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The Graduate School

Graduate Assistantship Staff Information

Important Links

  • How are Graduate Assistants hired in Workday?

    Graduate Assistants and Graduate Teaching Assistants are hired via Hire Student in Workday.

    Graduate Research Assistants are hired via recruitment to prompt the Foreign Influence Review. Foreign Influence Review is not currently in Workday. Before you make the final offer to your candidate, please email the name and job req number to fir@unf.edu.

    Refer to HR instructions linked at the top of this page for additional detail.
  • Should a Graduate Assistant submit a timesheet?
    No, Graduate Assistants are paid via Period Activity Pay with a set amount agreed upon.
  • How do I pay a Graduate Assistant during intersession?
    Graduate Assistants can work outside of the academic term dates, but only if they are being paid additional stipendSelect the Academic Period for the full academic year and then indicate start and end dates for the Period Activity PayEnter the full amount to be paid within the designated pay period
  • Will my Graduate Assistant appear on my Team in Workday?
    Yes, Graduate Assistants who report to you will appear on your team. Them, and any other eligible worker, can be moved to a new supervisor via the Move Worker Supervisory task in Workday.
  • How do terminate a student's GA position?
    If a student's position needs to be terminated, please contact Human Resources.
  • In-State and Out-of-State Waivers - What do I need to know?
    In-State Tuition Waiver

    The in-state tuition waiver is only applied to GAs whose stipends are being paid by Graduate School funding, or a funding source approved by the Graduate School (refer to the allocation worksheet completed by the college dean's office). Students selected to receive this waiver must meet the minimum stipend amounts and working hours each term in the chart below for it to be awarded. Students are liable for tuition and fees not covered by the in-state waiver.

    To determine which students are eligible for waiver, please speak with your college Dean's office. The person completing the hiring form is required to notate on the hiring form if a student is in-state waiver eligible. It is assumed that if there is not a notation, the student is not waiver eligible.

    Biweekly Hours Worked Required Stipend Minimum

    Waiver Percentage

    20-29 $2,500 50%
    30-39 $3,750 75%
    40+ $5,000 100%


    Out-of-State Tuition Waiver
    The out-of-state waiver is applied to any GA whose tuition is classified as out-of-state and who is working at least 10 hours per week. This waiver waives all out-of-state tuition and fees for the duration of an assistantship position. Students are liable for in-state tuition (unless awarded an in-state waiver), and fees.

    It should be noted that this waiver does not change a student's residency classification. No action is required by the department for this waiver to be applied.

    Important Notes:

    • Use the comments portion of the Period Activity Pay process to indicate Gruduate School in-state tuition waiver eligibility. If you are unsure if a student is in-state tuition waiver eligible through the Graduate School, please speak with college associate dean. 
    • Out-of-state tuition waivers do not require comment.
    • The Graduate School will process tuition waivers outside of WorkdayThis is a Student focused process that still occurs in Banner.
    • If the department is paying a students tuition, please refer to the "Can a department pay a Graduate Assistant's tuition directly?" FAQ question.
    • Waiver is only applied towards graduate level coursework.
    • In order to post waivers in a timely manner, we ask that hiring forms be submitted 2-3 weeks prior to the start of the term.
    • Waiver is only good for the semesters during which the student is employed. Eligibility requirements must be maintained throughout the semester.
    • Student's are required to contact us if enrollment changes after the date the waiver was applied. 
  • Can a student lose their in-state and/or out-of-state tuition waiver ?
    Yes, if the position is terminated or the student withdraws from courses before the final deadline to withdraw from the term in which the position is held, the waiver will be adjusted accordingly or reversed. This may result in an outstanding balance being owed. Refer to the  for the final withdrawal deadline.
  • Can a department pay a Graduate Assistant's tuition directly?
    Yes, a department may pay the tuition and/or fees out of their own funds. Should your department wish to pay a non-waiver eligible GA's tuition, and/or a GA's fees, please follow the below steps:
    1. Contact Financial Aid at unfscholarships@unf.edu with the students N#, name, and the amount of payment that will be posted to the students account. Inform them that you are reaching out to add the amount to the student's resources and are not checking aid eligibility.
    2. Request the payment to be posted to the student’s account through Student Financial Services; once payment has been posted, a direct pay should be entered to 成人AV视频 (N00401734) by the department and invoice forwarded to Accounts Payable for approval.  Student Financial Services will pick up the check and post to the student’s account.
    Departments that pay the tuition and/or fees out of their own funds may set their own eligibility requirements and stipulations for maintaining the payment.
  • How do I pay a Graduate Assistant from a grant?
    Updating a Graduate Assistant’s funding source will require a Costing AllocationThis can be processed on the Period Activity Pay task under the Costing Allocation section. Please note that a default funding source is always required and will be entered in the initial hiring.  
  • 成人AV视频

    As required by Florida Statute 1010.35, 成人AV视频 is required to collect additional information from GRA applicants. To complete the process:

    1. Submit Job Requisition in Workday Human Capital Management (HCM)
    2. Hiring department identifies research positions
    3. All 成人AV视频 candidates will complete Foreign Influence Review questions within the application and any tasks
    For more information or if you have questions about the Foreign Influence Review (FIR) process, please contact FIR@unf.edu.
  • How do I submit the Assistantship Criteria Exception Form?

    The Assistantship Criteria Exception Form is submitted through Online Form Approval in your myWings.

    1. Please login to your myWings account
    2. Navigate to the Employee Resources tile, then Employee Forms, then Banner Online Forms
    3. The form is available under Graduate School
      • The exception form will first need to be routed to the students Graduate Program Director
      • An explanation is required on the exception form. Please contact the student for reasoning of why they do not meet the requirements. For those working over 40 biweekly hours, please provide the details of each position they are working.
  • When do I need to submit the Assistantship Criteria Exception Form?

    Once the Graduate School receives the hiring form, we will check the student's eligibility. If the student does not meet one or more of the bullet points below, the Assistantship Criteria Exception Form will need submitted (may be submitted for multiple reasons). It is recommended to submit the form as soon as you learn it is required. Hiring form approval cannot be completed until an approved form is on file.

    • Not enrolled full-time in graduate level courses (9 hours for masters students, 6 hours for doctoral students)
    • Working more than 40 biweekly hours (international students cannot exceed 40 biweekly hours under any circumstance)
    • Not in good academic standing (GPA below a 3.0)
    • Registered for an undergraduate course
    An explanation is required on the form. If unsure, please contact the student and or program director for reasoning of why they do not meet the requirements. For those working over 40 biweekly hours, please provide the details of each position they are working.