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Office of Records and Registration

Entering Midterm Grades as Faculty

What are Midterm Grades?

All undergraduate, degree-seeking students are eligible to receive midterm grades. Non-degree seeking students and graduate students do not receive midterm grades. Faculty will need to indicate either satisfactory or unsatisfactory progress by assigning a grade of "S" or "U" on the Faculty Midterm Grades Worksheet in Faculty Self Service.

Students are able to access their midterm grades through Student Self Service in MyWings, which will display all their classes and whether they are progressing satisfactorily or unsatisfactorily. They will be advised to see the instructor for advice on how to improve their progress, contact First Year Advising (FYA) for tutoring and study skills, or to see their advisor. FYA advisors will be notified of any first year student assigned one or more unsatisfactory grade.

Faculty will need to establish the threshold for unsatisfactory and it is recommended they include that threshold in the syllabus.

Midterm Grade Processing for Faculty

Important Note

Only 25 student records can be displayed at a time. If there are more than 25 students enrolled in your section, you will need to click the next Record Set in order to enter midterm grades for all students.

More than 25 students are enrolled in the selected course. Record Sets is highlighted in yellow with links next to it.

(1) Accessing Self Service

  • Log in to
  • Select Faculty under the left "My Resources" menu.
    • If you are on a mobile device, select the Faculty tile.
  • Select the Banner Self Service button.

If you have any issues logging in to your myWings account, please reach out to the 成人AV视频 Help Desk for assistance.

(2) Navigating to the Midterm Grades Worksheet

  • Under the "Faculty Services" tab, select Midterm Grades.
  • Select the current term in the Select a Term drop-down list and click Submit.
  • Select the CRN that you would like to enter midterm grades for and click Submit.

(3) Using the Midterm Grades Worksheet

  • A class roster will appear.
    • Students who have already withdrawn from the course will show as Not Gradable.
    • Students who are not undergraduate, degree-seekers will not appear on the Worksheet.
  • To set all Midterm Grades to S-Satisfactory, click Set All to S button.

(4) Entering an U-Unsatisfactory Midterm Grade

If you are entering an U-unsatisfactory grade, then the following fields are required:
  • Reason: Please select a reason for the U grade from the drop-down list
  • Possible Passing Grade: Please select "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.

If you are entering an U-unsatisfactory grade, then the following field is Optional:

  • Comments: This is a freeform text box for additional comments (up to 300 characters). Please enter any additional reasons for the U grade or information which may be helpful for FYA to know when they reach out to the student.

(5) Submitting Midterm Grades

  • Review midterm grades for accuracy and required information.

CAUTION! Do not click Submit until you are sure that each U grade has BOTH a Reason entry and Possible Passing Grades entry (Y or N). Otherwise, the system will not accept the submission and comments for all students may be deleted.

  • Once you are certain that midterm grades are complete, click Submit at the bottom of the page.
Please Note: There will be no completion message after clicking Submit. A message displays if you click Submit when no changes were made. If any updates or corrections are made, please be sure to click Submit a second time to save the new data.
Questions or complications? Please contact the Office of Records and Registration at records@unf.edu.