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Faculty Excellence and Academic Engagement

FEC's Peer Observation Form

Section 1 – Pre-Visit Conversation

[to be completed by the faculty member and given to the peer observer in the pre-visit meeting]

Faculty (“Observee”):



Course Title:

Section# &/or CRN:

No. of students:

Format (Face to face, DL/Online, Hybrid, or Other):

Day / Time / Session length:




[Provide course syllabus in advance]                                                                   

  1. What are the specific intended learning outcomes of this teaching session?
  2. What specific aspect(s) of your teaching practice would you like the observer to focus on and provide you feedback for?
  3. What is the reason for your focus on this aspect (e.g. from student feedback, analysis of assessment performance, personal reflection)?
  4. Is this a course you are struggling with? Please reflect on student comments (via ISQs) and submit a narrative


Section 2 – Classroom Visit

[To be completed by the Observer during the visit. Observers may also choose a narrative log or other format. For each area, please identify strengths and/or questions or areas for future focus]

  1. Overview of the session as a whole:
  2. Clarity and achievability of SLOs:
  3. Area of focus #1 (from Section IB, e.g. planning and organization of the session):
  4. Area of focus #2 (e.g. teaching methods/approach):
  5. Area of focus #3 (e.g. Inclusivity of style/content):
  6. Program area of focus #1 (e.g. student engagement):
  7. Program area of focus #2:
  8. Recommendations and observer learning points:


Section 3 – Post-Visit Reflection

[to be completed by the Observee following written feedback in Section 2 and post-visit conversation]

Action plan: (to build on your reflections of the session and the observation feedback you received).

In the case of a formative observation visit, this form and its contents are the property of the Observee. In the case of a summative observation visit (ideally in the same term as a formative visit, to be able to gauge changes), the Observer should use this form, along with previous formative observations and the faculty member’s own reflections in discussion to help construct a formal letter speaking to the pedagogical practice of the faculty member.


[To confirm the observation of teaching has taken place and all parties are satisfied with the process.]



