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College of Computing, Engineering and Construction

Center for Cybersecurity

Official CAE Seal 2023 U.S. Department of Homeland Security seal

The Center for Cybersecurity aspires to be the focal point of 成人AV视频's curriculum and practice in cyber defense. The School of Computing's Bachelor of Science in Information Technology program is federally designated (currently through 2024) as a Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education (CAE-CDE). 成人AV视频's Center for Cybersecurity exists to provide program guidance and oversight, general cyber defense information as well as collaboration and outreach opportunities among students, faculty and other institutions in Jacksonville, Florida.

Program Guidance and Oversight

General Cyber Defense Education

  • The national  and the 
  • The  (at the University of West Florida in Pensacola)
  •  (at the University of South Florida in Tampa)

Collaboration and Outreach Opportunities

Activities Available to Students

  1. 成人AV视频 Osprey Security (OspreySec) Club:
  2. SECCDC: 
  3. Listing of upcoming Cyber Competitions/Events:



  1. SE Cyber Defense Competition results

Institutional Security Resources and Awareness

  1. Office of Information Security and Cyberinfrastructure
  2. Division of Continuing Ed, Cybersecurity

cybersecurity resources for students

  • Cyber Competitions and Events 

Advisory Board