Regulations & Policies
Academic Affairs
Non-Credit Certificates |
Number: | 2.1090P |
Policy Status:
Minor/Technical Revision Responsible Division/Department: Academic Affairs |
Effective Date: | 03/03/23 | |
Revised Date: | 07/06/23 |
This policy establishes the process used in developing non-college credit certificate programs at the 成人AV视频 (成人AV视频) within the context of institutional and systematic priorities and resources. It provides a sequence of steps that must be followed to ensure thoughtful consideration and high academic standards is applied to each non-college credit certificate.
成人AV视频 Non-College-Credit Certificates are offered by the Division of Continuing Education, an administrative unit for non-state fundable, self-supporting non-college-credit courses and certificates offered face-to-face, hybrid, and online.
Non-College-Credit Certificate: An organized curriculum of study that is delivered for non-college credit, measured through clock hours, continuing education units, competency exams, and attendance, which leads to specific educational or occupational goals for which the university awards a certificate or diploma upon completion. The length of a non-college-credit certificate shall be no less than three (3) contact hours. In general, a certificate program shall relate to an industry job identified in the U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Handbook, industry certification, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WOIA) Regional Targeted Occupation or an in-demand skill as identified by a company.
a. Pursuant to the Florida Board of Governors Regulation 8.011(7) (d), the 成人AV视频 Board of Trustees approves the policy for the creation and offering of Non-College-Credit Certificates. The policy codifies the delegation of authority for approval of non-college-credit certificates to the Provost of Academic and Student Affairs. The Dean of Continuing Education or head of the appropriate unit may recommend to the Provost and Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs the approval of non-college-credit certificate programs. Recommendations for a non-college-credit certificate program should be discussed with the Dean of Continuing Education before submission to the Provost to avoid unnecessary competition. Upon the Provost’s approval, the Division of Continuing Education or unit head may offer the certificate.
b. Certificate Curriculum. Non-college-credit certificate curriculum will be stored by the Division of Continuing Education or unit head for five years after the certificate is offered. Curriculum outlines developed and owned by an independent contractor are recorded as such. A record of instructional materials used for each certificate is archived.
c. A subject matter expert in the field or continuing education staff reviews and approves the curriculum. A certificate whose curriculum content is the same as or like college credit programs are evaluated by University Administration. A non-credit certificate cannot replace or duplicate a college-credit certificate.
d. Certificate Instructors and Contractors. An individual, instructor, faculty or independent contractor that teaches a certificate program who possesses a bachelor’s degree, has demonstrated experience in the subject matter and/or possesses an industry certification in the subject area. A record of instructors by certificate taught and negotiated stipend (instructor or contractor) is documented.
e. Award of Non-College-Credit Certificates. Non-college-credit certificates are awarded to students who have successfully completed a certificate. Certificate award is based on pass/fail grade. Continuing Education Units awarded to students are based on a ten to one (1) contact hour ratio.
f.Records and Reporting. Records of non-college-credit certificate awards will be maintained by academic colleges and continuing education. Once a year, the Division of Continuing Education will collect and submit a combined report of awards to administration for state reports, audits, IPEDS, and other requesting agencies.
New Program Proposal and Curriculum Approval - The Dean and the Provost shalll create procedures for approval of non-college credit certificates.
This policy was adopted pursuant to the requirements of Florida Board of Governors regulations 8.011 (7)(d).