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Human Resources

It is time to retire, now what?

Several steps are necessary when retiring from the University. Below is a list of those steps and the process of satisfying each:
  • Resignation Letter
    A resignation letter stating your retirement decision and the date you plan to retire will need to be drafted and given to your department. You may provide the resignation letter to your department at any time after your retirement decision is determined.
  • Personnel Action Form (PAF)

    A Personnel Action Form (PAF) stating retirement as your reason for termination, along with your last day of employment, must be completed by your department. Once completed, your department will forward the PAF to Human Resources for processing.

    Once Human Resources processes the PAF, People First and FRS can then accurately and timely record your retirement and begin the process on their ends.

    If Human Resources does not receive the PAF, it will delay the retirement process with People First and FRS. This delay could potentially cause a delay in retiree health coverage enrollment and the start of your retirement benefits.

  • Complete Necessary Retirement Paperwork

    FRS Pension -

    If you are retiring from the FRS Pension Plan, you will complete the  paperwork. You can complete the paperwork up to six (6) months before your retirement date to make sure your Pension Plan checks start arriving in a timely fashion.

    Once complete and your signature is notarized, the paperwork and the required documentation for proof of birth date and marriage, if applicable, are given to a member of the Benefits and Retirement Team so that they can forward it to FRS for processing.

    Once FRS receives the paperwork, they will notify you of the receipt and whether they require anything additional at that time.


    FRS Investment -

    If you are retiring from the FRS Investment Plan, there is no paperwork to complete. You will contact FRS directly, and they will assist you with the retirement process. You may reach FRS at (844) 377-1888.


    SUSORP -

    If you are retiring from the SUSORP, you will complete the  paperwork. You can complete the paperwork up to three (3) months before your termination date to ensure FRS processes your distribution or roll-over request at the end of the three (3) months waiting period from your last day of employment.

    Once complete, the paperwork and the required documentation for proof of birth date are given to a member of the Benefits and Retirement Team so they can forward it to FRS for processing.

    Once FRS receives the paperwork, they will notify you of the receipt and whether they require anything additional at that time.

  • Eligible Leave Payout

    If you are eligible for a leave payout, you will decide how you would like to receive it. You have two options for the payout:

    1. The funds will be directly deposited into your bank account via a direct deposit following your last regular paycheck (this usually takes place one to two weeks after).
    2. The funds can roll over to a 403(b) or 457(b) with one of the approved investment companies. Please visit the Voluntary Savings Plan 403(b) and 457(b) tabs found on the Human Resources Retirement page for additional information.

    If you do not have a 403(b) account through the University, you must contact one of the participating investment companies and establish one prior to making the leave payout request. Once established, you must complete a Salary Reduction Agreement for each leave if annual and sick leave are both payable to you and you choose to have the leave payout rolled over to a 403(b) with one of the approved investment companies. Once the Salary Reduction Agreement form is complete, please forward it to a member of the Benefits and Retirement Team for processing.

    If you do not have a 457 account through the University, you must contact  and establish one with an approved investment company provider prior to making the leave payout request. Once established, you must complete the necessary paperwork that will be provided through the Division of Financial Services.

  • Retiree Health Coverage

    Once People First receives your termination date from the University due to retirement, they will mail a retiree packet to your home address. This packet will allow you the option to continue your current health coverage as retiree coverage, switch to another State health retiree plan, or terminate coverage.
    Also, you will have the option to continue a reduced Basic Life Plan, along with COBRA coverage for any current dental and vision plans for up to 18 months after retirement.

    Regardless, if you choose to continue your State coverage as retiree coverage or terminate coverage, you must notify People First of your decision. Failure to notify People First of your decision will result in unwanted premiums that will be your responsibility. Once you receive the Retiree Packet, please contact People First at (866) 663-4735.


    If you are a faculty member, please contact a member of the Benefits and Retirement Team to see how double-deductions or deferred pay may influence the start date of your retiree health coverage.

  • Medicare B Enrollment

    If you will be 65 years old or older when you retire from the University and you will not be in a group health plan, you must enroll in Medicare Part B. Failure to enroll promptly may result in a penalty. 

    To enroll, you and possibly your spouse, if eligible, will complete the Medicare B Application. Also, an Employee Verification Form will need to be completed to verify your health coverage during employment at the University. Both forms are available on the  website. You will submit both forms to your county Social Security Office for processing.

    Please keep in mind that you will keep employee coverage through the end of the month following your retirement date. For example, if you retire on May 4th, you will have employee coverage through June 30th. You will not need Medicare B or your supplemental/secondary health plan to start until July 1st.


    If you are a faculty member, please contact a member of the Benefits and Retirement Team to see how double-deductions or deferred pay may influence the start date of your Medicare B coverage.

  • Health Insurance Subsidy

    An FRS Pension Plan or FRS Investment Plan retiree is eligible for a health insurance subsidy. To receive this benefit, you must complete the Health Insurance Subsidy Application form. FRS will mail the form to your home address after you retire, and it is your responsibility to complete the form and return it to FRS promptly. Failure to complete the application and return it to FRS will void your eligibility to receive the Health Insurance Subsidy benefit.

    For more information regarding the Health Insurance Subsidy, please visit .

  • Retiree 成人AV视频 Perks

    Employees retired from the University are eligible, upon request, and on the same basis as other employees, to receive the following benefits at the University:

    • Retired employee identification card
    • Use of the University library
    • Placement on designated University mailing lists
    • University parking privileges
    • Use of University recreational facilities (different fees may apply to retirees than are charged to other employees for the use of such facilities)
    • The right to enroll in courses without payment of fees, on a space-available basis

    NOTE: In-unit faculty members and police officers are encouraged to refer to their respective bargaining agreements for University perks available to them upon retirement.