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Emergency Management
twoColumn twoRight handbook

Plans and Procedures Terrorist Attack

Weapon of Mass Destruction - Definition

A Weapon of Mass Destruction includes biological, chemical, incendiary, nuclear or highly explosive material and any combination thereof.

General Guidelines

Emergency action steps will depend upon the type of device and/or agent used and whether it is used on-campus, in a campus building or off-campus. The UPD has developed plans to respond to such situations and has established lines of communication with appropriate civil authorities to obtain current information.

Action Steps for Initial Responders

  1. Notify the UPD (911) and evacuate the areaThe UPD, will in most cases, establish an Incident Command Center upwind of the hazard
  2. Avoid contamination by staying upwind of the hazard, away from the point of the release, and exposed individuals
  3. Do not touch or move any suspicious objects
  4. Minimize the use of radios, cell phones, etc.
  5. Physical Facilities will determine if utilities and ventilation systems should be shut down
  6. Affected individuals should quarantine themselves at a safe location
  7. If a hazardous release occurs a at the campus perimeter or off-campus, remain indoors until further instruction is given.