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Regulations and Policies

Regulations & Policies

Academic Affairs - Graduate School


To establish continuous enrollment requirements and enrollment status classifications for graduate students.


The 成人AV视频 defines continuous enrollment as enrollment in the University without a non-enrollment period of three or more consecutive semesters, including summer terms. Credits earned at other institutions during any semester, while not registered at 成人AV视频, will not constitute continuous enrollment at 成人AV视频. Students who break continuous enrollment must reapply for admission to 成人AV视频, are subject to all admission requirements and criteria at the time of reapplication, and must pay an application fee. Students who break continuous enrollment will be under the program requirements published in the catalog for the academic year in which they reinitiate enrollment at 成人AV视频. Individual programs/departments may impose additional enrollment requirements and consequences for students who fail to maintain those enrollment requirements.

Full- and Part-Time Enrollment

Degree-seeking graduate students must enroll in at least 9 credit hours in the fall and spring semesters to be considered full-time. Half-time is defined as at least 5 hours in the spring and fall. During the summer, full-time is defined as 6 credit hours and half-time is defined as 3 credit hours.

In programs with thesis/dissertation tracks or required final projects, graduate students who have completed all required coursework and are only enrolled in thesis/dissertation/final project credits may be classified as full-time with an enrollment of at least three credit hours. Eligible students are considered full-time for academic purposes and financial aid eligibility. However, the cost of attendance may be adjusted to reflect the exception status.

Eligible students will remain in the full-time status only in the terms in which they enroll in the applicable coursework.


Thesis/Dissertation Final Term Exception

Students who meet all thesis/dissertation deadlines with the exception of final submission are eligible for Clear Prior status. Clear Prior status waives the requirement to enroll in the final graduation term. In order to be eligible, all required forms, with the exception of the final thesis/dissertation and Certificate of Approval, must be submitted by the advertised deadlines. Students interested in obtaining Clear Prior status are required to contact the Graduate School no later than the posted deadline of the intended graduation term.

Special Considerations for International Students

International students on F-1 visa/status must remain continuously enrolled until degree completion, and typically are required to maintain full-time enrollment status. Those international students who wish to enroll less than full-time are strongly advised to consult with the International Center.

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