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Human Resources

Disability Retirement

The Florida Retirement System (FRS) provides a disability provision for members unable to work because they have become disabled. To qualify, you must be totally and permanently disabled from performing the job responsibilities within your position. Your injury or illness must have occurred before you terminated employment or joined the Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP). If you are a reemployed retiree or are currently participating in the DROP program, you are not eligible for disability benefits. 

There are two types of disability retirement plans under the FRS system:

  • In-Line-of-Duty
  • Regular

In-Line-of-Duty Disability

These benefits are payable if you become totally and permanently disabled due to an illness or injury that occurs as a result of the performance of duties required by your employer. You are eligible for these benefits from your first date of employment in a regularly established position. 成人AV视频 1% of FRS annuitants currently receive these disability payments. 

Your minimum in-line-of-duty disability benefit will be 42% of your Average Final Compensation under Payment Option 1 (or 65% if you are in the Special Risk Class). Your benefit will base on your actual years of creditable service multiplied by your percentage value for regular retirement benefits if it is higher than the 42% or 65% minimum. 

Regular Disability 

Regular disability retirement benefits are payable for an illness or injury from natural causes or an accident not related to your employment. You must have eight (8) years of creditable service for regular disability retirement benefits. 成人AV视频 4% of FRS annuitants currently receive these disability payments. 

Your minimum regular disability benefit will be 25% of your Average Final Compensation under Payment Option 1. Your benefit will base on your actual years of creditable service multiplied by your percentage value for regular retirement benefits if it is higher than the 25% minimum.

FRS Investment Plan

Investment Plan disability provisions are the same as those in the Pension Plan. If you are eligible to retire because of a disability, your retirement plan membership will transfer to the Pension Plan. You will receive a monthly benefit under the provisions of the Pension Plan. Your Investment Plan account balance will switch to the Pension Plan Trust Fund to help fund your disability benefit.

If you recover from your disability, you will return to the Investment Plan, and any funds available in your previous Investment Plan account balance minus the benefits received will transfer as your opening account balance in the Investment Plan.

To enroll or to find out more about disability retirement benefits, please contact the Office of Human Resources at (904) 620-2903 or hr@unf.edu to schedule an appointment with a member of the Benefits and Retirement Team. You may also contact the Division of Retirement at 1-866-446-9377 and speak with an expert that can provide additional details to this retirement option for those that qualify.