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Digital Humanities Institute

Enviro Rights Map

Enviro Rights Map is a dynamic, Google Maps-based resource that catalogs environmental rights throughout the world. The website was conceived as a means of democratizing information about environmental rights through a user-friendly, visually engaging format. It provides users with historical and current information regarding the prevalence of environmental rights and statements of public policy in national constitutions, and it is freely available for students, scholars, and the general public. Subsequent changes to environmental rights provisions and questions regarding the justiciability of these provisions are addressed in brief comments on country pages where appropriate. The project was developed by Josh Gellers, Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at the 成人AV视频, in partnership with Widener University Delaware Law School. Data for this website were compiled from the Comparative Constitutions Project, HeinOnline’s World Constitutions Illustrated, Global Environmental Constitutionalism by James R. May and Erin Daly, and The Environmental Rights Revolution by David Boyd. In the future, subnational environmental rights will be added to the map as well. Research assistance was provided by students at UC Irvine (Sarah Entezari, Ioana Raducu, and Rehan Vaid), and Delaware Law School (Katharina Earle and Tyler Wilk).

To view the project, see: 

Josh Gellers headshotFaculty Project Leader

Josh Gellers, PhD, LEED Green Associate, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at the 成人AV视频, Research Fellow of the Earth System Governance Project, and Honorary Fellow of the Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies. He is also a 2016-17 U.S. Fulbright Scholar to Sri Lanka. Josh’s research focuses on environmental rights and sustainable development. His work has appeared in Critical Discourse Studies, International Environmental Agreements, Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation, Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, Review of Policy Research, Sustainability Science, and Transnational Environmental Law.