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Regulations and Policies

Regulations & Policies

Academic Affairs


To articulate the position of the 成人AV视频 on distance learning and to ensure compliance with other 成人AV视频 policies and procedures. This policy is intended to ensure compliance with the requirements of regulatory and accrediting agencies as well as the Interregional Guidelines for the Evaluation of Distance Education. Distance learning is a formal educational process in which the majority of the instruction in a course occurs with the instructor and students separated by time or space, or both. 


The 成人AV视频 supports the development of distance learning to meet the needs of students in a manner that is consistent with our mission. The University provides centralized oversight through 成人AV视频 Online to ensure compliance with current policy and state and federal regulations.
Distance learning at 成人AV视频 adheres to the same standards and rigor expected from on ground courses and programs. 成人AV视频 complies with the defined by the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB). 
This policy shall not delete from, or conflict with, or change in any substantive manner conditions set forth in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.


Distance learning takes place in a variety of modalities. Instruction may be synchronous or asynchronous and use a range of technologies. See 成人AV视频's Distance Learning definitions for specific program and course instructional delivery definitions.


A. Institutional Responsibilities
  1. Irrespective of delivery mode, all academic programs are coordinated by faculty academically qualified in the teaching discipline, approved by the same institutional process, and governed by 成人AV视频 policies, Florida State statutes, and Florida Board of Governor regulations.
  2. Admission, degree, curriculum, and contact hour policies are the same as those used for traditional campus-based programs.
  3. In order to ensure that the student who participates in and completes a distance learning course is the same student who registered for the course, all distance learning courses must use one or more of the following: secure login and password with multifactor authentication; proctored examinations; and/or new or emerging technologies and practices that are effective in verifying student identification.
  4. All distance learning courses are delivered via the University's official Learning Management System to ensure compliance with the University's data privacy policies.
  5. Information about any additional costs associated with verifying student identity in a distance learning course or program must be provided to students at the time of enrollment.
  6. Required meeting times for distance learning courses must be published on the University course schedule, including meeting times for synchronous exams, whether in person or online.
  7. The Student Accessibility Center's requirements for registered students who require accommodation, including extended testing windows, must be provided in the online environment.
  8. Students enrolled in distance learning programs have reasonable and adequate access to academic, support, and technical services and 成人AV视频 Online regularly evaluates the adequacy of those services.
  9. Instructors teaching distance learning courses have access to appropriate technologies and to support for the platforms and tools used to deliver courses.
  10. The University provides online proctoring services for distance learning courses.
  11. The University's FERPA and privacy policies apply with equal force and effect to distance learning student records.
  12. The University's procedures for student complaints are outlined on the Ombuds page and applicable to students in distance learning courses and programs.
  13. Intellectual property rights are governed by the University's Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and its Patents, Copyrights, and Other Intellectual Property Policy.
  14. 成人AV视频 Online is the administrative unit for all non-state fundable, self-supporting college credit courses and programs offered online. 

B. Instructor Responsibilities

  1. Instructors consider copyright, trademark, and licensing issues when designing courses and adhere to 成人AV视频's copyright policy and guidelines.
  2. The University is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all students. Instructional materials distributed to students via digital platforms must be accessible to students with disabilities.
  3.  As per the Collective Bargaining Agreement the University requires each instructor to maintain posted office hours and to be available by appointment. Instructors teaching distance learning courses are available via online synchronous tools and/or via telephone.
  4. Requirements for proctored distance learning exams are clearly stated in the course syllabus, including specific details about technical, environmental, and identity requirements for testing.
  5. Identity verification is required for all proctored distance learning exams.
  6. If an instructor determines that room scans are required for a proctored distance learning exam, that requirement applies to all students enrolled in the course.
  7. Students must be informed at the beginning of the semester via the course syllabus of any required meeting times for exams.
  8. All final exams, regardless of course modality, must take place within the Final Exam week identified on the academic calendar.

C. Student Responsibilities
  1.  Each student in a distance learning course or program is responsible for personally completing all of the academic requirements of that course/program and for adherence to the principles of academic integrity as outlined in the University's Academic Misconduct Policy.
  2. Each student in a distance learning course or program is responsible for adherence to the policies and procedures outlined in the 成人AV视频 Student Code of Conduct.

D. Quality Assurance
  1.  The University evaluates courses in all delivery formats using a standard online instrument "Instructional Satisfaction Questionnaire" (ISQ).
  2. To support regular and substantial interaction, course size is considered during scheduling. The appropriate class size for distance learning courses will be dependent on the subject matter, the types of learning and class activities, and the available supports, such as academic coaches.
  3.  Distance learning courses are scheduled consistent with university scheduling practices and instructional modality is indicated on course schedule. Academic units determine the appropriate instructional assignment for the course, instructor and student population.
  4.  Instructors who teach distance learning courses complete appropriate training.
  5. Distance learning program courses complete a course design quality review process within two years of initial delivery and again every five years.
  6.  Academic units obtain DE Delivery approval prior to implementation of online programs to ensure that appropriate resources are available.


The University Distance Learning Committee provides advisory support to 成人AV视频 Online in the development of procedures and policies that are consistent with, and that will advance, the purpose and goals stated above.

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