Distance Learning Fee
- A state university may assess a student who enrolls in a course listed in the distance learning catalog, established pursuant to s., a per-credit-hour distance learning course fee. For purposes of assessing this fee, a distance learning course is a course in which at least 80 percent of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology when the student and instructor are separated by time or space, or both.
- The amount of the distance learning course fee may not exceed the additional costs of the services provided which are attributable to the development and delivery of the distance learning course. If the distance learning course fee is assessed by a state university, the institution may not assess duplicative fees to cover the additional costs.
- If an institution assesses the distance learning fee, the institution must provide a link to the catalog within the advising and distance learning sections of the institution’s website, using a graphic and description provided by the Complete Florida Plus Program, informing students of the catalog.
Additional authority and guidelines for the DL Fee can be found in applicable Florida Board of Governors (BOG) regulation , which identifies DL Fees as a fee that each university’s Board of Trustees (BOT) is authorized to assess. The DL Fee is also listed in 成人AV视频 Policies and Regulations (see 11.0020R) as a fee that the university’s board of trustees has delegated authority to the President to set:
- specialized technology and maintenance (e.g., hardware, software licenses; technology consulting; hosting and network services)
- development and/or acquisition (licensing) of instructional content for distance learning courses
- distance learning program development and accreditation
- distance learning program quality assessment and control
- faculty development and support for distance learning courses
- distance learning student support services
- testing facilities and support
- distance learning administrative & operating costs
- course management system server, database, and support staff
- instructional material
Budgeting and Fiscal Management
成人AV视频 Online manages the DL Fee budget. During budget development each year, input is sought from the University's Distance Learning Committee, and the final draft is reviewed by Academic Affairs before submission to the University Planning & Budget Office for approval. Approved budget packets can be found on the Auxiliary Budget Oversight webpage.