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John A. Delaney Student Union
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Web App User Guide How to submit Student Union space reservations


What's the difference between a "reservation" and a "booking?" A Reservation consists of one or more Bookings. That's it.

Every booking belongs to a reservation. Web App lets you have multiple bookings under a single reservation. When you have multiple bookings in a reservation, each booking can be independent of the other, such as reserving a set of rooms for an event, or can be a series of bookings under a recurring reservation.

Each booking can contain multiple Booking Details, which are the resources and services required to support the booking, such as equipment and audiovisual (A/V).

reservation hierarchy graphic with bookings and booking details

Reservations: Who and What

A reservation is the "who and what" of an event.

For example, the Skydiving Club (the who) may reserve space for a General Body Meeting (the what). Each reservation has a unique ID number to identify it.

Bookings: Where and When

A booking is the "where and when" of an event.

For example, the Osprey Involvement Center schedules a conference room (the where) for a club officer meeting on the second Monday in January (the when). The Osprey Involvement Center now has a single reservation with a single booking in Web App. If, however, they schedule the conference room (the where) for a staff meeting on the second Monday of each month for a semester (the when), then the group now has a single reservation with 12 bookings.

Booking Details

A booking can have one or more booking details associated with it. Booking details are the resources (items for the meeting), services (people and their activities), activities, room charges, or any combination of these.

For example, for the Osprey Involvement Center club officer meeting, the resources could include tables, chairs, and A/V equipment, a craft/messy activity, plus the services of a dedicated Student Union staff member to run the technology, and so on.  

Signing In

Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Internet Explorer are preferred. Web App is not smart phone compatible; please use a computer or tablet.

NOTE: An active Web App account is required. Follow the instructions for requesting a new account if you do not yet have one.

  1. Go to Make a Reservation Request.
  2. Click the Web App Login button for your user type.
  3. The Web App Sign In page will display.
  4. Log in according to your user type:
    • 成人AV视频 students, faculty, and staff – Click the Login via 成人AV视频 SSO button and follow the Microsoft Teams Authenticator prompts.
      • Your log in is your 成人AV视频 email address and MyWings password. Example: N0123456@unf.edu.
      • Tip: You may request to have Web App communications sent to any email address; however, you will always log in with your 成人AV视频 email.
    • External users – Enter your email address and the password you selected when you created your account in the fields at the bottom of the page, then click Sign In.
  5. After logging in, MY HOME will display, which offers options for creating reservations, viewing events, and helpful links.

Signing Out

  1. To log out, click the drop-down arrow under your name in the upper-right corner.
  2. Click Sign Out.

Starting a New Request

  1. Begin a new request by clicking CREATE A RESERVATION (on the left menu), or the MY HOME tab (at the top).Create a reservation and my home button locations
  2. Review the options available in My Reservation Templates. Follow the guidance below to determine which template must be selected.
    • If you select the incorrect template, the request may be cancelled and you will have to resubmit using the correct template.
    • Make sure you understand whether the activity you are requesting qualifies as a Meeting, an Event, a Complex Event, or Tabling. Review the Reservation Type definitions for guidance.
      • 成人AV视频 Student Organizations requesting meeting space must use the templates labeled "WEEKDAY EVENING" or "DAYTIME/WEEKEND" as appropriate. Review the Meeting Time Block guidelines, under the Meeting Time Blocks tab, for assistance.
      • Complex Event information is available in Student Union Policies and Procedures. These require more lead time and therefore have an advance request deadline.
        • Complex Events include, but are not limited to: events with security, third-party vendor contracts, high attendance, non-standard hours, liability releases, work orders, special staffing requests, walks/5ks, sound.
    • If you have access to more than one organization type in Web App, be sure to select the template labeled appropriately for your request. Not all templates are available to every organization type.
      • Key: 
        • R = 成人AV视频 Registered Student Organization (RSO) recognized by the Osprey Involvement Center; Student Government branches, agencies, and commissions
        • G = 成人AV视频 Greek organization recognized by the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life
        • D = 成人AV视频 Department
        • Ext Tax = External Taxable Group
        • Ext TE = External Tax-Exempt Group
      • Reservation Template Guidance
        Event type Template When to use Organization types
        Complex Event Complex Event

        Events that include components requiring sufficient lead time, including, but not limited to:

        Meeting Medium Meeting Room WEEKDAY EVENING RSO and Greek meetings Monday – Friday in the evenings. Student Organizations
        Meeting Medium Meeting Room DAYTIME/ WEEKEND RSO and Greek meetings or events in the Medium Meeting Rooms during the daytime Monday – Friday, or anytime on a Saturday or Sunday. Student Organizations
        Meeting Small Meeting Room WEEKDAY EVENING RSO and Greek meetings Monday – Friday in the evenings. Student Organizations
        Meeting Small Meeting Room DAYTIME/ WEEKEND RSO and Greek meetings or events in the Small Meeting Rooms during the daytime Monday – Friday, or anytime on a Saturday or Sunday. Student Organizations
        Meeting or Event Small Meeting Room Non-complex meetings or events in the Small Meeting Rooms. Departments, External Groups
        Meeting or Event Medium/Large Indoor Room Non-complex meetings or events in the Ballroom or Medium Meeting Rooms. Departments, External Groups
        Event Ballroom Event – Non-Complex Non-complex meetings or events in the Ballroom. Do not use for Student Organization meetings. Student Organizations
        Event Outdoor Event Space Non-complex events in an outdoor space. All
        Event Multiple Spaces Non-complex events requiring more than one type of space. For example, Osprey Plaza and a Small Meeting Room; or the Ballroom and Medium Meeting Rooms. Do not use for Student Organization meetings. All
        Tabling Tabling Informational table reservations outdoors. All
        Market Day Market Day Wednesday Participation in the Market Day vendor program. All
  3. Click the book now button (on the right) next to the chosen reservation template.
  4. Next, the Create a Reservation screen appears, where Web App will lead you through the request process. 

Choosing the Date and Times (Tab 1)

To specify When, select dates, times, and recurrence (optional) for the reservation in the upper left panel. 

location of calendar, recurrence, today's date, and earliest booking date on webpage










  1. Click the Calendar icon to search for the date you want.
  2. Today’s date will be flagged by a blue triangle icon.
  3. The selected date will automatically default to the earliest date that you are permitted to book space, according to the request deadlines which vary by type of space.
  4. Click the Recurrence button to choose multiple dates (e.g., a weekly club meeting).
  5. Enter the preferred Start Time and End Time of the meeting, event, or tabling activity.
    • Do not include any any setup or cleanup time; you will enter that information later.
    • All Market Day reservations must start at 10:00 AM and end at 1:00 PM.
    • Student Organization meeting Start and End Times must match the established Meeting Time Block windows on weekday evening requests.
      screenshot of Start Time and End Time fields
  6. Click the Search button. Available rooms will appear in the List View.
  7. If the search does not return any results, adjust the Date, Start Time, and/or End Time and search again.
    • If times outside of the permitted reservation hours are selected, the search will not return any results.
    • Click the Schedule view to see building hours on the date in question. Grayed-out times are labeled “Closed.”
    • Schedule View is not available when a Recurrence pattern is selected.
    • If you wish to request to extend building hours for your event, choose times within existing building hours for now. On the Reservation Details tab, you will be able to enter your requested times. Requests are subject to approval. Schedule view showing building closure periods

Each room has internal setup and teardown time parameters designated for Student Union staff to setup the space. You may need to adjust the Start Time and End Time to account for these windows on the front and back end of the bookings:
  • 0 minutes for Tabling (except in Osprey Plaza)
  • 30 minutes for Small Meeting Rooms and Osprey Plaza tabling
  • 60 minutes for Medium Meeting Rooms, Amphitheater, Green, and Osprey Plaza events
  • 90 minutes for Ballroom
  • 15 minutes for Student Organization Meeting Time Blocks (weekday evenings)

Choosing the Location (Tab 1)

Under the Rooms You Can Request section, available rooms will show, along with the building, floor, maximum capacity, and price estimate.

Rooms you can request example webpage

Click the name of any room to view detailed information such as the room description, floor, features, and images.Example of room details information page, with setup types, features, images, and availability

  1. Once you have located a room to request, click the Add (+) icon to add the booking to your cart. You can delete or change the room before finalizing the Reservation.Screenshot of Add Rooms buttons on left side of website
  2. A new window will appear.
    • For No. of Attendees, enter the total number of people needing to be seated at any given time - not the total expected attendance.
    • Choose the Setup Type that best matches the configuration you need.
    • Only setups that are possible in this particular room will display.screenshot of Attendance & Setup Type page
  3. Click Add Room.
  4. If you need additional rooms on the same date, add those rooms to the request now in the same manner.
  5. If you need additional rooms on different dates, go back to the Date & Time section and edit as needed, then add room(s). Repeat for as many dates as desired.
    • Do not submit separate reservations for recurring meetings, events, or tabling dates/locations. Add all needed bookings to this same reservation.
  6. Click Next Step in the upper-right corner. 

Choosing Services (Tab 2)

Under the Services tab in the Create Reservation screen, specify any items you want to add to the request. Services include equipment, A/V, activities, special staffing, and any other available “add-ons” you want to associate with the room.

Student Organizations requesting weekday evening reservations will have the included equipment and audiovisual packages added. No additional Services can be added.

If unsure of the quantity or type of tables and chairs needed, you can leave them off at this time. Setup requests can be described later in the Reservation Details tab. Student Union staff can add necessary items, pending availability, when reviewing the request.

  1. Click an item you would like to add to the reservation. If you have no items to add, click Next Step to skip.screenshot of Services tab showing available resources
  2. A new window will appear. If the item is a package, the individual components will be listed.screenshot of Basic A/V package showing included equipment
  3. Choose the quantity of the item needed. In the Special Instructions box, enter any pertinent information requested.screenshot of cocktail table resource with special instructions
  4. Click OK to add the item.
  5. When all desired items are added, click Next Step in the upper right corner. 

Finalizing Reservation Details (Tab 3)

The Reservation Details tab asks for additional information about your request. You may click the question mark icons for additional information.

  1. Enter required information for each section.
    • Event Details:
      • Enter an Event Name. This name appears on public schedules and room cards.
      • Choose the Event Type that best describes the nature of the reservation.screenshot of reservation details webpage with question marks
    • User Details:
      • Choose the User (organization, department, group, or business) for which you are requesting space. Click the magnifying glass to search. If your User is not listed, contact su.reservations@unf.edu before proceeding.
      • The 1st Contact must be you.
      • The 2nd Contact is an alternate person who is authorized to make changes to the reservation.
        • For 成人AV视频 Student Organizations this must be your group's advisor listed with the OIC, OFSL, or SG. It cannot be another student member or advisor.
        • For 成人AV视频 Departments and External Groups are strongly recommended, but not required. screenshot of user details fields
    • Attachments:
      • Upload any relevant documentation, for example, a desired layout sketch, agenda or program, liability insurance, certificate of exemption, etc.
    • Additional Information:
      • Answer all required questions. This is where you should specify any additional details for your request not captured in the previous tabs or questions.screenshot of Additional Information fields
  2. When all fields are complete, click the Terms and Conditions link. Review the important information and policies you are agreeing to.
  3. Click Close.
  4. Check the box for "I have read the Terms and Conditions."
  5. Click Create Reservation to submit. A message will appear validating that the request was successfully created. screenshot of Edit this Reservation link on webpage
  6. You will receive a Request Summary email. This is not a confirmation that your reservation is approved, only that your request was received.
  7. The Student Union will review the request and contact you with next steps. This includes providing any additional requested information, payment, liability insurance, as well as signing and returning the Facilities Use Agreement.

Editing a Request

Only certain details may be edited in Web App once a reservation has been moved by Student Union staff out of Requested or External Review status. If the below steps do not work for you, please contact su.reservations@unf.edu for assistance changing the request details.

There are two ways to edit an existing reservation request.

  1. Immediately after clicking Create Reservation, click the Edit this reservation link. This will allow you to:
    • Add additional bookings (i.e., rooms and dates)
    • Add equipment, A/V, or services to your bookings
    • Change the Reservation Details previously entered (e.g., Event Name, Contacts, and Additional Information)
    • Adjust the times and dates of your bookings
    • Cancel a booking or the entire reservation
    • View a Reservation Summaryscreenshot of Edit this reservation link on webpage
  2. On the left-hand menu, click MY EVENTS. screenshot of my events link
    • Find the reservation in the list and click the name.screenshot of my reservations list 
    • In the Reservation Details tab, click Edit Reservation Details to change the User, Event Name, Event Type, etc.
    • In the Reservation Tasks section:
      • Click Add Services to add equipment, A/V, personnel, or activities.
      • Click Booking Tools to change the date or time of bookings.
      • Click Cancel Reservation, to cancel the entire reservation request.
    • screenshot of edit reservation details webpageIn the Bookings section:
      • Click the red Minus icon (-) to cancel a single booking under the Reservation.
      • Click the blue pencil icon to edit exiting Services for a booking.
      • Click New Booking to add more dates and rooms to the reservation.
      • Update the Attendance or Setup Type fields for bookings.screenshot of new booking and cancel booking links

Viewing the Status of a Request

  1. To view the status of a request, go to MY EVENTS.screenshot of my events link
  2. A list of upcoming Reservations assigned to your Web App Everyday User Account will show.
    • You will not be able to view any of your organization's reservations that are assigned to other people's accounts. screenshot of my reservations list
  3. Review the Status column to see the current status of the request.
    • Bookings that have Requested (To Be Approved), Shared Space Requested, or External Review are awaiting initial review by the Student Union Administration staff. 
    • Once a request has been initially processed it will receive Tentative or Tentative Shared Space status. 
      • You should receive communication in the near future regarding next steps for confirming the event, including additional requirements, fees, payment instructions, and the Facilities Use Agreement.screenshot of reservation status list

Canceling a Reservation or Booking

Cancellations may be made in Web App up until the established cancellation deadline for the type of reservation. 
  1. To cancel a Reservation or Booking, go to MY EVENTS.screenshot of my events link
  2. A list of upcoming Reservations assigned to your Web App Everyday User Account will show.
    • You will not be able to view any of your organization's reservations that are assigned to other people's accounts.screenshot of my reservations list
  3. Click the name of the Reservation.
  4. To cancel the entire Reservation, under Reservation Tasks, click Cancel Reservation. All associated bookings will be cancelled as well.screenshot of cancel reservation link
  5. To cancel individual bookings on a reservation, without canceling the entire reservation, scroll down to the Bookings section. Click the Minus icon (-) next to the booking(s) you wish to cancel. screenshot of cancel booking links