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Research and Publications

The Crowley Center for Tranportation and Logistics (CCTL) was established in 2021 in the name of one of the world’s leading supply-chain corporations, Crowley Maritime, based in Jacksonville.

The mission and goal of the Crowley Center for Transportation and Logistics is to be a world-leader in transportation and logistics research and education providing highly trained students for the global supply chain.

Research and Publications

  • 2018
    • Confente, Ilenia, Ivan Russo, Simone T. Peinkofer, and Robert Frankel, “The Shopper’s Role in Designing Supply Chain Strategy: an Empirical Investigation of Return Policy Leniency and Its Impact on Product and Retail Channel Type,” submitted to Journal of Business Logistics, May 2018.
    • “Five Canons of Shippers Adaptability in Managing Container Port Logistics Capacity,” Ruamsook, K. Russell, D.M. and Swanson, D. Targeting submission to World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research June 2018.
    • "An Analysis of SCM Research by Topic.” Swanson, David, Goel, L., Francisco, K., & Stock, J. (Forthcoming). Supply Chain Management: An International Journal (accepted February 2018).
    • “The Supply Chain Has No Clothes: Technology Adoption of Blockchain for Supply Chain Transparency,” Francisco, Kris and David Swanson (2018). Logistics, 2(1), 2.
    • “Transforming Information into Supply Chain Agility:  An Agility Adaptation Typology,” Russell, D.M. and Swanson, D.  Under second review International Journal of Logistics Management, May 2018.
    • “Adoption of the Dry Port concept: A Diffusion of Innovation Assessment,” Roso, V. and Russell, D.M., refereed proceedings, NOFOMA (Nordic Logistics Research Network), Kolding, Denmark, June 13-15
    • “Development of a Transshipment Port Along the Northern Sea route,” Stefansson, G. and Rusell, D.M., working paper series, NOFOMA (Nordic Logistics Research Network), Kolding, Denmark, June 13-15, 2018.
    • “The Implementation of Mandatory Constraints in the Maritime Supply Chain through Port Community Systems: Verified Gross Mass (VGM) of Containers,” Fedi, L., Lavissiere. A., Russell, D.M., and Swanson, D. refereed proceedings, 12th International RIRL Conference on Logistics and SCM, Paris, France, May 22-23, 2018.
    • “Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management: A Holistic View Through the Lens of the Wicked Problem,” Russell, D.M., Swanson, D., and Blinge, M. (2018) World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp 36-56.
  • 2017

    Russo, Ivan, Ilenia Contente and Robert Frankel (2018), “Understanding the Impact of Returns Policy Leniency on Consumer Purchase, Repurchase and Return Intentions: A Comparison Between Online and Offline Contexts,” 2017 World Marketing Congress 2017 – Academy of Marketing Science (Distribution and Supply Chain Management Track), June 27-July 1, 2017.

    “Verified Gross Mass (VGM) Adoption at Leading Seaports:  A Diffusion of Innovation Assessment of Implementation,” Fedi, L., Lavissiere. A. and Russell, D.M., refereed proceedings, International Association of Maritime Economists, Kyoto, Japan, June 27-30, 2017.

    “Applying Theories from Other Disciplines to Logistics and Supply Chain Management: A Systematic Literature Review.” Swanson, David, Goel, L., Francisco, K., & Stock, J. (2017). Transportation Journal, 56(3), 299-356.

    "Global Supply Chain Ecosystems: Strategies for Competitive Advantage in a Complex, Connected World: A Review." Swanson, David, Amanda Atwood, and Daniel Calais. (2017) Journal of Marketing Channels, 24 (1-2).

    "To Survive and Thrive under Hypercompetition: An Exploratory Analysis of the Influence of Strategic Purity on Truckload Motor Carrier Financial Performance." Transportation Journal 56(1). Jin, Yao, David Swanson, M.A. Waller, J. Ozment. (2017)  **Transportation Journal 2nd Place Best Paper Award 2016-2017**

    “To Predict the Future of Blockchain, Look to the Past,” Swanson, David, (2017) Supply Chain Quarterly, Q4 2017.

  • 2016

    “Click ‘Next’ to Print Your Supply Chain,” Swanson, David, Kristoffer Francisco, and Jiyun Huang. (2016) Supply Chain Quarterly, Q4 2016.

    “A Book Review: Supply Chain Metrics that Matter.” Swanson, David. (2016) Management Learning, October, 2016. 1-3.

    “Collaborative Process Redesign: A Dynamic Capabilities View on Mitigating the Barriers to Working Together,” Swanson, David, H. Jin, A. Fawcett, and S. Fawcett. (2016)

    Jin, Yao, David Swanson, M.A. Waller, J. Ozment. "To Survive and Thrive under Hypercompetition: An Exploratory Analysis of the Influence of Strategic Purity on Truckload Motor Carrier Financial Performance." (Forthcoming in the Transportation Journal).

    Swanson, David. B.D. Williams, J. Gu, and M.A.Waller. “Full Steam Ahead:  Firms in the U.S. Economy Adjust Inventory for Changes in Transportation Costs but not the Reverse.” Transportation Journal 55(3).

    Swanson, David. "Transportation Price Benchmarking: Implications for Firm Performance." Benchmarking: an International Journal, 23(4).

    Book Chapter: Mollenkopf, Diane A., Robert Frankel, and Ivan Russo (2016). Sell Right, Not More: Leveraging Internal Integration to Mitigate Product Returns (pp. 177-202), in Achieving Supply Chain Integration – Connecting the Supply Chain Inside and Out for Competitive Advantage, Editors Chad W. Autry and Mark A. Moon.  Pearson Education, Inc, Old Tappan, NJ.

  • 2015

    Frankel, Robert and Diane A. Mollenkopf (2015), “Cross-Functional Integration Revisited: Exploring the Conceptual Elephant,” Journal of Business Logistics, Thought Piece for Special Topic Forum (STF) “Cross-Functional Integration Revisited: Enhancing Rigor and Relevance,” 36:1, 18-24.

    “Seaport-Inland Port dyad Dynamics: An Investigation of Service Provisions and Intermodal Transportation Linkages.” Roso, V., Russell, D.M., Ruamsook, K. and Stefansson, G. (2015) World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2015.

    “Maintaining Financial Performance and Brand Image With Sustainability Intact:  A ‘Wicked’ Supply Chain Problem,” Swanson, D., Russell, D.M., and Blinge, M., refereed proceedings, NOFOMA (Nordic Logistics Research Network), Molde, Norway, June 3-5, 2015.

    "Fictional Stories with Ethical Content (FSECs): Guidelines for Using Stories to Improve Ethical Behavior." Swanson, David, (2015) Ethics and Behavior, 26(7), 545-561.

    “New Perspectives on the Value of Demand Sensing,” Swanson, David and Dawn Russell (2014), The Supply Chain Management Review, 18(3), May/June 2014: 18-22.

  • 2014
    “New Perspectives on the Value of Demand Sensing,” Swanson, David and Dawn Russell (2014), The Supply Chain Management Review, 18(3), May/June 2014: 18-22.
  • 2013

    Swanson, R.D. and R. J. Smith (2013). "A Path to a Public–Private Partnership: Commercial Logistics Concepts Applied to Disaster Response."Journal of Business Logistics, 34(4): 335-346.

    Frankel, Robert, Scott R. Swanson, and Mariusz Sagan (forthcoming), "Service Switching, Word-of-Mouth, and New Provider Search: A Five Country Exploratory Study," International Journal of Management and Marketing.

    Roso, Violeta, Kusumal Ruamsook, Dawn Russell, Gunnar Stefansson "Connecting Inland Ports and Seaports via Intermodal Transportation:  A Process Evaluation," (forthcoming) reviewed proceedings of World Conference on Transportation Research, 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.