Contact Us
Please note that email is the preferred method of contact for the School of Nursing. Most inquiries are handled within 2-3 business days during non-peak times (i.e., beginning of terms, end of terms, and application deadlines). Sometimes messages sent from 成人AV视频 emails are delivered to "spam" or "junk" boxes; be sure to check those regularly.
Be sure to include your full name and, when available, 成人AV视频 ID number (N#) in all messages to the School of Nursing. Note that it is not desired that multiple individuals be sent the same email; if you have reached out to an incorrect contact then rest assured your message will be rerouted in a timely manner to the appropriate contact or office. Your patience is most appreciated!
For specific information about admission to our tracks, please contact:
Dr. Beth Dibble |
Nursing Admissions & FNP/NAP Student Coordinator |
Ms. Emily Schroder | Sr. Academic Advisor for BCH Online Programs |
NAP Admissions | All potential Nurse Anesthesiology candidates, please use this account to contact Dr. Dibble. |
For specific information about our undergraduate tracks other than admission requirements (please see our admissions contacts above), please contact:
Dr. Judy Comeaux | Prelicensure Program Director |
Dr. Lauren Boardman | Online Program Director (RN-BSN Bridge) |
For specific information about our graduate tracks other than admission requirements (please see our admissions contacts above), please contact:
Dr. Lauren Boardman | Online Program Director (MSN & Post-MSN DNP) |
Family Nurse Practitioner Program Director |
Dr. Ryan Shores | Nurse Anesthesiology Program Director |
Dr. Marie Smith-East | PMHNP Program Director |
For information concerning School of Nursing faculty, please visit the Brooks College of Health Faculty webpage.
For general information or inquiries concerning the School of Nursing (not regarding admission or program curriculum) please contact:
Dr. Michelle Edmonds | Director of Nursing |
Dr. Brittany Nettles | Assistant Director of Nursing |
Dr. Miwa Nguyen | Manager for Nursing Program Operations |
Ms. Kristen West | Clinical Coordinator |
Ms. Molly Molis | Coordinator |