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Regulations and Policies

Regulations & Policies

Information Technology Services


The objective of this policy is twofold:

  • ensure compatibility between decentralized business systems and business systems managed by Information Technology Services.
  • promote acceptable network performance.




This policy applies to the acquisition, development, and support of decentralized business computer systems. Business computer systems include any software package or database that supports a University business function or works in conjunction with other systems that support a business function. Most of the mission-critical business functions of the University are maintained by Information Technology Services. Examples include student registration, accounts payable, payroll, etc.

There are cases when departments will determine that it is in their best interest to acquire and maintain a decentralized business computer system. This policy addresses these decentralized systems. Examples include the RMS Housing System and the FAMIS system. This policy is intended to ensure accurate processing of University business transactions and to maintain appropriate management controls.

Academically oriented systems such as BlackBoard are specifically excluded from this policy. Software packages that are acquired for individual faculty or staff use or that do not support a University business function are also excluded from this policy.

Policy Statements
  • proposed systems, whether purchased, developed by an outside contractor, or developed by University staff (outside of Information Technology Services) or students must be reviewed and approved in advance by the University CIO
  • conflicts will be elevated and resolved by the vice presidents of the affected divisions
  • any interface between the decentralized system and systems managed by Information Technology Services must be defined
  • any system hardware must be fully compatible with the University's network environment
  • system hardware not housed in Information Technology Services must be protected from fire, temperature extremes, water intrusion, and malicious attack (including viruses)
  • decentralized hardware and software must be maintained at current levels supported by the vendor; compatibility with the University's network and operating systems environment must be maintained
  • data files associated with the system must be backed up on a regularly scheduled basis with monthly rotation to an approved off-site storage facility
  • detailed policy relevant to the support, by Information Technology Services, of computer applications developed and/or written outside of Information Technology Services may be found at: www.unf.edu//its/polproc



Information Technology Services is responsible for the support and maintenance of the campus network backbone. This responsibility includes monitoring network performance and planning for adequate network capacity. The policy is intended to ensure that servers and other network devices attached to the campus network are compatible with the campus network.

Policy Statements

The following policies apply to decentralized networking equipment:

  • departments proposing to attach network servers or other network devices to the campus backbone must consult with the Information Technology Services Network Manager and receive approval from the Director of Information Technology Services prior to specification and acquisition of the network server/device
  • conflicts will be elevated and resolved by the vice presidents of the affected divisions
  • proposed systems must be fully compatible with the University's network environment
  • hardware not housed centrally in Information Technology Services must be protected from fire, temperature extremes, water intrusion, and malicious attack (including viruses)

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