Reports and Publications
FIE reports and publications reflect the work of FIE and its partners. FIE strives to prepare reports that are user friendly and guide practice and inform decision makers.
For more information contact:
Dr. Heather Monroe-Ossi
FIE Makes a Difference - 2014 Annual Report
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Florida Institute of Education - 2010 Annual Report
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Florida Institute of Education - 2009 Annual Report
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Florida Institute of Education - 2008 Annual Report
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Florida Institute of Education - 2007 Annual Report
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Florida Institute of Education - 2006 Annual Report
Field-Testing an Early Literacy and Learning Curriculum, January 2007, Janice Wood
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What Works When Teaching Young Children to Read - Society for Research and Child Development (SRCD) 2005 Biennial Meeting: Poster Symposium
- What Works When Teaching Young Children to Read: The Early Literacy and Learning Model (ELLM) - Janice Wood
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- What Works When Teaching Young Children to Read: Lessons Learned From the Early Literacy and Learning Model - Stephanie Wehry, Cheryl Fountain
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- What Works When Teaching Young Children to Read: A Pilot Study of the Reliability of a Fidelity-of-Implementation Instrument - Madelaine Cosgrove
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- What Works When Teaching Young Children to Read: Modeling Nested Data Using Two Different Estimators and Score Metrics - Stephanie Wehry
Early Literacy and Learning Model (ELLM) Annual Report
2001-2002 - What Works When Teaching Young Children to Read: The Early Literacy and Learning Model (ELLM) - Janice Wood
Preschool Curriculum Evaluation Research (PCER) 2000: Lessons Learned From Two Years of Curriculum Implementation-Early Literacy and Learning Model (ELLM): Instrument Reliability and Validity, Fidelity of Implementation, and Impact on Children.
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Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) (April 2005), Montreal, Canada - Madelaine Cosgrove, Cheryl Fountain, Janice Wood
Creating Connections: Linking Policy, Practice, and Research across Early Childhood Development, Care, and Education: Launching the Next Decade for Policy and Practice, Head; Start's Ninth National Research Conference, June 2008, Washington DC.
- Print Concepts: Building a Strong Foundation for Future Reading Success - Bronwyn McLemore, Janice Wood, Stephanie Wehry, and Madelaine Cosgrove
- Characteristics of Participants and Non-Participants in a Literacy-Oriented Family Involvement Program -
Rebecca England, Cheryl Fountain, Afesa Adams, and Stephanie Wehry
- Young Naturalists: Concept Mapping as an Instructional Tool for Conceptual Development of Preschool Children - Janice Hunter, Heather Monroe-Ossi
What Works When Teaching Young Children to Read and Write: Lessons Learned from the Early Literacy and Learning Model.
Promoting Positive Development in Young Children: Designing Strategies That Work; Start's 7th National Research Conference, June 2004, Washington DC - Janice Wood, Stephanie Wehry, Bronwyn McLemore
- Print Concepts: Building a Strong Foundation for Future Reading Success - Bronwyn McLemore, Janice Wood, Stephanie Wehry, and Madelaine Cosgrove
Early Learning Coalition of Duval -The ELC of Duval
2006-2012 Reports -
Jacksonville Early Literacy Partnership - Year 2 Implementation Report
2005-2006 Executive Summary -
Enhancing Children's Learning in Family Child Care Homes: 2011-12 Annual Report
Downloadable PDF file - 1.1 MB
Literature Review: Incubator Programs
Early Literacy Practices and Beliefs Among Hispanic
Families in Jacksonville, Florida
Maira Martelo
The Impact of Coaching for Prek-5 Teachers
A Florida Institute of Education Brief on Teaching Practice
Marguerite Walsh
Developing a Model of Convergence of Resources to Support Children's Academic Achievement (November 2011)
Katherine Kasten & Carolyn Herrington
Florida Institute of Education at the 成人AV视频 and
Center on Education Policy, Learning Systems Institute at the Florida State University
Downloadable PDF file - 821 KB
Neighborhood Asset Mapping: Moving Toward Convergence (June 2011)
Mona Vosoughi & Heather Monroe-Ossi
Florida Institute of Education at the 成人AV视频
Ohlson, T., Monroe-Ossi, H., Fountain, C., & Wehry, S. (2016). Lessons learned from a blended professional development pilot program designed to integrate literacy and technology into primary classroom instruction. In G. Chamblee & L. Langub (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 737-742). Savannah, GA, United States: Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
McLemore, B., & Wehry, S. (2016). Robotics and programming in prekindergarten (RAPP): An innovative approach to introducing 4- and 5-year olds to robotics. In Proceedings of Global Learn-Global Conference on Learning and Technology (pp. 169-175). Limerick, Ireland Publishers: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Carlson, D., Wehry, S., & McLemore, B. (2016). The teachers' voice: Using photovoice and concept mapping to evaluate an innovative prekindergarten robotics program. In A. Cañas, P. Reiska, & J. Novak (Eds.), Innovating with Concept Mapping. CMC 2016. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 635 (pp. 241-254). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-45501-3_19
Monroe-Ossi, H., Wehry, S., & Fountain, C. (2016). Structural equation modeling (SEM): Simply a rotated concept map. In A. Cañas, P. Reiska, & J. Novak (Eds.), Innovating with Concept Mapping. CMC 2016. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 635 (pp. 181-194). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-45501-3_14
McLemore, B., Wehry, S., Carlson, D., Monroe-Ossi, H., Fountain, C., & Cosgrove, M. (2016). Using concept mapping to assess 4- and 5-year old children's knowledge in the robotics and programming for prekindergarten project. In A. Cañas, P. Reiska, & J. Novak (Eds.), Innovating with Concept Mapping. CMC 2016. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 635 (pp. 287-302). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-45501-3_23
McLemore, B., Wehry, S., & Carlson, D. (2016). Using concept mapping to compare intentionally taught outcomes with actual outcomes of a prekindergarten robotics and problem-solving curriculum. In A. Cañas, P. Reiska, & J. Novak (Eds.), Innovating with Concept Mapping: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Concept Mapping, Vol. 2 (pp. 248-255). Tallinn, Estonia: Tallinn University.
(pdf, pp. 261-268)
Wehry, S., Carlson, D., & McLemore, B. (2016). The teachers' voice: Forming a theoretical framework combining a prekindergarten STEM curriculum and a learning curriculum. In A. Cañas, P. Reiska, & J. Novak (Eds.), Innovating with Concept Mapping: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Concept Mapping, Vol. 2 (pp. 217-225). Tallinn, Estonia: Talllinn University.
(pdf, pp. 230-419)
Ohlson, T., Monroe-Ossi, H., & Parris, S. R. (2015). Improving comprehension of fictional texts in the secondary classroom. In S. R. Parris & K. Headley (Eds.), Comprehension Instruction: Research-Based Best Practices (3rd ed., pp. 266-277). New York City, NY: Guilford Publications.
Monroe-Ossi, H., McLemore, B., Ohlson, T., & Maki, K. (2014). iPads with a purpose: Selecting apps to meet the differing instructional needs of young children. In T. Bastiaens (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (pp. 1397-1400). New Orleans, LA, United States. San Diego, CA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Ohlson, T., Wehry, S., Monroe-Ossi, H., McLemore, B., Maki, K., & Fountain, C. (2014). Assessing inservice teachers' perceptions of their TPACK development, a paper and poster presentation. In M. Searson & M. Ochoa (Eds.), Proceedings of SITE-Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 2598-2603). Jacksonville, FL, United States. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Monroe-Ossi, H., Ohlson, T., Wehry, S., & Fountain, C. (2013). Technology integration in the primary grades: Enhancing literacy instruction through iPads and teacher professional development. In R. McBride & M. Searson (Eds.), Proceedings of SITE-Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 4404-4407). New Orleans, LA, United States. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Monroe-Ossi, H., Ohlson, T., Wehry, S., & Fountain, C. (2013). iPad integration in the primary grades: Enhancing literacy instruction through teacher professional development. In J. Herrington, A. Couros, & V. Irvine (Eds.), Proceedings of EdMedia 2013: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (pp. 2175-2178). Victoria, Canada. Waynesville, NC: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Hunter, J., Monroe-Ossis, H., Wehry, S., McLemore, B., & Fountain, C. (2012). Improving the odds: Using concept mapping strategies and informational books to build children and educators' background knowledge. In A. Cañas, J. Novak, & J. Vanhear (Eds.), Concept Maps: Theory, Methodology, Technology: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Concept Mapping, Vol. 2 (pp. 266-273). Valetta, Malta: University of Malta.
(pdf, pp. 27-34)
McLemore, B., Monroe-Ossi, H., Wehry, S., & Hunter, J. (2012). Using concept maps to promote the emergent literacy skills of 3- to 5-year-old children. In A. Cañas, J. Novak, & J. Vanhear (Eds.) Concept Maps: Theory, Methodology, Technology: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Concept Mapping, Vol. 2 (pp. 460-467). Valetta, Malta: University of Malta.
(pdf, pp. 221-228)
Monroe-Ossi, H., Wehry, S., Fountain, C., & Cobb, S. (2012). Concept mapping applications and assessment in an after school program for adolescent students. In A. Cañas, J. Novak, & J. Vanhear (Eds.). Concept Maps: Theory, Methodology, Technology. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Concept Mapping, Vol 1 (pp. 120-127). Valetta, Malta: University of Malta.
(pdf pp. 131-138).
Wehry, S., Monroe-Ossi, H., Cobb, S., & Fountain, C. (2012), Concept mapping strategies: Content, tools and assessment for human geography, Journal of Geography,
111(3) 83-92. -
Ohlson, T., & Monroe-Ossi, H. (2019). Supporting Academics and Igniting Learning (SAIL) into Summer Literacy. Presented at the National Summer Learning Association Conference: October 22, Atlanta, Georgia.
Ohlson, T., Monroe-Ossi, H., & Hunter, T. (2019). Engaging Families through Literacy-Focused Texting Tips and Activities. Presented at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference: March 21, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Carlson, D., McLemore, B., & Wehry, S. (2019). Engaging the youngest students with robotics, programming, and coding, presented at the Future Education Technology Conference (FETC): January 27, Orlando, FL.
Monroe-Ossi, H. & Ohlson, T. (2017) Early Childhood Teaching and Learning: Emergent Writing Development and Tablet Technology. Presented at the Young Child Expo and Conference, New York, NY.
Monroe-Ossi, H. (2017, April). Exploring the Validity of a TPACK Measurement Tool. Poster session presented at the American Educational Research Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX.
Ohlson, T., & Monroe-Ossi, H. (2016). The Intergration of Emergent Writing, Research-based Instructional Strategies, and Technology: Engaging Children and Maximizing Learning. Presented at the International Literacy Association (ILA) Annual Conference, Boston, MA.
Ohlson, T., Monroe-Ossi, H., McLemore, B., Wehry, S., Carlson, D., & Fountain, C. (2016) Exploring Robotics and Programming in Early Childhood, presented at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
McLemore, B., & Wehry, S. (2016). Robotics and Programming in Prekindergarten (RAPP): An Innovative Approach to Introducing 4- and 5-Year Olds to Robotics, presented at the Global Learn International Conference in Limerick, Ireland.
Monroe-Ossi, H., Ohlson, T., Wehry, S., & Fountain, C. (2016). Lessons Learned from a Blended Professional Learning Pilot Designed to Integrate Literacy and Technology into Primary Classroom Instruction. Presented at the Society for Instructional Technology in Education (SITE) Annual Conference, Savannah, GA.
Monroe-Ossi, H., Ohlson, T., & Fountain, C. (2016). Online Professional Development: Making the Most of Multimedia Learning. Presented at the Future of Educational Technology (FETC) Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Ohlson, T., Monroe-Ossi, H. & McLemore, B. (2015). Meeting the Needs of All Learners: Exploring the Use of iPads during Literacy Instruction. Presented at the International Literacy Association (ILA) Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Monroe-Ossi, H., McLemore, B., Maki, K., & Ohlson, T. (2015). The I's of Literacy-Focused Professional Development: iPads, Integration, & Interaction. Presented at the Future of Educational Technology Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Monroe-Ossi, H., Ohlson, T., & McLemore, B. (2015). iPads with Purpose: Selecting Apps to Meet the Differing Instructional Needs of Young Children. Presented virtually at the E-Learn World Conference on E-Learning, Las Vegas, NV.
Ohlson, T., Monroe-Ossi, H., & Fountain, C. (2014). Blended Professional Learning: A Model for Technology Integration. Presented at the Learning Forward National Conference, Nashville, TN.
Ohlson, T., Wehry, S., Monroe-Ossi, H., McLemore, B., Maki, K., & Fountain, C. (2014). Assessing in-service teachers' perceptions of their TPACK development. Presented at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2013, Jacksonville, FL.
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Monroe-Ossi, H., Ohlson, T. Wehry, S. & Fountain, C. (2014). Professional learning and TPACK: Examining teachers' development. Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Education Research Association, Jacksonville, FL.
Downloadable PDF file - 695 KB
Daniel, L., Monroe-Ossi, H., Williams, R., Hart, A. & Dickinson, W. (2014). Heuristics for understanding and interpreting multivariate statistical methods. Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Education Research Association, Jacksonville, FL
"Birth to Five Matters" 2010 Presentation, Cheryl Fountain, Ed.D. Downloadable PDF file - 1.6 MB
"Preschool Quality Matters" 2010 Presentation, Cheryl Fountain, Ed.D. Downloadable PDF file - 1.6 MB
Archived Reports
Early Literacy and Learning Model (ELLM): Describing ELLM and Measuring Its Effectiveness June 2007
Education's Forum — Success for All Children Powerpoint Presentation - June 14, 2005
Early Literacy and Learning Model (ELLM) Initiative: Making a Difference
2003/2004 — Executive Summary and Technical Report -
Examining the Sustained Effects of an Early Literacy Curriculum and Instructional Support System Using a Randomized Field Trial .
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association (April 2007). Chicago, IL - Madelaine Cosgrove, Cheryl Fountain, Katherine Kasten, Stephanie Wehry
Sustained Effects of a Coached, Literacy-Focused Preschool Curriculum: A Longitudinal Field Trial.
Poster presented at the Wayne State University Children's Bridge and Children's Hospital of Michigan Children's Conference in Detroit, MI (September 2006) - Stephanie Wehry, Madelaine Cosgrove, and Cheryl Fountain
Preschool-to-Kindergarten: A Longitudinal Study of the Effectiveness of the Early Literacy and Learning Model (ELLM).
Poster presented at Institute of Education Sciences (IES) (June 2006) Research Conference. Washington, DC - Stephanie Wehry, Madelaine Cosgrove
Randomized Field Trial of an Early Literacy Curriculum and Instructional Support System.
Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) (April 2006), San Francisco, CA - Madelaine Cosgrove, Cheryl Fountain, Stephanie Wehry, Janice Wood
The Consequences of Standardizing Achievement Scores of Young Children from Low-Income Neighborhoods. Poster presented at the New Directions in Psychological Measurement with Model-Based Approaches.
(February 2006), Conference held at the GA Tech, Atlanta, GA- Stephanie Wehry
Early Literacy and Learning Model (ELLM) Curriculum and Instructional Support System: Fidelity of Implementation: An Impact on Children.
Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) (December 2005), Washington, DC - Madelaine Cosgrove
What Works When Teaching Young Children to Read and Write: Lessons Learned from the Early Literacy and Learning Model.
Poster presented at the Head Start 7th National Research Conference (June 28-July 1, 2004), Washington, DC - Janice Wood, Stephanie Wehry, Bronwyn McLemore
Evaluation of the Early Literacy and Learning Model (ELLM): A Curriculum and Instructional Support System.
Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) (November 2004), Anaheim, CA - Madelaine Cosgrove, Cheryl Fountain, Bronwyn McLemore, Janice Wood
Preschool Curriculum Evaluation Research (PCER) Year One: A report from the field.
Paper presented at the annual conference of National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) (November 2003), Chicago, IL- Madelaine Cosgrove, Cheryl Fountain, Janice Wood
Early Literacy and Learning Model: Curriculum Resource Understanding Features, Uses, and Results.
Paper presented at the National's Network of Child Care Resources & Referral (NACCRA) (March 2003), Washington, DC - Madelaine Cosgrove, Cheryl Fountain, Janice Wood
Florida Kindergarten Readiness Across the Jacksonville Community - Fall 2008
Florida Kindergarten Readiness Across the Jacksonville Community - Fall 2007
Florida Kindergarten Readiness Across the Jacksonville Community - Fall 2006
Using Florida School Readiness Measures at the Classroom, Neighborhood, and Community Levels. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, March 28, 2008, New York City.
Jacksonville Early Literacy Partnership —
2005-2006 Overview
Jacksonville Early Literacy Partnership — Year 2 Implementation Report
2005-2006 -
Effectiveness of the Early Learning and Learning Model (ELLM) with Instructional Support
Stephanie Wehry, Katherine Kasten, Madelaine Cosgrove, Cheryl Fountain, and Janice Wood -
Collaboration: Promises and Pitfalls of Working Across Community Agencies to Develop a Fully Responsive School (January 2011)
Kimberly Berry
Center on Education Policy, Learning Systems Institute at the Florida State University
Collaboration: Starting and Structuring the Process (January 2011)
Christine Johnson
Center on Education Policy, Learning Systems Institute at the Florida State University
Financing and Budgeting Neighborhood Collaborations: Improving the Quality of Life for Vulnerable Children and Families (January 2011)
Carolyn D. Herrington
Center on Education Policy, Learning Systems Institute at the Florida State University -
Hubs Report-Florida's Researcher/Practitioner School Readiness Partnership: Opportunities and Potential February 2007
Hubs Report Executive Summary-Florida's Researcher/Practitioner School Readiness Partnership: Opportunities and Potential February 2007