- Psych-Mental Health, DNP
24/7 Online Tutoring Support Includes:
- Writing Review
- Live Tutoring
- Test Prep & Study Section
Prefer face-to-face help?

Online Tutoring Support for Students
FAQs for Students
What tutoring support is available?
成人AV视频 Online students in the programs noted above have 24/7 access to no-cost, online, unlimited drop-in tutoring support, scheduled support, and drop-off writing review services provided by Brainfuse.
Tutoring sessions feature:
- 24/7 support available for 1-on-1 tutoring and drop-off review services. Connect with your tutor via two-way text chat or voice- you choose!
- Multimodal functionality including text, voice, or video options for your tutor session.
- Personalized user dashboard: All previous sessions remain viewable on your account, so you can view transcripts or replay sessions from your homepage.
- My Account: View all your past activities, from live tutoring sessions to any Writing Lab or Send Question responses.
In addition to live tutoring, students can also access the Study section. From here, learners can utilize study resources, including flashcards, learning games, worksheets, and practice quizzes. You can use diagnostic quizzes to help assess strengths or challenges in a subject area and connect directly with a tutor after completing a quiz for a more in-depth explanation.
Can I review previous tutoring sessions?
Yes! All tutoring sessions and writing feedback are saved and available for you to review anytime. To do so, click on “My Account” and select the “PastSessions” option. You will be able to view transcripts or rewatch videos of any previous sessions, as well as view a tutor’s responses to Writing Lab submissions or the Send Question feature.
How can I access online tutoring support?
You can find access to online tutoring support within your Canvas course module.Within your Canvas course, click on the Brainfuse logo on the left-hand side.
You can manage your account by clicking on “My Account” in the upper right-hand corner. Here you can view any upcoming scheduled tutoring sessions and view previous tutoring sessions.
Why don鈥檛 I see the Brainfuse link in my course?
Brainfuse is available for courses within select online programs; click here to view a list of programs.
If your course is in one of the above programs, please contact your instructor.
What are the technical requirements to access online tutoring provided by Brainfuse?
Brainfuse online learning platform is designed to be accessible to users. It is Mac and PC compatible, supports all standard web browsers, and requires no downloads or add-ons, such as Flash or Silverlight.
Technical Requirements Details
- Windows 95 or above
- 64 MB of RAM
- Active Internet connection 28.8 Kb/s (dial-up accessible)
- Mac OS X and above
- 64 MB of RAM
- Active Internet connection 28.8Kb/s (dial-up accessible)
Mobile Devices
- iOS (all versions through our mobile app)
- Android (all versions through our mobile app)
ADA-COMPLIANT: Brainfuse services conform to Section 508 Standards and adhere to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines developed by the Web Accessibility Initiative.
Tech Support Tips:
- Brainfuse recommends students using Live Tutoring to disable their pop-up blocker.
- If you have issues opening the virtual classroom, clear your browser’s cache. You can do this in the top right corner by navigating to “Settings” in your browser.
- For more advanced connection issues: Students with issues related to their Brainfuse account or who need assistance connecting to a live tutoring session can contact Brainfuse by calling (866) 272-4638, or .
Are my online tutoring sessions secure?
Yes, Brainfuse does not solicit a student’s personal information or provide any information with third parties. The secure file-sharing features within Brainfuse, such as “Send a Question” or “Snap and Send,” eliminate the need for emailing information, ensuring tutors never have access to a student’s full name or email address.
Who do I contact if I need help?
For questions related to your user account or assistance connecting to a live tutoring session, contact Brainfuse by calling (866) 272-4638, or submit your question online directly to .
Questions related to how Brainfuse works or if you are experiencing issues with your online program, or have concerns about your course, tuition, or registration – unrelated to Brainfuse – contact 成人AV视频 Online. | (904) 620-3577
If you are having technical problems with your computer, the 成人AV视频 Help Desk may be able to assist you. | (904) 620-HELP
Online Tutoring Support for Faculty
FAQs for Faculty
In which courses is online tutoring provided by Brainfuse available?
Brainfuse is available for courses within select online programs; click here to view a list of programs.
How do I enable Brainfuse in my Canvas course?
If you teach a course in one of the approved programs, Brainfuse is available to you and your students.
Note: Instructors need to enable the Brainfuse app in their Canvas course before students can access it.
To enable Brainfuse in your Canvas course, please follow these steps:
- In your Canvas course, select the Settings on your Class Navigation Menu.
- On the Settings page, scroll to the list of disabled pages until you see Brainfuse.
- Once you locate Brainfuse, pull it up into the Class Navigation Menu.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the blue SAVE button.
- In your Canvas course, select the Settings on your Class Navigation Menu.
How do students access online tutoring provided by Brainfuse?
Once you have enabled it within each of your courses, students’ access the Brainfuse Tutoring app from the left-hand menu within their Canvas course.
How does Brainfuse support online learners' growth?
Brainfuse offers a variety of support options best to fit a student’s learning style and individual needs. Brainfuse expert tutors collaborate with students to help them work out problems rather than offer solutions. Through intentional collaboration, Brainfuse tutors meet students where they are in order to help students of all skill levels effectively. Brainfuse tutors reinforce academic integrity and monitor suspected plagiarism and other signs of academic dishonesty.
Brainfuse is a supplemental service designed to assist in areas where a student might need additional or after-hours support. -
How can I integrate online tutoring support into my course?
When instructors provide information and guidance about services, students listen and are more likely to take advantage when the need arises. The following suggestions will encourage students to use Brainfuse services.
- Place an announcement in your course encouraging students to use the tutoring services. You can view a sample statement, which you can modify for your needs, below:
For this course, you have free and unlimited access to Brainfuse Online Tutoring — an on-demand, 24/7 online tutoring service. Brainfuse tutoring support include:
- WritingLab — You can submit writing assignments and receive a thorough analysis, with a response arriving within 24 hours.
- Live Tutoring — Live tutoring help is available 24/7. You can search by subject area to find available tutors and work one-on-one with a Brainfuse tutor.
- Academic Tools — Here you can utilize study resources including flashcards, learning games, worksheets, practice quizzes, and more.
To access Brainfuse, log into your Canvas course and click "Brainfuse" located on the left-side menu within your course.
- Mention Brainfuse in your syllabus when discussing the resources available to students who may need additional support in your course. A sample syllabus snippet is provided below for your use.
- Include a reminder at exam time or when projects are due.
- Post a link in your course to 成人AV视频’s Online Tutoring website. This site contains valuable information for students and faculty about Brainfuse services and resources
Is there a syllabus snippet for Brainfuse services?
Below is an example snippet that we recommend.
Brainfuse Online Tutoring Services:
成人AV视频 Online provides free online tutoring through Brainfuse, an on-demand, 24/7 online tutoring service. Tutoring is available in a wide variety of subjects, including nursing and health, writing, English, and student support categories. With Brainfuse, you can submit writing assignments and receive feedback, work live, one-on-one with a tutor. You also have access to self-guided study tools, including diagnostic quizzes, flashcards, and a library of supplemental study materials.
To access Brainfuse, log into your Canvas course and click "Brainfuse” located on the left-hand menu within your course. -
Who should I contact for help?
Instructors with questions about Brainfuse can contact | (904) 620-3577.
Students who have issues related to their Brainfuse account or who need assistance connecting to a live tutoring session can contact Brainfuse by calling (866) 272-4638, or .