Regulations & Policies
Academic Affairs - Enrollment Services
Grades |
Number: | 2.0690P |
Policy Status:
Major Revision Responsible Division/Department: Academic Affairs / Enrollment Services |
Effective Date: | 08/01/12 | |
Revised Date: | 08/01/23 |
The objective of this policy is to codify the official grading structure of the 成人AV视频.
A |
4.0 |
A- |
3.7 |
B+ |
3.3 |
B |
3.0 |
B- |
2.7 |
C+ |
2.3 |
C |
2.0 |
D |
1.0 |
F, FA |
0 (calculated in GPA) |
NG, NR, X, I, P, W, WA, WM, WR, WS, WD, and WC 0.0 (not calculated in GPA).
X - Audit
Students must indicate at the time of registration that they wish to audit a course rather than register for credit. Any change from credit to audit or vice-versa must be made before the close of add/drop. Fees for audit classes are the same as those for credit and are non-refundable. Petitioning to move from audit to credit or vice-versa is not permitted under normal conditions. Extraordinary circumstances must be documented. Audited courses do not count toward financial aid.
I - Incomplete
At the instructor's discretion, students who have not completed required work in a course by the end of the semester may be assigned a grade of "I." In order for an "I" to be assigned, the student must have completed a substantial portion (at least a majority) of the course with a passing grade. The "I" is not computed in the grade point average. The time limit for removing the "I" is set by the instructor of the course. This time limit may not exceed one calendar year or graduation, whichever comes first. The time limit applies whether the student is in residence or not. Extension of an incomplete beyond one year is subject to approval by the instructor and Department Chair.
An "I" will be changed to a final evaluative grade (one that is used in calculating GPAs) at the time the student completes the required work. Students may not register for courses in which incomplete grades have been received. Any "I" grade not removed by the end of the time limit will be changed to a final grade to be determined by the instructor. This grade will be used to calculate the student's GPA. If no final grade is issued, the "I" will change to an "F" and will be calculated in the GPA. Veterans and other eligible students should contact One-Stop Student Services concerning the effect of incomplete or failing grades upon certification.
NG - No Credit
"NG" is assigned to a maximum of four (4) lower-level “F” and “D” 成人AV视频 final grades. This grading policy allows for first year students to recover more easily from difficulties they may face as they adjust to the rigors of university level academic learning. The “NG” shows on 成人AV视频 transcripts and will have a positive impact 成人AV视频 GPA. The originally assigned grade will impact academic standing, honors, and financial aid calculations. Grades of NG are limited to lower-level courses that a student registers for in standard letter or pass/fail grade modes. A grade of NG cannot be assigned by an instructor.
NR - No Record
"NR" is assigned when grades for an entire class or portion thereof are not submitted by the processing deadline. Enrollment Services Processing will send a list of "NR" grades to the respective department chairpersons, who will be responsible for communicating with faculty members about removing the "NR" grade. The "NR" may remain on the record for up to one year but cannot remain on the student's transcript beyond graduation.
P - Passing
A "P" indicates a passing grade for the employment experience in the Cooperative Education Program and, at the discretion of the college and departments, for thesis, dissertation, independent study, practicum, and/or internship courses. Passing grades are not calculated in the GPA.
W - Withdrawn
Indicates a student has withdrawn officially from a course before the established deadline.
WA - Withdrawn Administrative
Indicates a student was successfully withdrawn from a course at the request of a university official.
WC - Complete Withdrawal
Indicates a student has formally withdrawn from the University.
WM - Withdrawn Medical
Indicates a student has successfully petitioned to withdraw from courses due to an incapacitating illness.
WS - Withdrawn Service
Indicates a student has successfully withdrawn from courses due to being called for military duty during the semester, to engage in full-time National Guard Duty, or to attend an examination to determine fitness for these kinds of duties.
WD - Withdrawn Deceased
Indicates a student has been withdrawn from classes due to death.
WR - Withdrawn Refund
Indicates a student has withdrawn from courses and successfully petitioned for a tuition refund due to extraordinary circumstances as approved by the University’s Fee Committee. Effective as of the Fall 2023 term.
Indicates a student has received a Punitive or Unforgivable F due to academic misconduct. This grade cannot be forgiven through a grade or term forgiveness.
D Grades
Courses completed with grades of "D" may be applied toward upper-level graduation requirements, i.e., 60 credit hours. However, a course completed with a "D" grade normally will not be applicable toward major requirements. See college sections for further information.