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Regulations and Policies

Regulations & Policies

Academic Affairs


To establish procedures for evaluating the academic deans.


A performance planning and review of each Academic Dean will be conducted annually. Additionally, a comprehensive review of the Academic Dean's performance over the term of his/her appointment will be conducted in the late fall of the penultimate year of the Dean's appointment.


  1. Annual Review
    1. No later than March 1, the Office of Academic Affairs will contact the IDEA Center at Kansas State University and submit the information required for the IDEA Center to administer the IDEA Dean's Evaluation instrument prior to the end of the academic year.
    2. No later than July 1, the Dean will prepare a concise statement of his/her goals and significant accomplishments for the previous fiscal/academic year. The Dean will also outline his/her goals for the next five-year period.
    3. Using these data, the Provost will prepare an evaluation of the Dean's performance, which will include comments regarding the Dean's proposed goals, and discuss it with the Dean.
    4. A copy of the evaluation will be filed in the Dean's personnel file maintained in Academic Affairs.
  2. Retention Review

    The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will

    1. gather the prior years' annual evaluations, including the results of the IDEA survey and the Dean's statements.
    2. solicit input from appropriate constituents thought to have insight into the Dean's performance, such as the Dean's staff, the College Chairs and faculty members, and the College Advisory Board members.
    3. conduct a retention vote of the faculty relative to the reappointment of the Dean consistent with the provisions of the Faculty Handbook.
    4. using the data referenced in B1, B2, and B3 above, prepare an evaluation of the Dean's performance and discuss it with the Dean.
    5. make a recommendation on reappointment to the President.

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