Mochiatsu Donuts

St Augustine is welcoming a new business, get ready for some fun and unique Korean food!
Linda Zhou, along with her son and nephew, were visiting Pennsylvania when the kids wanted donuts. The store they visited was a Mochiatsu donut store and both boys thought the donuts were so good and different than anything they had ever had. They kept talking about the donuts and Linda decided to talk to the franchise about getting a store herself. The franchise listened to Linda’s story about how this would be a great fit for St Augustine. After visiting the area, she was approved for a franchise. Linda started the franchise adventure in January by getting a location and equipment.
Linda had heard about the Small Business Development Center and reached out to Marge Cirillo, Senior Consultant in St. Johns County to assist with some marketing ideas. After meeting with Marge for several months, Linda updated her marketing strategy to go beyond the franchisor's resources. Marge assisted with the ribbon cutting and invitations and marketing to local officials and businesses. She also encouraged Linda to network with the local business community to help get the word out about her shop. Last month, Mochiatsu celebrated its grand opening with a successful ribbon cutting, attended by friends, family, and several St. Johns County Commissioners!
Mochiatsu Donuts are known for their variety of fluffy mochi donuts, Korean hotdogs, and Boba tea. They are located at 1000-05 Ponce De Leon Blvd. in the Metro Diner Plaza.
"I am very grateful for all the help received from Marge and I think every business owner and prospective business should use the services of the Small Business Development Center."
Linda Zhou - Owner,