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On Campus Transition Program

Residential Program

The OCT Residential Program is operated and managed by The Arc Jacksonville, Inc. and is an optional program for OCT students. This program is also available to other young adults with intellectual disabilities that are receiving transition services in the Jacksonville area and/or have obtained employment. OCT Residential Program students are provided the opportunity to live in off-campus student housing in 4 bedroom/ 2 bathroom apartments, where a college student (or recent college graduate) lives in immediate proximity and acts as a peer mentor, called an “Independent Living Mentor (ILM)”. OCT Students also have the option to live in 4 bedroom/ 2 bathroom suites in on-campus housing. Students are given the opportunity to engage in the same experiences of other college students who are learning how to live with their peers, independently from home. The goal of the program is for the students to grow and mature like their peers in an environment typical of most college students living away from home (i.e., living with roommates.) By receiving guidance and support through peer-relationships with there ILMs and fellow students, it is believed that the skills necessary to live in the community, with minimal supports. 

The OCT Residential Program is an optional component of the program and is open to other young adults with intellectual disabilities receiving transition services during the day. 

Interested in the OCT Residential Program?

You can request an OCT Residential Application by contacting us at oct@arcjacksonville.org or by phone at 904-620-3890. Please allow 3-5 of business days for your request.

If you would like more information about the OCT Residential Program, please contact us at oct@arcjacksonville.org or by calling (904) 620-3980.