Faculty Association Resolution on Teaching Observations
Whereas, peer observation of teaching should be understood as a multi-stage, collaborative process consisting of preparation by both parties that includes a pre-observation conversation, the observation visit, and a post-observation conversation. Additionally, that formative reviews should be confidential, and summative reviews should produce a document that may be used by the observed faculty member for evaluative purposes.
Whereas, the faculty understand that effective peer teaching evaluations (both formative and summative) positively impact the teaching and learning process at 成人AV视频.
Whereas, the faculty further acknowledge that peer teaching evaluations and/or faculty narratives that demonstrate reflection on teaching practice in response to such evaluations can be powerful artifacts of teaching excellence.
Whereas, having a centralized repository of resources on teaching observations, a regular program of training on how to complete and evaluate teaching observations, and a system for identifying peer observers will increase the consistency and quality of teaching observations and their interpretation at 成人AV视频.
Whereas, the 成人AV视频 Office of Faculty Enhancement (OFE) already provides both formative teaching observations for faculty to improve their classroom teaching and summative teaching observations for faculty to demonstrate teaching effectiveness in annual reports and for promotion and tenure dossiers.
Therefore, be it Resolved that the 成人AV视频 Faculty Association recommends that 成人AV视频:
- encourage best practices in peer pedagogy and a thoughtful and consistent approach to peer observations of teaching that involves a multi-stage, collaborative process of peer teaching observation.
- direct the Office of Faculty Enhancement, in collaboration with the Faculty Enhancement Committee, to:
- develop flexible, customizable forms (at least one each for regular classrooms, online learning environments, and laboratory/clinical/field environments) to be used for peer observations,
- create webpages that host relevant materials on conducting successful teaching observations as well as resources on developing learning goals, modified with department/discipline/program goals, as well as appropriate resources on teaching observations from the Scholarship on Teaching and Learning,
- include peer teaching observation information in both New Faculty Orientation and Department Chair Training events,
- offer regular workshops and training events on peer observations, and
- establish a system for identifying faculty prepared and willing to act as peer observers.