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Faculty Association

Academic Programs Committee (APC)

The Academic Programs Committee (APC) reviews curricular proposals for the creation, deletion, or modification of academic programs and courses. In their review of curricular proposals, members of the committee determine (1) whether the degree program or course is academically appropriate in a particular college or department, (2) whether there is overlap, repetition, or redundancy in the creation of new degree programs or courses, and (3) whether all relevant parties have been consulted and had the chance to review the proposal. 

APC Committee Members for 2023-2024

Chair: Sherry Pinkstaff, Brooks College of Health, Physical Therapy 

APC Committee Roster

APC Schedule for 2024-2025

Submitting New Degree Proposals – Effective Fall 2021

Effective Fall 2021, New Degree Proposals will be submitted to APC in a single-pass through the Faculty Association. Please use the document below for instructions on how to submit a New-Degree Program using the APC Workflow System.

Submitting New Credit-Bearing Certificate Programs

Programs wishing to implement a new credit-bearing certificate program need  to complete and include a “New Credit-Bearing Certificate Proposal” as part of their APC request.  The certificate proposal document can be added to an APC as a file in the Program Impact Section.

Submitting Requests to the APC 

The Faculty Association recommends that you consult the following documents before starting an APC Workflow system request.  These documents are designed to help you navigate the system and address each topic the system requires.  If you have any question about any step of the process, please contact the APC Chair, or the chair of the your College Curriculum Committee. 


APC requests are made through the  

The following course-related changes do not require an APC (contact the registrar’s office for assistance with these changes):

  • Number of times a course can be repeated/repeat hours (only for courses that are already listed as repeatable in the catalog, changing an existing course that is not repeatable to repeatable requires an APC)
  • Abbreviated Title (as long as the words used are contained in the long title)
  • Grade Mode (change from pass/fail to grade or vice versa)
  • Schedule Type/Instructional Method
  • Course attributes (e.g. Gordon Writing) –but do need approval from appropriate committee/authority
  • Grammatical changes to course description
  • Correction of typographical errors
  • Adding information to course description to indicate the course is repeatable, when it is available, or course fee statement
  • Registration Restrictions
  • Effective Term

The following Program of Study (POS) changes do not require an APC (contact Chadwick Lockley to request the change): 

  • Correction of typographical / grammatical errors in the POS  
  • Changing the semester in which a course is offered (or course sequence) if no other changes are being made (i.e. no prerequisite changes etc.) 
  • Updating the title of a course in the POS if the change to course title was made through APC by a different department

  • Updating a course number in the POS if the change to course number was made either through APC by a different department or by the State of Florida Course Numbering System

  • Updating informational information on the POS that does not involve any changes to the curriculum (e.g. changing contact information of a Program Director)

Additional Resources

Statewide Course Number System Resource
Definition of a "Credit Hour"