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University Police Department

Safety Ranger Unit (Call for a Ride)

The Safety Ranger Unit was created and implemented by the department to enhance security on campus. The unit is typically comprised of part-time safety rangers, who are primarily responsible for patrolling the parking lots and the library at night. The safety rangers also assist police officers in traffic control, working events on campus and test all emergency phones on campus to ensure they can connect to the Police Communication Center.

While safety rangers are not police officers and cannot write state citations, they do wear uniforms to clearly identify themselves as members of the UPD and are equipped with bikes, police radios and reflective gear. Safety Rangers have successfully passed a background check, and are trained in UPD rules and regulations.

Anyone who feels uncomfortable walking to their car or another building on campus for any reason can call the UPD at 904-620-2800 for a safety ranger or police officer.