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Automobile Insurance

Automobile insurance is designed to provide financial protection for damages that arise out of the ownership and operation of automobiles. The major segments of this coverage are: 

  1. Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability
  2. Medical Payments Coverage (not provided) 
  3. Physical Damage Coverage  
  4. Florida Motor Vehicle No-Fault Coverage 

The BOT is authorized to provide financial protection for Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability for university owned or leased automobiles. 

The BOT is not authorized to provide medical payments coverage (voluntary settlement of medical expenses) for non-employees driving or occupying university owned automobiles. 

The providing of protection for physical damage to university owned automobiles licensed for use and operating on public highways of this state is prohibited under Florida Statutes. Thus, this loss must be self-assumed. Physical damage coverage, including comprehensive (fire, theft, vandalism) may be provided on leased or loaned automobiles. 

The university participates in the Florida Casualty Insurance Risk Management Trust Fund, created by the legislature to provide a funded, self-insurance program for the liabilities arising from operation of automobiles owned by the State of Florida. 

The program is administered by: Department of Insurance Division of Risk Management 200 E. Gaines Tallahassee, Florida 32319 


  1. Bodily Injury Liability - provides financial protection against any claim for bodily injury to others arising from university automobiles. 
  2. Property Damage Liability - provides financial protection against any claim for damage to property of others arising from university automobiles. 

This coverage will be provided for all automobiles owned or leased by 成人AV视频 used within the course and scope of employment (by employees) and for other authorized users if no deviation from authorized use. 

Special provisions will be made through the acquisition of commercial insurance to provide Physical Damage (Collision and Comprehensive) coverage for those automobiles that are non-state owned and where this coverage is specifically required by the condition of the loan or lease agreement under which the vehicle is supplied for use by the university. However, every effort should be made to have the provider include this type of insurance coverage as part of the lease cost. If this is not practical, then self-assumption of part or all of the risk should be considered. This can be accomplished by use of a large deductible amount of commercial insurance purchased or by self- insuring if the potential exposure is within the financial capability of the department using the vehicle. 

The term “automobile” as used herein refers to any land motor vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer designed for travel on public roads. 

Premium Basis

An annual advance premium assessment is charged, weighted by university loss experience and number of vehicles, for the schedule of automobiles covered. At the close of each coverage period, an audit will be made by the Department of Insurance and the premium assessment adjusted to recognize actual exposures existing during the coverage period. The university will then re-charge specific departments a pro-rated portion of the premium. 

Occupancy of Vehicles by Non-employees

A non-employee has several means of recourse to collect for medical expenses incurred as a result of injury suffered while driving or occupying a university owned or leased vehicle. If the non- employee is carrying private automobile medical payment coverage, such costs are eligible under their personal policy. Under the No-Fault Act, a student qualifies for coverage under the parent’s automobile insurance. The non-employee may also collect from a number of private health insurance plans which are offered, or in the absence of any coverage, a claim can be field through EH&S with the Division of Risk Management, Department of Insurance.  

Use of Private Automobiles on University Business

While it would be desirable to provide that all university business requiring use of vehicular transportation be conducted in university equipment, it is clearly not possible to make such a provision. Therefore, it is necessary to establish limitations on the use of personal or rental vehicles compatible with the university’s objective. 

It should be made clear that in consideration of the payment to an employee or student by the university of a mileage charge (or other reimbursement as set from time to time) for the use of a personal vehicle that: 

  1. The vehicle is to be used on university business only with permission and knowledge of the university. (Completion of Travel Authorization Request, supervisor signature).
  2. At all times when on university business, minimum statutory insurance requirements must be carried. 
  3. EH&S will be advised of any accident occurring while on university business.
  4. The financial loss for damage to the vehicle shall not be reimbursed by the university in the event of an accident while on university business.

The program is administered by: 

Department of Insurance Division of Risk Management 

Automobile Liability Claims 

Section 200 E. Gaines 

Tallahassee, Florida 32319 

Automobile Liability Claims Procedures

  1. Urgent Claims Reports
    1. All accidents involving bodily injury and heavy property damage or non-driveable vehicle should be reported immediately by telephone to EH&S, or the UPD, if after hours. 
    2. All telephone reports will be followed by a completed Automobile Accident Report, Form AL-2, (original and one copy).
  2. All Other Automobile Claim Reports These are accidents which do not fall under the above description of urgent reports. EH&S will complete an Automobile Accident Report, Form AL-2 (original and one copy), and mailed to the Division of Risk Management.
    1. Note: All claims forms are obtained from the Division of Risk Management.