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Brooks College of Health

Kinesiology Admission Freshman

Launch Your Kinesiology Career: Join 成人AV视频's Freshman Admit Cohort 

The Department of Clinical and Applied Movement Sciences offers a Kinesiology Admission Freshman (KAF) concentration for first-time college students and offers fall admission annually. The program is cohort-based, and each cohort has 24 seats. Once admitted into the KFA cohort, progression is according to a specific course sequence. This concentration culminates in a Bachelor of Science in Health (B.S.H.) degree. Of major concern to society is the health and well-being of its citizens.

two kinesiology students smiling. one standing, one sitting

Well-Rounded Curriculum

Kinesiology students who wish to continue their academic studies will benefit from a well-rounded curriculum designed to prepare students for admission into graduate programs in the field of Kinesiology or other Health Care professions. The Kinesiology curriculum provides a strong foundation for students interested in a variety of graduate programs, including Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Athletic Training, Chiropractic, Medicine, Physician’s Assistant, Sports Psychology, and Pharmacy.

Kinesiology students who seek employment after receiving the undergraduate degree are successful in 4 distinct areas of employment:
  1. Clinical Exercise Physiology: health care-based positions that incorporate exercise testing, prescription, and supervision for a wide spectrum of patients such as cardiac rehabilitation, elderly care, and weight management.
  2. Fitness/Recreation field: positions in personal training, fitness instruction, corporate wellness, wellness coach, and recreation.
  3. Human Performance: strength coach, performance coach, and athletic exercise testing.
  4. Other Related fields: medical supply reps (pacemakers, artificial joints, medical instruments) and pharmaceutical representatives.

Enrollment Requirements

  • Completion of Kinesiology program in four (4) years with a summer graduation.
  • Starting the first fall semester at 成人AV视频, KAF students take one (1) kinesiology course every semester except the first summer semester. They will be fully enrolled in kinesiology courses from their junior year forward. 
  • All BSH-KAF program prerequisites, General Education and Gordon Rule courses must be completed by the end of sophomore year/summer semester.
  • Admitted BSH-KAF students must attain college overall GPA and BSH program prerequisite GPA of greater than 2.75 at the end of the Sophomore Year Summer Semester to remain in the BSH-Kinesiology Admit Freshman cohort. BSH program prerequisites are noted with *
  • Once the junior year coursework has begun, all Kinesiology major courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better to progress.

Program of Study


graduation cap surrounded by leaves icon

Financial Aid

hand holding a coin

Academic Calendar

graphic calendar

  • Sequencing Guide

    Kinesiology Program Sequencing Guide for Admitted Kinesiology students 

    This is a recommended sequencing guide based upon projected course availability. It is subject to change and should not be considered a contract between the student and the Department of Clinical and Applied Movement Sciences. 

    Course Sequence

    Freshman Year - Fall (16 Credit Hours)
    Course Title
    CourseHSC 2619 TitleIntro to Exercise Science (3)
    CourseENC 1101 TitleIntro to Rhetoric & Writing (3)
    CourseBSC 1010C TitleGeneral Biology I with Lab (4)
    CourseMAC 1105* TitleCollege Algebra (3)
    CourseHUN 2201* TitleHuman Nutrition (3)


    Freshman Year - Spring (16 Credit Hours)
    Course Title
    CourseHSC 3537 TitleMedical Terminology (3)
    CourseBSC 2085C* TitleHuman Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab (4)
    CourseCHM 1025/1025L TitleIntro to Chemistry with Lab (3)
    CourseIDS 1932 TitleFirst-Year IDS Writing Seminar (3)
    CoursePSY 2012* TitleIntroduction to Psychology (3)


    Freshman Year - Summer (4 Credit Hours)
    Course Title
    CourseCHM 2045/2045L* TitleGeneral Chemistry I with Lab (4)


    Sophomore Year - Fall (15 Credit Hours)
    Course Title
    CourseATR 2000C TitleIntro to Sports Medicine (2)
    CourseBSC 2086C* TitleHuman Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab (4)
    CourseSTA 2023* TitleElementary Statistics - Business (3)
    CourseSPC 2608* TitleFundamentals of Speech (3)
    CourseENC 2XXX TitleGeneral Education English at 2000 level (3)


    Sophomore Year - Spring (12 Credit Hours)
    Course Title
    CoursePET 3324C TitleGross Anatomy for Healthcare Professionals (3)
    CoursePOS 2041 TitleIntro to American Government (or AMH 2020) (3)
    CourseGeneral Ed TitleHumanities/Gordon Rule Writing (3)
    CourseGeneral Ed TitleAdditional Humanities Course (3)


    Junior Year - Fall (9 Credit Hours)
    Course Title
    CourseHSC 4612 TitleExercise Physiology for Health Science (3)
    CourseHSC 4615L TitleLab Methods: Exercise Physiology (3)
    CourseATR 4610 TitleResearch in Sports Medicine (3)


    Junior Year - Spring (12 Credit Hours)
    Course Title
    CourseHSC 4549 TitleAdv. Exercise Physiology for Health Science (3)
    CourseAPK 4125 TitleExercise Prescription (3)
    CoursePET 4550 TitlePhysical Fitness Assessment/Prescription (3)
    CoursePET 3310 TitleKinesiology (3)


    Junior Year - Summer (6 Credit Hours)
    Course Title
    CourseAPK 4101 TitleSkeletal Muscle Structure and Function (3)
    CourseAPK 3091 TitleLeadership/Professionalism in Kinesiology (3)


    Senior Year - Fall (12 Credit Hours)
    Course Title
    CourseHSC 3553 TitlePathophysiology (3)
    CoursePSY 3832 TitlePsychology of Sport (3)
    CoursePET 3080 TitlePhysical Activity and Epidemiology (3)
    CourseAPK 4165 TitleBioenergetics (3)


    Senior Year - Spring (12 Credit Hours)
    Course Title
    CourseAPK 4120C TitleClinical Exercise Physiology (3)
    CourseAPK 4405 TitleExercise Psychology (3)
    CoursePEP 4135 TitlePrinciples in Strength/Conditioning (3)
    CoursePET 4943 TitlePre-Internship in Kinesiology (3)


    Senior Year - Summer (6 Credit Hours)
    Course Title
    CoursePET 4942 TitleInternship in Kinesiology (6)


    Admitted BSH-KAF students must attain college overall GPA and BSH program prerequisite GPA of greater than 2.75 at the end of the Sophomore Year Summer Semester to remain in the BSH-KAF cohort. BSH program prerequisites are noted with *

  • What does the program cost?
    Tuition, fees, and textbooks make up most of the costs to students. Detailed information regarding tuition and all general fees can be found on the 成人AV视频 Tuition website.
  • Admission Requirements
    We currently offer approximately 24 BSH-KAF seats each fall (August).
    Because grades are a predictor of success in the program as well as on the national certification exams, they play an important role in the admissions process. One's weighted high school cumulative GPA is used as part of the admission process as a Pre-kinesiology student at 成人AV视频. The pre-kinesiology designation now requires a minimum 3.80 weighted high school cumulative GPA to be admitted. For KAF consideration above and beyond standard pre-kinesiology admission, one's high school science GPA as well as SAT and/or ACT scores are used to qualify candidates for a potential admission offer. Additionally, applicants may be asked to submit documentation beyond the minimum requirements to assist in the selection process. Letters of recommendation and resumes are neither requested nor encouraged.
    Freshman admission requirements for the university are located at /admissions/freshman.html. Consideration for the KAF track currently requires:
    1. Admission to 成人AV视频 as a pre-kinesiology major for the fall semester;
    2. Combined ACT minimum score of 21 or combined SAT minimum score of 1080; or Classic Learning Test (CLT) of 76
    3. Minimum 4.00 weighted high school GPA; and,
    4. Minimum 4.00 weighted high school science GPA.*
    *Completion of admission requirements does not guarantee admission to the program. Admission offers for this program are handled at the university level; the university will release the first batch of Fall 2025 decisions on or around November 14, 2024, and offer rolling admission notices after this date.
  • Program Outcomes

    The 成人AV视频 Bachelor of Science in Health, Kinesiology concentration is accredited from the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) and the Committee on Accreditation for the Exercise Sciences (CoAES). Under this accreditation, Program Outcomes are collected and reported on student success and achievement. These surveyed outcomes include the following: 

    Graduates employed in a Kinesiology related field upon graduation or admitted to a higher-level degree program (5-year average) – 92% 

    Graduate satisfaction with Program curriculum, Faculty, and internship experiences (5-year average) – 95%

  • Background Checks

    A background check will be required of all students both undergraduate and graduate, who will be participating in field experiences as part of their educational program. The background check will be required prior to the field experience. These field experiences include, but are not necessarily limited to: internships, clinical experiences, or other types of experiential learning either directly involving or in agencies serving children, the elderly, patients, or other vulnerable populations. In addition, students interested in enrolling in programs that do not require these experiences during the undergraduate program, but whose programs lead to licensing/certification examinations and/or post-graduate internships that would require a background check prior to the examination or post-graduate internship should also be aware of the information below.

    The background check shall be completed:

    1. annually for students in programs including these types of experiences each year of the program of study;
    2. in the semester immediately preceding the experience for students in those programs including these experiences as a final or capstone experience.

    NOTE: To meet Brooks College's contractual obligation to the agencies in which students are placed, the background check must be done through a vendor sanctioned by the College and using the application format for the students' particular program.

    The mechanism for obtaining the background check will be explained by faculty/program leader/coordinator at the time the check is required.

    Information revealed by a background check may:

    1. preclude participation in required field experiences. Inability to participate in required field experiences will jeopardize successful completion of the program.
    2. jeopardize sitting for required post-graduate national examinations for licensure and/or certification and/or post-graduate internships.

    Students with questions regarding what may appear on their background check, should contact the Chair of the Department/School housing the program in which they want to enroll, prior to enrollment.

  • Honors in the Major in Kinesiology

    Requirements for Admission

    • Completion of at least 60 credit hours of college credit including at last 12 graded upper-division hours at 成人AV视频
    • At least 3.5 GPA within the major
    • At least 3.2 GPA in all upper-division courses regardless of institution. 
    • Honors in the Major in Kinesiology is awarded upon completion of the followings: 
    • 3-6 credits of Directed Independent Studies Research as determined by the student's honors thesis advisor 
    Honors in Major Kinesiology (9 credits)
    • 3-12 credits of an advanced Honors Thesis or Project works taken in Kinesiology
    • In addition, the Program Director may (but not required to) ask students to also complete IDH3922 Thesis Research Prospectus Colloquium (1 credit) and/or IDH3920 Thesis Symposium Colloquium (1 credit). The honor credits will satisfy the Kinesiology major electives and may be used in place of Internship.

    **Only one student per faculty member will be able to complete the Honors in the Kinesiology Major**

    Benefits for Completing the Honors in Kinesiology

    • Undergraduate research
    • Mentorship
    • Graduate School Preparation

Contact the Program Director

headshot of m ryan richardson


Director, Undergraduate Kinesiology Program, Assistant Professor
Department of Clinical & Applied Movement Sciences
Phone: 904-620-5068
Email: m.richardson@unf.edu

To request a copy of the student handbook please email m.richardson@unf.edu