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Fraternity and Sorority Life

Greek Emerging Leaders

The Greek Emerging Leaders experience is a multi-day extensive leadership education opportunity that takes place at Southeast Greek Conference in Atlanta, GA. Southeast Greek Conference is held each February. Selected leaders will participate in a variety of opportunities to discuss specific challenges, learn new ideas and interact with fraternity and sorority leaders from around the region. This unique experience is designed specifically for our fraternity and sorority community members who are within their first year of membership.

What We Do

Our Greek Emerging Leaders experience doesn’t end after our time at Southeast Greek Conference. The cohort also have meetings and assignments throughout the fall semester and beyond targeted to help our emerging leaders apply their leadership education through opportunities within their individual chapters, councils, and the 成人AV视频 community.

Requirements for Selection

Applications for Greek Emerging Leaders are available each spring semester.

Those interested in Greek Emerging Leaders met the following requirements at the time of application:

  • Within their first year of membership within their fraternity or sorority.
  • Enrolled as a student at the 成人AV视频.
  • Maintain a minimum semester and cumulative grade point average of a 2.65.
  • Remain in good standing (financial, behavioral, and academically) within their chapter.

For more information regarding Greek Emerging Leaders, please contact us at unf.gel@gmail.com.

Epsilon Cohort (2022)

Abby Kuba, Kappa Delta
Chloe Browning, Alpha Delta Pi
Crystal Murr, Alpha Delta Pi
Jessie Sejour, Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc.
Julia Tines, Delta Gamma
Raissa Valencia, Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc.
Sarah Rozycki, Delta Gamma
Tatiana Drake, Alpha Chi Omega
Will Lackemacher, Alpha Sigma Phi
Xavier Ford, Alpha Sigma Phi

Delta Cohort (2021)

Alex Loggins, Kappa Delta
Bailey Bernard, Cross-affiliated for Recruitment 2022
Belle Birtolo, Delta Gamma
Johnny Grosso, Theta Chi
Julia Cronyn, Gamma Eta Sorority, Inc.
Hayden Suderman, Delta Gamma
Mason Iaconelli, Theta Chi
Samuel Sanmartin, Theta Chi
Selma Besirevic, Alpha Delta Pi
Tara Willis, Alpha Phi

Gamma Cohort (2020)

Austin Price, Delta Sigma Phi
Brooke Berger, Kappa Delta
Celeste Rivera, Alpha Phi
Diana Cappadoro,Cross-affiliated for Recruitment 2022
Jade Staschke,Cross-affiliated for Recruitment 2022
Lexie Hill, Zeta Tau Alpha
Naomi Gillis, Alpha Delta Pi
Paige Brooks, Delta Gamma
Samuel Terry, Theta Chi
Trent Stukes, Delta Sigma Phi

Beta Cohort (2019)

Alexia McKendrick, Delta Gamma
Ana Hernandez, Alpha Chi Omega
Caterina Calabretta, Delta Gamma
Erin Martin, Alpha Delta Pi
Maggie Duhigg, Kappa Alpha Theta
Mateo Sinche Aldas, Delta Sigma Phi
Morgan Heckle, Kappa Alpha Theta
Nick Ferry, Chi Phi
Sarah Streicher, Alpha Chi Omega
Tricia Rademacher, Gamma Eta Sorority, Inc.

Alpha Cohort (2018)

Alex Baig, Sigma Chi
Amber Gessner, Delta Gamma
Bella Kitzis, Gamma Eta Sorority, Inc.
Caitlin Lawrence, Delta Gamma
Jacqui Stone, Alpha Chi Omega
John Fletcher, Sigma Chi
Kenzie Kilman, Alpha Delta Pi
Kristin Ballard, Kappa Alpha Theta
Olivia Austin, Alpha Phi
Olivia Lovin, Zeta Tau Alpha