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Office of Records and Registration
oneColumn handbook

Step-by-Step Scheduling Guides

Global (N: Drive) Scheduling Folder


Using the Windows File Explorer, scroll to the Global (N:) Drive. Double click on the "Scheduling" folder.

Note: If you do not have access to this folder, ask your supervisor to submit a Help Desk ticket on your behalf.


The Global Scheduling folder is a great resource for all things schedule input. Select the individual term folders to find detailed instructions and timelines for each schedule input term. You can also find:

  • the Request for Scheduling Exception form,
  • the Contact Minute Exception form,
  • the General Purpose Classroom List, and
  • the Course Schedule Review Items resource.

Downloading a Term's Schedule (WSS1006) - Banner Admin Pages

What is the WSS1006 Report?

The WSS1006 - Course Download report provides users with a detailed listing of a term's academic schedule. WSS1006 reports can also be pulled by each a specific college by entering the college's code (see below). Colleges and departments may find this report helpful when planning, building, and inputting a schedule.

Running the WSS1006 Report

  • Enter WSS1006 in the search field of Banner Admin Pages and hit Enter
  • Click Go on the job process screen
  • Be sure that "DATABASE" is entered in the Printer field
  • In the next block, enter the term you are looking to pull in the Term field; Term codes are 6-digits and entered as Year then Term (YYYYTT); Term codes are input as seen here:
    • Spring = 10
    • Summer = 50
    • Fall = 80
  • In the College field, enter "%" to pull all sections on the academic schedule. To pull a specific college, use the following codes:
    • COAS = A
    • CCB = B
    • CCEC = C
    • COEHS = E
    • COH = H
    • Honors = O
  • In the Dept field, enter "%"
  • Next block down into the "Save Parameter Set as" check box. Click this check box to save your parameter inputs when you return to the WSS1006 report in the future.
  • Select Save (F10)

Accessing the WSS1006 Report File

  • After a couple of minutes, the WSS1006 report will populate in your Y:Drive
  • To access your Y:Drive, open the Windows File Explorer
  • On the left menu, under "This PC" select "Your N#" (\\Cheetah\Sys\Users) (Y:) Drive
  • The report will populate in the Y:Drive folder as the most recent file with a "wss1006..." label.
  • Double click on the file to open and save the file to a location of your choice

Note: Each time an update is made to the related term in Banner Admin Pages, the report will be updated with those changes each time you run the report again. Be sure to keep an updated report on hand!

Creating/Inputting a Section (CRN) - Banner Admin Pages


  1. Enter SSASECT in the search field of Banner Admin Pages and hit Enter
  2. Enter the Term you are creating a new section for; Term codes are 6-digits and entered as Year then Term (YYYYTT); Term codes are input as seen here:
    • Spring = 10
    • Summer = 50
    • Fall = 80
  3. Type "ADD" in the CRN field
  4. Click Go

Note: Either skip or do not change fields that are not mentioned in the steps below.

Pro Tip! Using the Tab key to navigate through SSASECT fields will make input much easier and quicker.

Course Section Information tab

  1. Subject = 3 letter code (ex. ENC)
  2. Course Number = 4-digit code (ex. 1143) or 5-digit/character code (ex. 2085C)
  3. Title = The catalog-level course title with automatically populate
    • This title should not be changed unless the section is a variable topics course. If the course is special topics, experimental, or a directed individual study (DIS), update the section title field to the class' topic.
      • Special topics section titles must begin with "ST:" followed by the topic
      • Experimental topic titles must begin with "Exp:" followed by the topic
      • DIS topic titles must begin with "DIS:" followed by the topic
  4. Cross List = Refer to the "Cross-listing Sections - Banner Admin Pages" section
  5. Campus
    • MC = Main Campus
    • DL = Online Distance Learning
    • HYB = Hybrid
    • Special (OIN, OL, or other OFF-MC campus)
  6. Status = A (Active)
  7. Schedule Type - Only certain schedule type code options will be available depending on the course being input. To see the list of available codes, click the ellipses (three periods) button next to the Schedule Type field. Schedule type codes include:
    • C = Class
    • L = Lab
    • Z = Directed Individual Study (DIS)
    • T = Graduate Thesis
    • R = Supervised Research
    • I = Internship
    • P = Individual Performance Study
    • S = Supervised Teaching
  8. Instructional Method - Refer to the Course Instructional Methods webpage for details on what to select. To see the list of codes, click the ellipses (three periods) button next to the Instructional Method field.
    • S = Standard
    • OL = Online
    • LO = Live Online
    • PO = Primarily Online
    • M = Hybrid
    • A = Independent
    • OA = Study Abroad
    • BF = Blendflex
  9. Grade Mode - Entering an input here will determine what grade mode a student can select when registering for the class. For example, an input of "S" will only allow students to take a class in standard grade mode. This means audit grade mode and pass/fail are no longer allowed, if they are available grade options for the course. Some courses only allow one grade mode type, like pass/fail.
    • S = Standard Letter
    • A = Audit
    • P = Pass/Fail
  10. Special Approval - Adding a code in this field will prevent students from being able to register for the class. To register, students will need to go through the registration override process.
    • DP = Department Approval
    • AA = Advisor Approval
  11. Part of Term
    • Fall/Spring
      • 1 = Full term
      • 1H = First half
      • 2H = Second half
    • Summer
      • 1 = Full term (summer C)
      • A = First half
      • B = Second half
      • 8 = 8 week
      • 10 = 10 week
  12. Credit Hours - Credit hours are defined at the catalog level
    • Fixed credit hour courses should not receive any input (each corresponding field need to be left blank).
    • Variable credit hour courses need to have credit hours designated for the specific section. For example, a special topics course may have variable credit hours between 1-6. If the class needs to be scheduled for 3 credit hours, then input "3" in each corresponding field. Variable credit hour classes cannot be left blank.
  13. Click Save (F10)
    • At this point, the section CRN will automatically populate in the upper-left corner of the the page.

Section Enrollment Information tab

  1. Maximum - Input the maximum amount of students that are allowed to register for the class
  2. Waitlist Maximum - Input the maximum amount of students that are allowed to be added to the class' waitlist
  3. Click Save (F10)

Meeting Times and Instructor tab

  1. Your curser will default in the "Meeting Time" field. Leave this field blank and Tab over to the Start Date field. The Start and End Date will automatically populate based on the Part of Term that was entered on the first page of SSASECT. In most cases, these dates should not be adjusted.
  2. Meeting Type - This field will default to CLAS. If you are entering a Hybrid or Lab session, you will need to change the code.
    • CLAS = Class; used for the majority of classes, automatically populates
    • HYB = Hybrid; all sessions of a hybrid will need to be changed to HYB
    • LAB = Lab; if the section is lecture/lab then the first session should be CLAS and the second session should be LAB; if the section is a standalone lab then the first session will be LAB
    • BROT = Breakout; if the section is lecture/breakout then the first session should be CLAS and the second session should be BROT
  3. Days - Check the appropriate meeting day(s). Make sure to follow standard time blocks.
  4. Start Time and End Time - Select the appropriate meeting times. Make sure to follow standard time blocks.
    • Note: Military time must be used
  5.  Session Indicator - Indicates the session number. Must be input like "01", "02", "03"... "10"...

Meeting Locations and Credit (sub-tab)

  1.  Automatic Scheduler - This field indicates if a room is needed or if a room has been assigned.
    • Blank - No classroom is needed for the class
      • Note: Distance learning sections should only have "ONLINE" input in the Building field with the Automatic Scheduler field left blank.
    • NSM - Needs general purpose classroom assignment
    • ASM - A department owned classroom is assigned or a general purpose classroom has been pre-assigned for a faculty member who has an ADA accommodation.
      • Any ADA classroom accommodations must be communicated to the Office of Records & Registration before assigning.
    • HSM - The parent (lowest CRN) in a cross-list (used even if the room is department owned)
    • VSM - The child(ren) in a cross-list that has a classroom assigned
    • WSM - The child(ren) in a cross-list the needs a classroom assignment
  2. Building - Input the 4-digit building code of the building assignment (Ex. 0039 or 039A). General purpose classrooms should not be pre-assigned unless there is a communicated ADA classroom accommodation.
    • Note: If assigning the building as OFF-MC, be sure to also input OFF-MC in the room field. You may need to enter the letter "O" the "Override Indicator" field to force save the room (see below).
  3. Room - Input the 4-digit room code of the room assignment. General purpose classrooms should not be pre-assigned unless there is a communicated ADA classroom accommodation.
  4. Hours per Week - When meeting days and times are input, this field will automatically calculate the number of meeting hours per week. If the section does not have indicated meeting days and times (i.e. DL-asynchronous) you must input the hours per week.
    • Fall/spring terms - Match the credit hours that the section is scheduled for. For example, if a DL-asynchronous section is scheduled for 3 credit hours, input 3 in the "Hours per Week" field.
    • Summer terms - You must make sure that the Hours per Week meets contact requirements. For example, if a DL-asynchronous section is scheduled for 3 credit hours in part-of-term B then you must input 7 in the "Hours per Week" field.
  5. Override Indicator - This field is sometimes necessary, but should be used only in specific situations. Input the letter "O" in this field to initiate an override. This field should only be used for children in a cross-list or for OFF-MC room inputs.
  6. Session Credit Hours - This field will automatically populate the number of credit hours indicated on the "Course Section Information" tab of SSASECT. This field should not be changed.

Instructor Block

  1. Session Indicator - This field should match the Session Indicator in the Schedule block. For example, if there are 6 meeting sessions scheduled then there should be 6 instructor Session Indicator rows.
  2. ID - Input the instructor's N# in this field
  3. Name - The instructor's name will automatically populate once the N# is input. Verify you entered the correct N#.
  4. Percent of Responsibility - This field indicates the percent of responsibility of the assigned instructor. This column should always equal 100%. Session 01 should always have the higher percentage. For example, a section with 6 sessions should have 20% input in the first row (session 01) with the remaining five rows (session 2-6) having 16%. Below is a cheat sheet for the different amount of session possibilities:
    • 5 sessions - 20/20
    • 6 sessions - 20/16
    • 7 sessions - 16/14
    • 8 sessions - 16/12
    • 9 sessions - 12/11
    • 10 sessions - 10/10
    • 11 sessions - 10/9
    • 12 sessions - 12/8
    • 13 sessions - 16/7
    • 14 sessions - 9/7
    • 15 sessions - 16/6
    • etc.
  5. Primary Indicator - The session 01 row should always have the "Primary Indicator" box checked. This box should only be checked for session 01.
  6. Percent of Session - This field indicates the percent of session of the assigned instructor. If two instructors are splitting delivery in one session, the "Percent of Session" should be divided to equal 100%. For example, if there are two instructors assigned to Session 01 then the "Percent of Session" for each of the two instructors should be 50%.

Cross-listing Sections - Banner Admin Pages

Identifying What Courses Can Be Cross-listed

Not all courses can be cross-listed. If you are needing to cross-list a UG course with a GR course, you must first receive approval from the Graduate School. Please see the Cross-Level Listing of Graduate and Undergraduate Courses policy for more information. Details of what UG/GR cross-lists have been previously approved can be found on the Graduate School cross-list policy Teams channel. Please reach out to the Office of Records & Registration scheduling team if you do not have access to this channel.

Additionally, there are guidelines and restrictions related to non-UG/GR cross-lists. For example, courses cannot be cross-listed simply due to low enrollment.

The reason for cross-listing courses must be pedagogical in nature, with student learning objectives and outcomes closely aligned. In general, only courses with a similar topic/title, courses with the same credit hours, courses with the same meeting pattern, and courses with the same instructor assigned can be cross-listed.

Cross-listing Sections

Be sure to first create the sections (CRNs) that need to be cross-listed. Once the sections are created or have previously been created:

  • Navigate to SSAXLST in Banner Admin Pages and hit Enter
  • Search for available cross-list codes by clicking on the ellipses next to the "Cross List Group Identifier" field
  • Enter the Term code for the term you are needing to cross-list for
  • Enter the appropriate search code in the Cross List field.
    • All cross-list codes have two characters. The first character identifies the college. The second character identifies the cross-list. Input the first character of the code as seen below. Input "%" as the second character of the code to populate all codes that are in use. Click Go.
      • COAS = A, R, T, S
      • CCB = B
      • CCEC = C
      • COEHS = E
      • COH = H & I (Nursing); N (Nutrition)
      • Honors = O
  • Identify the next unused cross-list code. Once identified, click the close "X" in the upper-left part of the screen.
  • Type the unused code in the Cross List Group Identifier field and click Go.
  • Enter the combined maximum enrollment in the Maximum Enrollment field (sum the total max enrollment of every section in the cross-list)
  • In the next block begin entering each CRN under the CRN column by inserting new rows
  • Once all cross-list sections are entered, select Save (F10)
  • The newly created cross-list code will now appear for each CRN in the Cross List field of SSASECT

Adding Section Description Text - Banner Admin Pages

What is Section Description Text?

Sometimes, a more clear section description is needed for certain classes to let students know what the class is all about. Added section text is most commonly used for variable topic classes. This includes special topics, experimental, or directed individual study (DIS) courses.

Please see the following instructions to add a section description.

Adding a Section Description

  • Navigate to SSATEXT in Banner Admin Pages and hit Enter
  • Enter the Term and CRN for the section you are needing to add or update a description for
  • Click Go
  • In the Section Long Text field, enter the section description that is needed
  • Click Save (F10)

The added description will now appear for students when searching for classes in the registration system.

Submitting a New Schedule Section Request Form - Banner Self-Service

Navigating to the New Schedule Section Request Form and Access

Please see the below instructions for accessing the New Schedule Section Request form. If you do not have access to one of the Self Service screens below, please reach out to bannerstudentsecurity@unf.edu to receive access. Your supervisor must submit the request on your behalf indicating your N#, what access is needed, and for what reason.

  • Under the Employee Services Self Service tab
  • Select 成人AV视频 Administrative Applications
  • Select Catalog Schedule
  • Select New Schedule Section Request

Using the New Schedule Section Request Form

The New Schedule Section Request form allows college and department schedulers to submit requests for new sections in a specific term. This form should only be used after the Registrar's Office schedule review period for a specific term.

After accessing the New Schedule Section Request form, enter the fields below unless otherwise indicated. While navigating each field of the form, some of the proceeding drop-downs will only list available options to the particular course entered.

Some course delivery methods cannot easily be submitted using this form. For example, hybrid sections flag with a contact minute error when trying to submit the form. You may need to leave some session input details in the Creator Comment box. If you have any questions or issues, please reach out to the Office of Records & Registration.

  • Term (required)
    • Use the drop-down to select the term
  • Part of Term (required)
    • Use the drop-down to select the part of term
  • Course Subject (required)
    • Use the drop-down to select the subject (course prefix)
  • Course Number (required)
    • Use the drop-down to select the course number
  • Course Title (required; manual changes are sometimes needed)
    • This field will automatically populate with the catalog title of the selected course subject and number. If the course is special topics, experimental, or a directed independent study (DIS), update the section title field to the class topic.
    • Special topics section titles must begin with "ST:"
    • Experimental topic titles must begin with "Exp:"
    • DIS topic titles must begin with "DIS:"
  • Campus (required)
    • Use the drop-down to select the appropriate campus code
  • Schedule Type (required)
    • Use the drop-down to select the appropriate schedule type code. Codes will automatically filter based on the course subject and number selected.
  • Instructional Method (required)
  • Approval (not required)
    • Selecting a approval code will prevent students from registering for the class. Students will need to go through the registration override process to register.
  • Credit Hours (required)
    • Catalog defined credit hours will automatically populate. If the course is variable credit hours then you will need to input the number of credit hours.
  • Enrollment Max (required)
    • Input the maximum amount of students that are allowed to register for the class
  • Waitlist Max (required)
    • Input the maximum amount of students that are allowed to be added to the class waitlist
  • Cross-List Code (sometimes required)
    • If the new section needs to be cross-listed, enter your college character followed by the % symbol. For example, COAS would input "A%".
  • Cross-List Courses (sometimes required)
    • If the new section needs to be cross-listed, enter the CRN(s) of the section(s) that the new section will be cross-listed with. If the other section(s) still need to be created, indicate the course subject and prefix here.
  • Creator Comment (sometimes required)
    • Enter a comment that gives insight for the new section request.
      • If a general purpose space is needed, please indicate your preference here.
      • Some instructional methods cannot be easily submitted using this form. For example hybrid sections flag with a contact minute error when trying to submit the form. You may need to leave some session input details here.
  • Instructor ID (not required)
    • If the instructor is known, select the magnifying glass icon next to the Instructor ID field. Input the instructor's N#, first name, or last name and click Search. Select the radial next to the instructor's N# and click Ok. Details will populate in the Instructor ID and Instructor Name fields.
  • Instructor Name (not required)
    • See above
  • Building (not required)
    • If a department owned room is needed to be assigned, select the corresponding building code. If a general purpose space is needed, please indicate your preference in the Creator Comment box.
  • Room (not required)
    • If a department owned room is needed to be assigned, select the corresponding room code. If a general purpose space is needed, please indicate your preference in the Creator Comment box.
  • Begin Date (Do not change)
    • This date automatically populates based on the term and part-of-term selected. This dates should not be changed.
  • End Date (Do not change)
    • This date automatically populates based on the term and part-of-term selected. This dates should not be changed.
  • Days (sometimes required)
    • If the new section has meeting days, indicate the days by selecting the corresponding check box(es). Be sure to input a standard fall/spring block or a standard summer block.
  • Begin Time (sometimes required; must use military time)
    • If the new section has meeting times, enter the start time in military time format. Be sure to input a standard fall/spring block or a standard summer block.
  • End Time (sometimes required; must use military time)
    • If the new section has meeting times, enter the end time in military time format. Be sure to input a standard fall/spring block or a standard summer block.

Submitting the New Schedule Section Request Form

Once all section details are completed, click the Submit button at the bottom of the form. You will receive a success message if the submission was sent. If something is incorrect on the form, you will receive an error message. Be sure to correct the issue and click Submit again.

Submitting a Change Form - Banner Self-Service

Navigating to the Course Schedule Change Request Form and Access

Please see the below instructions for accessing the Course Schedule Change Request form. If you do not have access to one of the Self Service screens below, please reach out to bannerstudentsecurity@unf.edu to receive access. Your supervisor must submit the request on your behalf indicating your N#, what access is needed, and for what reason.

  • Under the Employee Services Self Service tab
  • Select 成人AV视频 Administrative Applications
  • Select Catalog Schedule
  • Select Course Schedule Change Request

Using the Course Schedule Change Request Form

The Course Schedule Change Request form allows college schedulers to submit requests for changes to sections in a specific term. This form should only be used after the Registrar's Office schedule review period. Depending on the registration status of a section, some changes require section cancellation, including students being dropped. A new section will need to be created with updated details. Changes that involve class cancellation are noted below.

After accessing the form choose:

  • Term
    • Use the drop-down to select the needed term
  • CRN
    • Enter the 5-digit CRN corresponding to the section that you need to submit a change for

Once the term and CRN are entered, click the Get Course Info button. Section details will populate. Be sure to verify that you have pulled the correct section.

  • Session
    • Use the drop-down to select the desired session #. Most sections only have one session. Others, like lecture/lab or hybrid sections, have multiple sessions. Be sure you are selecting the correct session to update.
  • Change Type
    • Title
      • Once selected, the current section title will populate in the "From" field. Enter the new section title in the "To" field.
      • Note: A section title cannot be changed unless the course is variable topics. This includes special topics courses, experimental courses, or a directed individual study (DIS) courses.
    • Cross-List
      • If an existing section needs to be cross-listed, select this option and provide more details in the "Creator Comment" box, including the other section involved in the cross-list.
      • Refer to the "Cross-listing Sections - Banner Admin Pages" section for more information about what courses can be cross-listed.
    • Status
      • To cancel a currently scheduled section, select the C-Cancelled drop-down option in the "To" field. If there are no registered students in the class, no further action is needed.
      • IMPORTANT: If students are registered in a class that needs to be cancelled, students will be dropped by the Office of Records & Registration. The requestor must notify students of the change in registration. Before submitting a cancellation request be sure to download the current class roster and notify students of the cancellation. You must indicate that student will be or have been notified of cancellation in the change request.
      • Note: Sections cannot be changed from C-Cancelled to A-Active. Any new sections need to be created using the "Creating a New Schedule Section Request" form. Additionally, the P-Pending option is no longer in use.
    • Schedule Type
      • After selecting this option, the current schedule type will populate. Select the needed schedule type in the "To" field.
      • Note: If students are registered in the section, the class will need to be cancelled, with students being dropped, and re-added with the updated schedule type.
    • Instructional Method
      • After selecting this option, the current instructional method will populate. Select the needed instructional method in the "To" field.
      • Note: If students are registered in the section, the class will need to be cancelled, with students being dropped, and re-added with the updated instructional method.
    • Special Approval
      • After selecting this option, the any input special approval code will populate. Select the needed special approval code in the "To" field.
    • Part of Term
      • After selecting this option, the current part of term will populate. Select the needed part of term in the "To" field.
      • Note: If students are registered in the section, the class will need to be cancelled, with students being dropped, and re-added with the updated part of term.
    • Credit Hours
      • After selecting this option, the current section credit hours will populate. Credit hours may only be adjusted if the the course is variable topics. If variable topics, enter the needed credit hours in the "To" field.
      • Note: If students are registered in the section, the class will need to be cancelled, with students being dropped, and re-added with updated credit hours.
    • Enrollment Cap
      • After selecting this option, the current enrollment cap will populate. Enter the needed enrollment cap in the "To" field.
    • Waitlist Cap
      • After selecting this option, the current waitlist cap will populate. Enter the needed waitlist cap in the "To" field.
    • Day
      • After selecting this option, the current meeting day(s) will populate. Enter the needed meeting day(s) in the "To" field.
      • Note: If students are registered in the section, the class will need to be cancelled, with students being dropped, and re-added with the updated meeting day(s).
    • Time
      • After selecting this option, the current meeting time will populate. Enter the needed meeting time in the "To" field.
      • Note: If students are registered in the section, the class will need to be cancelled, with students being dropped, and re-added with the updated meeting time.
    • Room
      • After selecting this option, the currently assigned classroom will populate. Enter the needed room in the "To" field.
      • Note: If a general purpose classroom is needed, please be sure to first research if a classroom is available. See the "Using the Unused Room Search" section on this page for information on how to use the Unused Room Search tool.
    • Campus
      • After selecting this option, the current campus will populate. Select the needed campus in the "To" field.
      • Note: If students are registered in the section, the class will need to be cancelled, with students being dropped, and re-added with the updated campus.
    • Instructor
      • After selecting this option, the current instruction listed on the section will populate. Next to the "To" field, select the magnifying glass icon. Input the instructor's N#, first name, or last name and click Search. Select the radial next to the instructor's N# and click Ok. Details will populate in the Instructor ID and Instructor Name fields.
    • Add or Remove Text
      • After selecting this option, any current section text (SSATEXT) will populate. If section text is needed, leave the "To" field blank and paste the needed text in the "Creator Comment" box.
  • Creator Comment
    • Enter any comment that gives insight for the change request. If you are canceling a class with registered students, you must indicate that the students are being notified about a change in their registration.

Submitting the Course Schedule Section Request Form

Once change details are input, click the Submit button at the bottom of the form. You will receive a success message if the submission was sent. If something is incorrect on the form, you will receive an error message. Be sure to correct the issue and click Submit again.

Identifying Available General-Purpose Classrooms

Navigating to the Unused Room Search Tool and Access - Banner Self-Service

Please see the below instructions for accessing the Unused Room Search tool. If you do not have access to one of the Self Service screens below, please reach out to bannerstudentsecurity@unf.edu to receive access. Your supervisor must submit the request indicating you N#, name, position, what access is needed, and for what reason.

  • Under the Employee Services Self Service tab
  • Select 成人AV视频 Administrative Applications
  • Select Catalog Schedule
  • Select Unused Room Search

Using the Unused Room Search Tool

The Unused Room Search tool lets users know the currently available General Purpose Classrooms available for academic scheduling. This tool does not account for department controlled spaces.

Note: You can also find a one-page General Purpose classroom list in the Scheduling (N:Drive) folder

After accessing the Unused Room Search tool, you may enter all or some of fields below:

  • Term
  • Capacity
    • Enter the maximum enrollment capacity for the class
  • Begin Time (must use military time)
    • Best practice: Enter the Begin Time 1 minute prior to the actual start time (ex. 1159 instead of 1200). The Unused Room Search tool does not account for begin/end time overlap. For example, the Unused Room search tool will incorrectly show a classroom as available if there is a class that ends at 1330 and you are searching for a class start time of 1330.
  • End Time (must use military time)
    • Best practice: Enter the end time 1 minute after the actual end time (ex. 1316 instead of 1315). The Unused Room Search tool does not account for begin/end time overlap. For example, the Unused Room search tool will incorrectly show a classroom as available if there is a class that starts at 1330 and you are searching for a class end time of 1330.
  • Begin Date
    • Enter the first date of the part-of-term for the class in MM/DD/YYYY format
  • End Date
    • Enter the last date of the part-of-term for the class in MM/DD/YYYY format
  • Days
    • Check the box to the right of the day(s) of the week that the class is scheduled for
  • Building
    • This field is not necessary, but can be input as the room code

Once the needed field are input, click the Search button. A list of the available General Purpose Classrooms will populate below the search fields.

Confirming Classroom Availability in SSAMATX - Banner Admin

The Building/Room Schedule on the Banner Admin screen SSAMATX is used to check the courses assigned into a specific campus classroom. This information can be used to verify classroom availability or to identify conflicts.

Confirming Classroom Availability

  • Navigate to SSAMATX in Banner Admin Pages and hit Enter
  • Enter the Term , Building, and Room for the room you wish to view
  • Click Go

The courses scheduled in the indicated classroom will display.



Instructor Assignment Rules

When making instructor assignments, please ensure that the total Percent Responsibility equals 100%.

  • If the class has more than one session (i.e. CLAS, LAB, HYB, BROT), the Percent Responsibility should be divided among the sessions as appropriate.
  • If there are multiple instructors assigned to one class (i.e. a DIS), the total Percent Responsibility should be divided among the instructors based on the number of students supervised by each instructor.

Important: How assignments are made will affect an instructor's FAR and ISQ


Percent Responsibility and Percent Session inputs depending on needs

Scenario Percent Responsibility Percent Session
If an instructor should get a FAR and ISQ
Percent Responsibility > 0 Percent Session > 0
If an instructor should get a FAR but should NOT get an ISQ Percent Responsibility > 0 Percent Session = 0

If an instructor should NOT get a FAR or ISQ

For faculty who need access to rosters and grading only and are not teaching the class.

Percent Responsibility = 0 Percent Session = 0