Working from Home
Remote work is a workplace option that allows work to be done at an alternate work site, such as the home, for one or more days a week.

Remote Work Agreement
A remote work agreement must be executed and approved before an employee works remotely. The agreement specifies the terms and conditions of remote work, including verification by the employee and supervisor that the home office provides workspace free of safety and fire hazards. The employee, supervisor, the appropriate higher-level supervisor, and Human Resources must sign and agree to the agreement.
Potential Benefits
- In an emergency when the employee cannot get to the office, University operations can continue
- Potential savings in utilities, office space, and parking
- Employees have more control of their work environment, which can increase performance and productivity.
- Remote work may accommodate employees with disabilities, such as those covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
The duration of the remote arrangement will be determined and agreed upon by all parties in the Remote Work Agreement. Supervisors may modify or cancel the remote arrangement at any time based on department needs, their assessment of work performance/productivity, or any business reason. -
Work Hours
Work hours and location will be determined and agreed upon by all parties in the Remote Work Agreement. Employees must be available to supervisors, coworkers, customers, etc. during the hours listed in the agreed upon work schedule.
The workweek for full-time budgeted employees is Monday through Friday and employees are scheduled to work eight-hour days (40 hours per week). Alternative arrangements may be agreed upon with non-traditional workdays/workweeks.
For part-time or temporary employees, the bi-weekly hours may be less than 40 and could be divided into different days similar to your regular in-person schedule.
Pay and Leave
Employee time and attendance shall be recorded as if performing official duties at the University. Employees must obtain supervisory approval before taking leave in accordance with established office procedures. The employee agrees to follow established procedures for requesting and obtaining approval of leave. Timesheets and leave requests shall be transmitted as specified by the supervisor.
Employees who are eligible for overtime compensation must obtain supervisory approval in advance of working any overtime hours. Overtime will be compensated in accordance with applicable laws and rules.
If an employee works overtime without obtaining preapproval for such work, the employee will still be paid for all hours worked but may be subject to discipline and loss of remote work privileges.
Dependent Care: Remote work is not a substitute for the care of dependents. Employees working remotely are expected to make dependent/childcare arrangements during work hours. Employees will be required to take leave if their dependent/familial obligations do not allow them to perform their duties during established work hours.
Performance and Evaluation
Employees will fulfill the same duties, assignments, and other work obligations while working remotely as they would while working at 成人AV视频. Job performance will be evaluated on established standards as identified in the signed remote work agreement form and/or the position description. Performance must remain satisfactory to remain a remote worker. Employees will not be allowed to work remotely while on a performance improvement plan (PIP).
Remote Work Readiness (Self-Assessment)
- Are some or all of your duties conducive to remote work in general and the level of remote work proposed in the remote work agreement?
- Are you comfortable working alone or do you struggle with social isolation?
- Will you be able to maintain the same level of connection with coworkers, supervisors, and constituents?
- Are you willing to be flexible about the arrangement and the needs of your supervisor and the department?
- Are you comfortable and able to work with minimal direct supervision?
- Do you have sufficient work organization practices and planning skills conducive to remote work?
- Are you able to meet schedules, deadlines, and other obligations from home/remote work location?
Space and Environment
- Is the remote office space conducive to performing your job duties?
- Are you able to perform your duties remotely with limited disruption/interruption?
- Is your remote space safe and free of potential hazards?
- Do you have dependent care arrangements in place?
- Do you know how to access the 成人AV视频 VPN or remote desktop?
- Are you familiar with Zoom or Microsoft Teams applications?
- Are you comfortable with the technologies that you would need to successfully work remotely?
- Are you willing to learn new technologies, if required, to work remotely?
- Are there job duties that cannot be fulfilled remotely?
Visit the website for an extensive list of self-assessment questions and other tools related to remote readiness.
Equipment Maintenance/Cost
Any 成人AV视频 equipment to be used during the remote work arrangement must be agreed upon and documented in the remote work agreement. University-owned equipment must be protected from damage and unauthorized use. Equipment will be serviced and maintained by the University. Employees must agree to report any incidents of loss, damage, or unauthorized access to University-owned equipment to their supervisor at the earliest reasonable opportunity.
Equipment provided by the employee will be maintained by the employee and will be at no cost to the University. The University will not be responsible for operating costs, home maintenance, or any other incidental costs (e.g., internet, utilities), associated with the use of the employee's residence. The University will not be liable for any damages to employee-owned property resulting from participation in remote work.
Records and Security
Employees are expected to maintain a safe and secure work environment. Work must be stored in a safe and secure space in such a way that property and files are not misplaced, lost, thrown away, or harmed. All records, papers, and correspondence should be safeguarded for their return to the official work location as well as stored electronically via the secured university network, and available for public record purposes. -
Remote Location
The success of a remote work arrangement largely depends on a realistic assessment of the home office environment and the employee's ability to successfully perform their duties in such an environment. Employees are responsible for providing adequate space, equipment (if not being provided by the University), networking and/or internet capabilities at the remote work location. The environment must be free of safety and fire hazards and provide conditions (e.g., light, sound, free from disruptions, access to outlets, etc.) conducive to work.
Please note: Face-to-face business contacts are to be done at the University and not in the home.
It is essential that remote employees are able to effectively communicate with coworkers, supervisors, and any other relevant constituents (e.g., students, faculty/staff, stakeholders, etc.) during their scheduled working hours. Supervisors, coworkers, and constituents need to know how to contact the remote employee and know when (or if) to expect them in the office.
The standards and expectations for communication will be established in the formal remote work agreement. Aside from determining communication channels and frequency, consider other issues such as:
- Backup: There will likely be instances where physical presence is required, and a co-worker needs to step in.
- On-the-spot assistance: Remote employees may need someone who is physically in the main office to assist them, for instance, to fax or scan a document to them, or to look up information.
Etiquette and Tips
- Keep your Outlook (or other department) calendars up to date to avoid confusion and breakdown in communication.
- Ensure technology and internet service are operating appropriately before any scheduled meetings.
- When participating in meetings, ensure your remote space is free of disruptive sounds and lighting.
- Have your webcam/video on so that you can demonstrate you are present and engaged in the discussion.
- When you are not speaking, mute your microphone to avoid any feedback or other sound issues that may disrupt the call.
- Remember that meeting facilitators or attendees may not be able to see or adequately interpret your body language virtually to know that you have a question or would like to speak.
- Choose the most effective communication channels based on context and audience (e.g., email, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, phone call, etc.)
Remote Work Agreement
Supervisors are responsible for establishing the remote work expectations and guidelines set forth in the remote work agreement. As the supervisor, you set the tone for employees working remotely and should be familiar with the all relevant policies, processes and skills needed to successfully work remotely work in your area. -
Positions Suitable for Remote Work
Supervisors must first identify job categories and duties that can be performed in a remote location. Some considerations include:
- Job requirements that accommodate working away from the office for one or more days each week.
- Predictable contact with other employees and ʺcustomersʺ.
- Identifiable portions of the job which can be performed effectively outside the office.
- Work that can be accomplished equally as well inside or outside the office.
As a rule of thumb, if someone can close their office door for eight hours, without the need for face-to-face contact, then you might consider the job for remote work. If someone can ʺclusterʺ their work into eight hours not requiring face-to-face contact, they may be a candidate for remote work.
Employees Suitable for Remote Work
Remote work does not suit everyone. Careful selection and candid communication are essential elements in a successful program. Research shows that employees with the following characteristics generally make effective remote employees:
- Self-motivated
- Successful performance evaluations
- History of dependability
- Function independent of direct supervision
- Comfortable with a degree of social isolation
- Well organized with good time management skills
- Able to communicate effectively
- Has an appropriate remote location that includes privacy and lack of distraction
- Has adequate level of job skills and knowledge
Setting Expectations
Supervisors should set specific expectations for remote employees with regards to:
- Equipment and other supplies
- Work schedule and "down time"
- Remote duties vs in-person duties
- Performance standards and other assessments
- Communication
The above information should be clearly outlined in the approved Remote Work Agreement, but other internal processes, schedule, and deadlines should be detailed and clearly understood by the remote employee, supervisor, and any relevant staff (e.g., coworkers working in the office).
Supervisors must be willing to develop realistic performance goals for the remote employee.The supervisor must support remote work and adapt management styles to continue providing effective guidance.Remote work is not a reduction of management/supervisory responsibility. Participation in a remote work program requires a high level of communication and management skills. -
Set clear expectations in terms of the frequency and channels for communication (e.g., Microsoft Teams, Zoom, phone call, etc.). Establish a schedule and identify techniques for staying in touch with remote employees, keeping abreast of their assignments/progress. Encourage communications with between remote employees and their in-office coworkers and other university personnel. The remote employee should be accessible during their working hours and other members of the campus should know how to reach them. -
Performance Standards
Identify and set clear standards of performance for remote work assignments. The same management skills and expectations used to manage employees working in the office should apply to remote employees. Manage for performance and results instead of managing by observation. A common question is ʺhow do I know when someone is working?ʺ. Effective managers do not equate presence with performance.
Some tips (and things to avoid) as it relates to identifying objectives and standards include:
- Review current job tasks and responsibilities.
- Establish measurable outcomes and deliverables.
- Specify who receives or monitors the outcomes and deliverables, and when interim checkpoints and due dates will occur.
- Use language that avoids subjectivity, vagueness, and interpretation. Be clear and specific to avoid misunderstandings about what is required.
- Link outcomes and deliverables to organizational goals. It is important that employees understand the importance of our work functions in relationship to the organization’s goals, mission, and services.
Things to avoid:
- Assigning remote employees more or less work than you normally would if they were in the office. Remote work does not change an employee’s job responsibilities, it just changes where the work is performed.
- Close supervision is not always good supervision. Effective supervision can be achieved without being close in proximity.
Employee Engagement
Some concerns for remote employees are that they will have less visibility in the office and become less connected with the department. Supervisors can support remote employee engagement by engaging in the following
- Include the remote employees in office activities even when they are not there. For example, include them in departmental meetings or casual events (e.g., staff meetings, lunch meetings).
- Frequent communication with your remote employees enables you, as the supervisor, to maintain the appropriate guidance and direction your employees need and expect.
- Engage in active listening and ensure your remote employees feel heard and valued.
- Ensure visibility. Take advantage of ʺopportunity assignmentsʺ and have the remote employees participate in those assignments. When the opportunity arises for presentations, be sure to include them.
Feedback and Addressing Issues
Supervisors should provide clear feedback often and regularly. It is recommended to schedule ongoing check-in meetings and evaluations, and to adjust procedures and processes as needed. If performance problems occur, it's essential to discuss with the employee immediately. The issues may not necessarily be the results of the remote arrangement itself. If remote employees continue to perform unsatisfactorily, work with them to implement a solution. You can also reach out to Human Resources for assistance and guidance on establishing a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP). If necessary, the remote work arrangement can be canceled.
Feedback Tips
- Be descriptive and avoid subjective language
- Prioritize feedback to address immediate concerns
- Give feedback immediately
- Give positive feedback; "praise in public, criticize in private"