Dr. Alya Limayem, associate professor of biology, was named a Rising Star by the Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine in Florida, during its annual meeting in Orlando. The ASEMFL recognizes “Rising Stars” who have made significant contributions to science, engineering and medicine (
see article in this edition).
Dr. Doria Bowers, professor of biology, published nF-actin and heparan sulfate proteoglycan distribution in female mosquito salivary glands and ducts” in .
Dr. Dale Casamatta, professor of biology, along with co-authors Davis D. Fray, Ryan Ruppert, Sofia Martinez Martinez, Callahan A. McGovern, Bopaiah A. Biddanda & Sarah E. Hamshe, published “Friends and foes: competition experiments reveal growth facilitation and interference between cyanobacteria and diatom strains in microbial mats.” .
Dr. Jim Gelsleichter, chair of biology, along with co-authors A.S. Galloway, K. Lyons, D.S. Portnoy, A.M. Barker, D.H. Adams, E.A. Reyier and B.S. Frazier, published “Trophic ecology of Carolina Sphyrna gilberti and scalloped S. lewini hammerheads in the southeastern USA” in .
Dr. Jim Gelsleichter, published “Chapter 12 – Hormones and reproduction in chondrichthyan fishes,” Pages 345-381 in Hormones and Reproduction of Vertebrates.
Dr. Quincy Gibson, associate professor of biology and coastal behavioral ecologist, published “Dynamics of multilevel alliances in St. Johns River, Florida, Tamanend's bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops erebennus) with respect to an epizootic unusual mortality event” in Marine Mammal Science. In addition, Dr. Gibson published “The role of habitat uses and sociality on skin lesions in Tamanend's bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops erebennus) in the St. Johns River, FL” in .
Dr. M. Laura Habegger, assistant professor of biology, published “Histological comparison of shark dermis across various ecomorphologies” in .
Dr. Scott Jones, assistant professor of biology, published “Bay Miwok evening primrose: a new subspecies of Oenothera deltoides (Onagraceae) endemic to California”. Madroño 71(2), 84-104, (). In addition, Dr. Jones published “When and where can coastal wetland restoration increase carbon sequestration as a natural climate solution?” in .
Dr. David Waddell, professor of biology, published “Contractile regulation of the glucocorticoid-sensitive transcriptome in young and aged skeletal muscle”, in .
Dr. Serina Wittyngham, assistant professor biology, published “A Grazing Crab Drives Saltmarsh Carbon Storage and Recovery” in .
Dr. Devki N. Talwar, physics research associate, published “Impact of Acoustic and Optical Phonons on the Anisotropic Heat Conduction in Novel C-Based Superlattices” in Materials 2024.
Dr. Margaret C. Stewart, associate professor of communication, was interviewed by recently about online rumors surrounding storms Milton and Helene.
Dr. Rachel Riggs, assistant professor of school of communication, submitted the article, “The relationships between exposure to sexual assault narratives in media and women’s sexual assault disclosure efficacy: Proposed models and mechanisms” to Feminist Media Studies.
Dr. Joshua Tomlinson, instructor and area coordinator of music technology and production, presented his composition Convergences at ClickFest, which was held at Ohio University in September.
Dr. Matthew Ohlson, professor and director of Taylor Leadership Institute, along with Mindy Herrick and Sydnie Steele, presented National Forum to Avance Rural Education at the Connecting our Rural Communities to College Campuses at the Savannah Convention Center.
Dr. Shaqwana Freeman-Green, associate professor, along with A.M. Rudolph, L. Byrne, E. Savage-Davis, L. Jones and J. Thomas-Richmond, created a survey, “Why Not Teach? Pilot Study Validity and Reliability Results for College Career Choices Survey” published in .
Dr. Elizabeth Hale, associate professor and Xavier Rozas, coordinator of professional development, along with Tiger Academy teacher Melissa Menjivar, presented at the Southeastern Association of School University Partnerships conference in Hilton Head, October 2024.
Maria Beattie, assistant director of the ³ÉÈËAVÊÓƵ preschool, along with preschool teachers Tasha Felder and Melissa Leone, presented at the Florida Association of the Education of Young Children in Orlando, October 2024.
Dr. Georgina David, ³ÉÈËAVÊÓƵ preschool director, was selected to be a member of the BARIN (Boston Area Reggio Inspired Network) Pedagogical Leadership Cohort.
Dr. Nile Stanley, associate professor, chaired sessions and presented a keynote, “Using Bibliotherapy for Developing Resilience for Coping with Life’s Challenges” at the 5th Edition of the Global Conference in Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry in Baltimore, Maryland.
Digital Learning and Innovation
Kevin Hulen, assistant director of quality and assessment and
Trudy Abadie-Mendia, director of digital programs, will present “From Proposal to Proficiency: New Digital Badge Initiative” at the OLC Accelerate Conference this month.