Experiential Learning Opportunity
The Experiential Learning Opportunity (ELO) Program is a cohort-based professional development program for faculty members (tenured, tenure-track, instructor, and visiting) and academic program coordinators to implement new, enhance existing, and/or scale up experiential learning activities for students. Over an academic-year, ELO program participants complete a series of workshops on EL and present a final deliverable at a year-end Showcase event.
Participants receive stipends to complete the program and are eligible for start-up funds to implement their final deliverable projects in the following academic year.
Applications for the inaugural cohort open Friday, February 14 and are due Monday, March 24.
For the application, you will submit your contact and department information, upload a C.V., and upload a letter outlining your proposed project for the program.
The letter outlining your proposed project needs to be 12-point font, single-spaced, and a maximum of three (3) pages that follows the framework provided below.
You will also need the support from your department chair. When you submit your application, it will trigger an automatic email to your department chair requesting their response in support of your application. They simply need to respond to the email and do not need to write a formal letter.
- Describe the EL course or program you want to revise or enhance, specifically, aspects you want to improve (e.g., linking EL to Academic Learning Compacts, improved reflection products, enhanced relationships with EL partners, assess student learning outcomes of EL, evaluating impacts of EL). Describe the changes you intend to make in the course or program and what you want to learn through participating in the ELO program. What specific outcomes do you expect to see because of your revisions or enhancements? How will you assess these changes?
- Describe the EL course or program you want to create or scale up, specifically, the why, what, how, and who (e.g., why - culminating experience for students; what - capstone course; how - experimental course for students to explore program outcomes and competencies through constructing a portfolio; who - program majors). What is the area of experiential learning you want to focus on for your project? What are the things you need to make the course or program successful? How will you know that it is successful?
Describe your intended implementation plan for your project. How will you recruit and encourage student participation?
- List any EL courses or programs you led.
- If your proposed project is a course, append a syllabus for the one you want to revise or enhance (it does not count towards the three-page limit).
- If your proposed project is a program, append an outline of the program you want to revise or enhance (it does not count towards the three-page limit).
- Briefly describe your experience with assessing and evaluating EL courses and programs. Summarize two key findings you learned from leading EL courses and programs.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have not taught EL courses or led EL programs, you can still apply to the Experiential Learning Opportunity Program. It is a professional development program to help build skills and competencies for participants. It is helpful for us to understand what exposure applicants have to experiential learning before starting the program.
- What is the personal and/or professional benefit of your participation in ELO?
- How does participation advance the mission of your department/college and contribute to 成人AV视频 goals?
- How does your proposed project advance the understanding of Experiential Learning.