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Regulations and Policies

Regulations & Policies

Academic Affairs - Graduate School


To establish minimum criteria for good academic standing in pursuit of a graduate degree.


  1. Good Academic Standing

    A graduate student who has a cumulative 成人AV视频 Graduate Program GPA of 3.0 or higher in the program of study in which they currently enrolled is considered to be in good academic standing.

    A graduate student must have a cumulative 成人AV视频 Graduate Program GPA of 3.0 or higher to be eligible for graduation and the award of a graduate degree.

    Graduate students who hold assistantships and fellowships are expected to be in good academic standing.

  2. Academic Probation

    A graduate student who fails to maintain a cumulative 成人AV视频 Graduate Program GPA of at least 3.0 will be considered not in good academic standing and will be placed on academic probation. Probation shall be noted on the academic transcript for each term in which the cumulative 成人AV视频 Graduate Program GPA is below 3.0.

  3. Academic Suspension and Dismissal
    1. If, while a graduate student is on probation, the cumulative 成人AV视频 Graduate Program GPA does not reach 3.0 in the next academic term, the student is eligible for suspension or dismissal from the program.
    2. If, while a graduate student is on probation, he or she earns a D or F in a graduate course in his or her program of study, the student is eligible for suspension or dismissal from the program.

    The decision concerning whether the student is actually placed on academic suspension rests with the particular program's Graduate Program Director and/or the program's Graduate Program Committee (should the program have one).

    Academic suspension is noted on the academic transcript. A graduate student may not register for courses while on academic suspension. The decision to release the student from academic suspension rests with the particular program's Graduate Program Director and/or Graduate Program Committee.

    Decisions made by Graduate Program Directors and/or Graduate Program Committees may be appealed by graduate students. Such appeals are made through the program appeals process as published in the university catalog.

  4. Program-Specific Policies

    Many programs have program-specific policies further defining good academic standing and related matters. These program-specific policies, if inclusive of higher standards than those of the university, supersede university policy. Please refer to individual program requirements for more information.

  5. Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress

    The policy on graduate academic standing is distinct from Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). Graduate academic standing is calculated on all courses taken to fulfill the requirements of a specific graduate program, while Financial Aid SAP is calculated in accordance with federal regulation (Also see 成人AV视频 Policies 2.0300P Graduate GPA and 2.060P Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress.)

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