Master of Health Administration (MHA)
Elevate Healthcare Leadership: Earn Your Master's in Health Administration at 成人AV视频
The 成人AV视频's Master of Health Administration (MHA) program is designed to prepare individuals in the Southeastern United States to serve as effective administrators, managers, and leaders in the wide variety of organizations and agencies that make up the health services field. The MHA is a 45 (minimum) credit degree program designed for those individuals who want to work in the field of management and administration within a healthcare delivery setting.
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Program Opportunities
The MHA program offers opportunities to gain hands-on experience and transformational learning with the delivery and financing of health care in other countries through study abroad opportunities. The program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Health Management Education (CAHME).

Connect with Leading Healthcare Institutions in Jacksonville
MHA students have the opportunity to learn and interact with some of the nation's largest healthcare organizations. Jacksonville is home to Mayo Clinic, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Baptist Health, HCA Memorial, and St. Vincent's Hospital, to name a few which provide a wide variety of internship and employment options. Each MHA student will earn their official Lean Competency System (LCS) Certification 1C Green Belt equivalent and training in Human Centered Design, sponsored by Guidewell/FloridaBlue.
Application Deadlines
Fall Term . . . . . . . . August 1
Summer Term . . . . April 15
Admits for fall and summer terms only.
Admission Requirements
For admission requirements and information on how to apply, please visit
Program Information
Application | 成人AV视频+ Pathways to Success
Applications for admission are to be submitted to The Graduate School at the 成人AV视频. Questions about the admission process can be directed to The Graduate School Office at the 成人AV视频 (904) 620-1360.
MHA | 成人AV视频+ Pathways to Success
What is 成人AV视频+ Pathways to Success? These are opportunities for high-achieving 成人AV视频 undergraduates to easily move into 成人AV视频 graduate programs. The 成人AV视频 Health Administration Department offers options to help all interested 成人AV视频 students to find their path to the 成人AV视频 MHA Program.
BHA-MHA Accelerated Pathway
成人AV视频 provides exceptional undergraduate Bachelor of Health Administration (BHA) students with the opportunity to complete the requirements for both the bachelor's and master's degrees at an accelerated pace. Accelerated tracks allow students to get a head start on their graduate education by taking graduate courses during their junior and senior undergraduate years. Up to 12 credit hours of graduate work may count toward a baccalaureate degree, thus reducing the time it takes to get both degrees.
Sequencing Schedule Effective Fall 2024
Junior Year
Fall Term Spring Term HSA 3101 Intro to Health Administration (3) HSA 4553 Health Law & Ethics (3) HSA 4111 US Healthcare System (3) HSA 3173 Healthcare Accounting (3) HSA 4544 Global Healthcare (3) Health Administration Elective (GEY; HSC; HSA; MAN 3000-4000 level) OR HSA3383 Quality Management IF completing HSA4850 Health Administration Internship for an elective requirement in LAST semester HSA 6342 Healthcare Human Resources (3) HSA6198 Health Information Tech (3) HSA 2530 Language of Healthcare (3) (if not completed) - Total Semester Hours: 12-15 Total Semester Hours: 12 Senior Year
Summer Term Fall Term Spring Term HSA 3430 Health Economics (3) (pre-reqs: ECO2023 & STA2023 or STA2014) HSA3222 Long Term Care Administration (3) HSA4922 Capstone: Health Administration (3) *must be completed in the last semester HSA 4170 Health Care Finance (3) (pre-reqs:ECO2023, HSA3173; HSA3101;HSA4111) HSA3160 Health Care Marketing (3) Health Administration Elective (3) (GEY; HSC; HSA; MAN 3000-4000 level) HSA 6905 Health Policy (3) HSA 6520 Managerial Epidemiology (3) Health Administration Elective (3) (GEY; HSC; HSA; MAN 3000-4000 level) *If taking HSA4850 Health Adm Internship for elective, all major courses must be completed before final semester Health Administration Elective (3) (GEY; HSC; HSA; MAN 3000-4000 level) HSA5177 Health Care Finance (meets Health Administration Elective (3) HSA 6385 Quality Mgmt in Healthcare (3) - HSA2530 Language of Healthcare (3) (if not completed) - Total Semester Hours: 12 Total Semester Hours: 12-15 Total Semester Hours: 12 Remaining Master of Health Administration course (based on application submission and admission into the MHA program)
Summer Term
COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE DAY CREDITS HSA6178 Advance Health Care Finance T 3 HXXXX Graduate Elective HSAXXXX Graduate Elective (HSA6958: Study Abroad – Health Administration, HSA6515: Practice Management) - 3
Fall TermCOURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE DAY CREDITS HSA6114 Health Organization and Delivery M 3 HSA6186 Healthcare Leadership and Organizational Behavior T 3 HSA6435 Health Economics W 3
Spring TermCOURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE DAY CREDITS HSA6196 Quantitative Analysis Health M 3 HSA6815 Practicum: Executive Skill Development T 3 HSA6149 Health Planning W 3 HSA6188 Capstone: HC Strategic Management R 3 -
Mission, Vision, Goals, and Values
The Master of Health Administration (MHA) Program at the 成人AV视频 develops early-career individuals in the southeast United States to serve as effective managers and leaders in health services organizations. This is achieved by offering full and part-time students the opportunity to acquire knowledge, skills and competencies necessary for success in entry-level health management positions. The Program's focus reflects the University's mission of excellence in education, scholarship and community-based service.
The 成人AV视频 MHA Program aims to be globally recognized for innovatively preparing students for careers in health services administration.
In the fulfillment of our mission, the Department of Health Administration upholds the values of:
- Integrity: We do the right thing for the right reason at the right time.
- Respect: We treat everyone with kindness, we are informed by the perspective of others, and we draw strength from our differences.
- Accountability: We are responsible for how the outcomes of our actions affect others and our environment.
- Innovation: We harness creativity and talent to turn challenges into opportunities and problems into solutions in a uniquely 成人AV视频 and BCH way.
Consistent with the Mission and Vision Statements, the following broad goals have been established for the Program as the foundation for its strategic planning process and commitment to continuing improvement. These are presented in recognition of the University's focus on excellence in education, scholarship and community-based service
- GOAL 1 – The program curriculum is continually updated to provide an excellent foundation in the knowledge and skills necessary for successful careers as health administrator and leaders.
- Primary Results
- Students demonstrate the knowledge and skills related to the competencies identified for entry -level positions in health services organizations.
- Students acquire the competencies that are necessary to effectively communicate within health services organization.
- Students demonstrate a commitment to personal and professional growth through participation in student/professional organizations.
- The program recruits well-qualified and diverse students who find employment upon graduation.
- Primary Results
- GOAL 2 – The MHA Program will provide a curriculum known for its commitment to continual assessment and program development
- Primary Results
- The Program assures that students are consistently assessed and advised on their progress toward their mastery of program competencies.
- The program curriculum is current, relevant and include high quality integrative experiences.
- The program utilizes well-prepared faculty and resources who bring diverse perspectives into the classroom.
- Primary Results
- GOAL 3 – Faculty will disseminate new knowledge gained from individual and collaborative research efforts.
- Primary Results
- Program faculty contributes to the knowledge base and development of “best practices” within the health services area by initiation of and participation in health services research.
- Faculty secures funding for teaching and research projects.
- Faculty research is integrated in classroom teaching.
- Primary Results
- GOAL 4 – Faculty provides excellence of service to the community and to the health services discipline.
- Primary Results
- Program faculty serve as a resource within the University community.
- Program faculty serve as a resource within for regional and national health services organizations.
- Primary Results
MHA Program Competencies
On completing the program the students should be able to:
- Listen and understand the ideas and thoughts of others
- Speak clearly and effectively before individuals and groups and use non-verbal forms of communication.
- Communicate clearly and effectively in writing.
- Demonstrate appropriate communication for different audiences and situations.
Interpersonal Effectiveness
- Work collaboratively in a team setting.
- Coach, mentor and support others.
- Establish, build, and maintain relationships with others including those with diverse backgrounds and perspectives.
- Use diplomacy and tact.
Critical Thinking
- View issues from different perspectives and ask the right questions when making decisions.
- Identify and prioritize organizational needs and solutions.
- Use statistical and analytical tools to measure and improve organizational performance.
- Appropriately challenge others viewpoints and perspectives.
Business Analysis and Problem Solving
- Apply economic theory and advanced financial knowledge to decision making.
- Demonstrate strategic thinking skills in planning and evaluation.
- Recognize political and legal implications of actions and decisions.
- Identify and prioritize organizational needs and market imperatives in design and development of business plans for health Programs and services.
- Demonstrate project management skills.
Management and Leadership
- Demonstrate basic leadership skills.
- Know, support and use team development methods.
Professionalism and Ethics
- Articulate, model and reward professional values and ethics.
- Understand, demonstrate and reward cultural sensitivity and competence.
- Demonstrate integrity in dealing with others.
- Establish and maintain professional relationships.
MHA Course Sequences Full & Part-Time
The program offers part-time and full-time students the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills enabling them to obtain entry level administrative and management positions or advance in established careers. Applications for admission are to be submitted to The Graduate School at the 成人AV视频. Questions about the admission process can be directed to The Graduate School Office at the 成人AV视频 (904) 620-1360. Approval for individual course waivers are rare but will be considered on a case-by-case basis. If you believe you have taken a similar graduate-level course, please submit that course’s syllabus to the Director for evaluation and determination.
Full-Time Course Schedule, Fall Admission, 45 Credits
Year 1
Fall Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6114 Health Organization and Delivery M 3 HSA6186 Healthcare Leadership and Organizational Behavior T 3 HSA5177 Health Care Finance R 3 Spring Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6196 Quantitative Analysis Health M 3 HSA6198 Health Information Technology T 3 HSA6149 Health Planning W 3 Summer Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6905 Policy and Law in Health Care M 3 HSA6178 Advance Health Care Finance T 3 HXXXX Graduate Elective Recommended: HSA6515: Practice Management or HSA6958 Study Abroad - Health Administration
n/a 3 Year 2
Fall Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6520 Managerial Epidemiology M 3 HSA6342 Healthcare Human Resources T 3 HSA6435 Health Economics W 3 Spring Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6815 Practicum: Executive Skill Development n/a 3 HSA6188 Capstone: HC Strategic Management R 3 HSA6385 Quality Management in Healthcare M 3 Note:
- Courses offered in the evenings (approximately 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM)
- HSA6958: Study Abroad may be taken as a 3-hour elective
Full-Time Course Schedule, Summer Admission, 45 Credits
Year 1
Summer Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HXXXX Graduate Elective Recommended: HSA6515: Practice Management or HSA6958 Study Abroad - Health Administration
n/a 3 Complete any Pre-requisites if not completed (Principles of Financial Accounting and Statistics) n/a - Fall Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6114 Health Organization and Delivery M 3 HSA6186 Healthcare Leadership and Organizational Behavior T 3 HSA5177 Health Care Finance R 3 Spring Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6196 Quantitative Analysis Health M 3 HSA6198 Health Information Technology T 3 HSA6149 Health Planning W 3 Summer Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6905 Policy and Law in Health Care M 3 HSA6178 Advance Health Care Finance T 3 Year 2
Fall Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6520 Managerial Epidemiology M 3 HSA6342 Healthcare Human Resources T 3 HSA6435 Health Economics W 3 Spring Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6815 Practicum: Executive Skill Development n/a 3 HSA6188 Capstone: HC Strategic Management R 3 HSA6385 Quality Management in Healthcare M 3 Note:
- Courses offered in the evenings (approximately 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM)
- HSA6958: Study Abroad may be taken as a 3-hour elective
Part-Time Course Schedule, Fall Admission, 45 Credits
Year 1
Fall Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6114 Health Organization and Delivery M 3 HSA5177 Health Care Finance R 3 Spring Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6196 Quantitative Analysis Health M 3 HSA6198 Health Information Technology T 3 Summer Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6905 Policy and Law in Health Care M 3 HSA6178 Advance Health Care Finance T 3 Year 2
Fall Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6520 Managerial Epidemiology M 3 HSA6186 Healthcare Leadership and Organizational Behavior T 3 Spring Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6385 Quality Management in Healthcare M 3 HSA6149 Health Planning W 3 Summer Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HXXXX Graduate Elective Recommended: HSA6515: Practice Management or HSA6958 Study Abroad - Health Administration
n/a 3 Year 3
Fall Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6342 Healthcare Human Resources T 3 HSA6435 Health Economics W 3 Spring Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6815 Practicum: Executive Skill Development n/a 3 HSA6188 Capstone: HC Strategic Management R 3 Note:
- Courses offered in the evenings (approximately 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM)
- HSA6958: Study Abroad may be taken as a 3-hour elective
Part-Time Course Schedule, Fall Admission, 45 Credits
Year 1
Fall Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6114 Health Organization and Delivery M 3 HSA5177 Health Care Finance R 3 Spring Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6196 Quantitative Analysis Health M 3 HSA6198 Health Information Technology T 3 Summer Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6905 Policy and Law in Health Care M 3 HSA6178 Advance Health Care Finance T 3 Year 2
Fall Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6520 Managerial Epidemiology M 3 HSA6186 Healthcare Leadership and Organizational Behavior T 3 Spring Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6385 Quality Management in Healthcare M 3 HSA6149 Health Planning W 3 Summer Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HXXXX Graduate Elective Recommended: HSA6515: Practice Management or HSA6958 Study Abroad - Health Administration
n/a 3 Year 3
Fall Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6342 Healthcare Human Resources T 3 HSA6435 Health Economics W 3 Spring Term Course Number and Title Day Credits HSA6815 Practicum: Executive Skill Development n/a 3 HSA6188 Capstone: HC Strategic Management R 3 Note:
- Courses offered in the evenings (approximately 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM)
- HSA6958: Study Abroad may be taken as a 3-hour elective
Earn your MHA and MSHI in 2.5 Years
Year 1
TERM COURSE NUMBER MHA COURSE TITLE DAY CREDITS COURSE NUMBER MSHI COURSE TITLE CREDITS Total Credit Hours Fall Term HSA6114 Health Organization and Delivery M 3 3 Fall Term HSA6186 Healthcare Leadership and Organizational Behavior (substitutes for HSA6512 Leadership and Organizational Behavior in Healthcare Systems) T 3 3 Fall Term HSA5177 Health Care Finance R 3 3 TERM COURSE NUMBER MHA COURSE TITLE DAY CREDITS COURSE NUMBER MSHI COURSE TITLE CREDITS >Total Credit Hours Spring Term HSA6198 Health Information Technology (substitutes for HSA6396: Strategic Planning for Health Information Systems) T 3 3 Spring Term HSA6149 Health Planning (Satisfies both MHA and MSHI requirement) W 3 3 Spring Term HIM6667 Health Informatics and Interoperability 3 3 TERM COURSE NUMBER MHA COURSE TITLE DAY CREDITS COURSE NUMBER MSHI COURSE TITLE CREDITS Total Credit Hours Summer Term HSA6905 Policy and Law in Health Care M 3 3 Summer Term HSA6178 Advance Health Care Finance T 3 3 Summer Term Select from list of electives Elective* (Satisfies for MHA and MHSI Elective) 3 3 Year 2
TERM COURSE NUMBER MHA COURSE TITLE DAY CREDITS COURSE NUMBER MSHI COURSE TITLE CREDITS Total Credit Hours Fall Term HSA6342 Healthcare Human Resources T 3 3 Fall Term HSA6435 Health Economics W 3 3 Fall Term CAP6768 Data Analytics 3 3 TERM COURSE NUMBER MHA COURSE TITLE DAY CREDITS COURSE NUMBER MSHI COURSE TITLE CREDITS Total Credit Hours Spring Term HSA6385 Quality Management in Healthcare M 3 3 Spring Term HSA6815 Practicum: Executive Skill Development 3 3 Spring Term HSA6188 Capstone: HC Strategic Management R 3 3 TERM COURSE NUMBER MHA COURSE TITLE DAY CREDITS COURSE NUMBER MSHI COURSE TITLE CREDITS Total Credit Hours Summer Term HIM6121 Health Information Regulatory Compliance 3 3 Summer Term HSA6386 Population Health for Administrators (Satisfies HSA6520 Managerial Epidemiology) 3 3 Year 3
TERM COURSE NUMBER MHA COURSE TITLE DAY CREDITS COURSE NUMBER MSHI COURSE TITLE CREDITS Total Credit Hours Fall Term HIM6122 Clinical Systems Analysis and Decision Support 3 3 Fall Term HSA6327 Healthcare Revenue Management 3 3 Fall Term ECO6415 Making Decisions with Data (Substitute for HSA6196: Quantitative Analysis Health and MSHI Elective) 3 3 Total Credits 36 24 60 *Electives Options
- Clinical Workflow Design – HIM6123
- Data Mining – CAP6777
- User Experience Design – CAP6100
- Making Decisions with Data – ECO6415
- Applications of Business Analytics – ISM6404
- Independent Study in HI – HIM6908
Earn your MHA and MBA in 3 Years
成人AV视频 students accepted to the MHA program have the opportunity to also earn their MBA simultaneously.
Completion Timeline: 3 Years attending Full-Time, Fall Admission
Admissions: Students must apply and be accepted to both programs
Estimated Total Hours: Approx. 77Recommended Course Sequence
Full-Time Students MHA/MBA (Year 1) Fall 1 Spring 1 Summer 1 HSA 6114: Health Organization and Delivery (M) (3) HSA 6149: Health Planning (Typically used for the MBA Elective) (W) (3) HSA 6905: Policy and Law in Health Care (M) (3) HSA 6186: Healthcare Leadership and Organizational Behavior (Typically used as a substitute for your MBA Elective) (T) (3) HSA 6198: Health Information Technology (Typically used as a substitute for ISM6021: Management of Information Technology) (T) (3) HSA 6178: Advanced Health Care Finance (T) (3) HSA 5177: Health Care Finance (R) (3) ECO 6415: Making Decisions with Data (Can use as a substitute for HSA6196: Quantitative Analysis Health) (3) - Full-Time Students MHA/MBA (Year 2) Fall 2 Spring 2 Summer 2 ACG 6305 Management Accounting (3) HSA 6385: Quality Management in Healthcare (M) (3) MAN 6726: Advanced Strategic Management (3) HSA 6520: Managerial Epidemiology (M) (3) MAR 6805: Marketing Strategy (3) MAN 6501: Modeling/Management Operations (Can use this as Your HSA Elective) (3) EPC 6705: Economics of Business Decision (Can use this as a substitute for HSA6435: Health Economics) (3) - - ECO 6060: Economic Analysis - - Full-Time Students MHA/MBA (Year 3) Fall 3 Spring 3 HSA 6342: Healthcare Human Resources (Typically used for your MBA Elective) (T) (3) HSA 6188: Capstone: HC Strategic Management (R) (3) ECO 2013: Principles of Macroeconomics (3) HSA 6815: Practicum: Executive Skill Management (3) FIN 6406: Advanced Financial Management (3) MAN 6XXX: Management Leadership Note:
- Courses offered in the evenings (approximately 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.).
- HSA 6958: Study Abroad may be taken as a 3-hour elective.
* The 成人AV视频 MBA Program is separate and independent from the 成人AV视频 MHA Program. The MBA Program can change its requirements at any time.
Scholarship Opportunities
The MHA Program provides the following scholarship opportunity resources:
Graduate and Alumni Job Placement and Salary Data
成人AV视频's Master of Health Administration program is accredited by the .
Completion/Employment Rates Year Completion Rate Employment Rate 2024 100% 96% 2023 100% 95% 2022 91% 98% 2021 100% 91% 2020 92% 100% *Employment rate is at graduation.
3 years after graduation, the salary and benefits ranges for students graduating in 2021 were:
30% reported earning more than $100,000
30% reported earning between $80,000-$99,999
35% reported earning between $60,000-$79,999
5% reported earning between $50,000-$59,999
0% reported earning less than $49,999
1 year after graduation, the salary and benefits ranges in 2023 were as follows:
0% reported earning more than $100,000
20% reported earning between $80,000-$99,999
38% reported earning between $60,000-$79,999
24% reported earning between $50,000-$59,999
18% reported earning less than $49,999
The salary ranges for students graduating in 2024 were:
0% reported earning more than $100,000
8% reported earning between $80,000-$99,999
13% reported earning between $60,000-$79,999
22% reported earning between $50,000-$59,999
56% reported earning less than $49,999
Employment Settings of 2024 Program Graduates at Time of Graduation Position # Graduates 2023-2024 Pursuing other graduate degree - Post-Graduate Fellowship 3 Hospital/Health System 8 Physician Practice 5 Military Health System or Veterans Health Administration 3 Long-Term Care Facility - Consulting - Insurance/HMO 1 Pharmaceutical/Biotech/Medical Device Company - Employed outside Healthcare 3 Other 1 TOTAL PLACED 24 Positions Currently Held by Recent Program Graduates Positions by Type 2023 Graduates 2021 Graduates Upper Management 0% 28% Middle Management 43% 40% Entry Level 47% 20% Business Owner 0% 4% Other 10% 8% Total 100% 100% -
MHA Information Sessions
View our . -
status recognizes that the 成人AV视频’s MHA program — in addition to achieving the high standards of CAHME accreditation — engages in activities that help to extend CAHME’s mission of advancing the quality of graduate healthcare management education. Mentorship Circle status recognizes that the program provides opportunities to other students and other programs to advance their own experiences and skills — for the good of the entire healthcare field.
Additional Program Information
Student Testimonials
Student Testimonials The 成人AV视频 MHA program has served as the ideal environment to develop skills related to the world of healthcare administration by utilizing instructors with a wealth of knowledge and insight in many areas paired with engaging coursework. This program has provided me the opportunity to increase my professional network and guide me towards the best path to becoming a leader in today's society. - Chandler M. When researching MHA programs, I was looking for a CAHME accredited program and opportunities to enhance my leadership skills. The MHA program at 成人AV视频 has surpassed my personal standards with their small class sizes allowing me to connect with my peers, faculty who are integrated in many of the local healthcare organizations, and leadership involvement in student organizations. These characteristics of the MHA program create a dynamic environment for learning and real-world application that I will take with me throughout my career. - Haley W. The 成人AV视频 MHA program is comprised of outstanding professors who care about each and every student, structured coursework that aligns with what is occurring in the healthcare industry today, and endless opportunities to grow as a student and professional. I am extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to attend such an exceptional program that has provided me the skills and confidence to be an effective healthcare leader. - Stephanie C. The 成人AV视频 MHA program has allowed me to apply knowledge learned during convenient night classes to my full-time job at Baptist Health. It also has given me the opportunity to develop leadership skills through student organizations, such as the Health Administration Student Organization. 成人AV视频's strategic position in Jacksonville's healthcare community has not only connected me to my current employer, it also continues to connect me with professionals from acute care, post-acute care, payer, consulting, and academic settings. As a lifetime learner, the opportunities for professional and personal growth are bountiful. - David D. This program has granted me experience I never expected, including the opportunity to work in multiple healthcare organizations across the city, the opportunity to publish a research article, and the opportunity to serve as the team captain for a national health administration competition. My experience will not be the same without the generous support from my peers and the faculty of this program. - Yi W. -
MHA Faculty Profiles
Meet our Health Administration faculty.
Contact the Program Director
Dr. Jasper Xu
Associate Professor
*All Program Application Documents should be sent to: