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Equal Opportunity and Inclusion

Equal Opportunity and Inclusion


To strategically plan, lead, educate, advance, sustain, and foster equity, access, equal opportunity and inclusion throughout the university community. The Office of Equal Opportunity and Inclusion believes that cultivating and maintaining a robust educational environment where the dignity and well-being of individuals engaged in teaching, learning, leadership, conducting business, and other pursuits should be mutually respected.


Civility and Collegiality: Engaging with university community members in a manner conducive to transparency, trust, and respect towards a common purpose inclusive of broad-based ideals, experiences, and knowledge without regard to one’s race, religion, gender expression/identity, marital status, national origin, or other factors associated with discrimination in intent or effect.

Accountability and Responsiveness: Providing timely services in a collaborative, honest, and ethical manner notwithstanding academic, intellectual, and artistic freedom. 

Our Work

Non-Discrimination, ADA-Section 504 Compliance, and Title IX Administration

Leads Equal Opportunity (EO) compliance university-wide for students, faculty, staff and external constituents.

  • Educational outreach and training employment-related equity, access, Title IX compliance, and compliance postings;
  • Analytics and reporting develops and distributes the University's Affirmative Action Plan, Florida Equity Report, transactional reports of ongoing EOD functions, and special reports as requested;
  • Conflict resolution mediation, facilitation, and/or investigation of complaints for students, faculty, staff, visitors, and vendors;
  • Policy(ies), regulations(s), and procedure(s) monitoring implementation, evaluating relevancy, and recommending new or updates for compliance;
  • Search and screen process engagement from start to finish for faculty (all) and administrative and professional recruitment (directors and above), including evaluation and review of search activities;
  • Leads Title IX Committee administration;
  • Committee(s) service to include , CEROC Advisory Board, Clery Act Committee, and Student Affairs Title IX Triage Committee.
  • Educational outreach and training employment-related equity, access, Title IX compliance and compliance postings;
  • Consultation available to members of the University community regarding steps and measures to handle needs and functions under the auspices of EOI;
  • Departmental reorganization/ restructuring upon request to ensure the nonexistence of unintentional disparity or discrimination;
  • EEO reviews and impact statements for new degree programs, termination of degrees, limited access programs, and salary equity matters