Regulations & Policies
Tuition and Fees
Tuition and Fee Refund |
Number: | 11.0090R |
Regulation Status:
Minor/Technical Revision Responsible Division/Department: Administration & Finance/Controller's Office |
Effective Date: | 12/19/14 | |
Revised Date: | 06/15/23 |
The purpose of this regulation is to set forth the refund procedures as outlined in Board of Governors Regulation 7.002 Tuition and Fee Assessment, Collection, Accounting and Remittance. This includes the policy for tuition and related course fees only and does not include fees such as parking, housing, meal memberships, etc.
The University's fee refund procedures can be viewed at /controller/student-financial-services/procedures/fee-refunds-and-petitions.html. Refunds of 100 percent will be issued for each course dropped before the close of the add/drop period indicated in the University's Academic Calendar. Students can drop courses in person, or online via the myWings Web portal. A 100 percent refund will be made for University cancellation of courses or denial of a student's admission to a course. Courses dropped within this period will not appear on the student's transcript.
After the close of the add/drop period, students who completely withdraw from the University by the date indicated in the University's Academic Calendar will receive a 25 percent refund. This refund is dependent on the University's approval of a student's recorded withdrawal from the University. Such notice should be recorded on the student's account in MyWings by the date indicated in the University's Academic Calendar as the last day to receive a 25 percent refund; however, written, email notice of withdrawal via the student's 成人AV视频 email may be given by the 25 percent refund deadline. This 25 percent refund applies only to fall, spring, and cross-term summer. There is no refund for a partial withdrawal after the add/drop period.
Refunds of 100 percent of tuition and associated fees may be granted in instances of withdrawal from the university under the following conditions. Written explanation and supporting documentation is required to be submitted to the appropriate University Office:
- Student's involuntary call to active military duty.
- Death of the student or a member of the student's immediate family (parent, spouse, child, sibling, grandparents).
- Incapacitating illness of such duration or severity, as confirmed in writing by a physician, that completion of the term is impossible.
- A situation in which the University is in error.
- Other documented exceptional circumstance beyond the control of the student which precluded completion of course(s) accompanied by supporting documentation.
- Fee petitions: Students or someone acting on the student's behalf with written authorization must file within six (6) months of the close of the semester to which the refund or action is applicable. Special requests for an extension of the six (6) month deadline must include specific facts indicating special circumstances which (i) were beyond the control of the student (ii) clearly impaired the student's physical or mental ability to correct their academic/financial record at the University (iii) are supported by written explanation and verifiable documentation. Petitioning for a refund is not a guarantee that a refund will be approved. Tuition fee refunds provided to students will be processed against any outstanding tuition assessments prior to remitting a refund to the student.Students must be withdrawn deom the sourse(s) for which the refund is requested.
- The fees listed below may only be waived for certain reason such as documented University error, documented administrative error, or documented extraordinary circumstance, such as a severe illness, a death in the family or natural disaster. Additionally, supporting documentation is required and tuition must be paid prior to submitting a request to waive a late payment fee. The late payment fee will not be waived due to: lack of funds, unawareness of deadlines, unawareness of acceptable payment types, or Internet connectivity issues.
- Repeat Surcharge.
- Excess Hours Fee.
- Miscellaneous fees such as Orientation, ID, WOW, A&S fees, Return Check Fees, etc.
- Late payment, late registration, and re-registration fees.
Authority: Board of Governors Regulation 7.002
Approved by the BOT June 15, 2023 and by the BOG July 10, 2023