Bloodborne Pathogen Program
I. Responsibility
II. Definitions
A. Blood
B. Bloodborne Pathogens
C. Decontamination
D. Engineering Controls
E. Exposure Incident
F. Occupational Exposure
G. Other Potentially Infectious Materials (OPIM)
- the following human body fluids - semen, vaginal secretions, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, pleural fluid, pericardial fluid, peritoneal fluid, amniotic fluid, saliva in dental procedures, any body fluid that is visibly contaminated with blood and all body fluids in situations where it is difficult or impossible to differentiate between body fluids;
- any unfixed tissue or organ (other than intact skin) from a human (living or dead);
- HIV-containing cell or tissue cultures, organ cultures, culture medium or other solutions; and
- blood, organs or other tissues from experimental animals infected with zoonotic diseases.
H. Parenteral
I. Personal Protective Equipment
J. Universal Precautions
K. Work Practice Controls
III. Exposure Determination
Category 2
Physical Therapy Instructors
PT Assistant Professors
PT Associate Professors
Health Science Clinical Educators Nursing Instructors
Nursing Assistant Professors
Nursing Associate Professors
Physical Facilities Custodial Workers
PF Sr. Custodial Workers
PF Maintenance Support Workers
PF Custodial Supervisors
PF Recycle Clerk
PF Maintenance Mechanics
Companies who are in compliance with the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard shall provide contractor services that fall within either of the above categories. This includes the training, vaccination and recordkeeping components of the Standard.
IV. Training
A. Scope
- All employees with reasonably anticipated exposure to bloodborne pathogens or OPIM will receive annual training regarding the prevention and control of bloodborne pathogens.
- New employees with reasonably anticipated exposure to bloodborne pathogens and OPIM will receive training within 30 days of employment.
- Additional training shall be provided to employees as their job duties change. This will be monitored by individual supervisors in consultation with EH&S.
B. Record-Keeping
- The dates of the training sessions, content outline, attendees list and presenters list shall be maintained by the individual departments for three (3) years.
- Departmental compliance with the training requirement will be monitored by EH&S. A list of persons trained shall be submitted to EH&S annually by each department.
C. Content
- The training program shall contain the following elements:
- An accessible copy of the bloodborne pathogen standard.
- A general explanation of the epidemiology and symptoms of bloodborne diseases.
- An explanation of modes of transmission of bloodborne pathogens.
- A review of the exposure control plan.
- An explanation of the appropriate methods for recognizing procedures and other activities that may involve exposure to blood and OPIM.
- An explanation of the use and limitations of practices that will prevent or reduce the likelihood of exposure. This includes the appropriate use of PPE and proper work practices.
- Information on the types, proper use, location, removal, handling, decontamination and/or disposal of PPE.
- An explanation of the rationale for selecting PPE.
- Information on the hepatitis B vaccine, including information on its efficacy, safety and the benefits of being protected against hepatitis B.
- An explanation of the post-exposure evaluation in the event of an exposure including reporting mechanisms, time frame for reporting and the medical management that is available.
- Information on the management of emergencies associated with bloodborne pathogens including persons to contact and precautions.
- Review of signs, labeling and bagging procedures associated with prevention and control of bloodborne pathogens.
V. Hepatitis B Vaccination
VI. Medical Recordkeeping
VII. Exposure Prevention
A. Universal Precautions
B. Engineering and Work Practice Controls
- Hand washing facilities shall be provided and maintained with adequate supplies.
- Hand washing shall be performed after removal of gloves and after contact with blood or OPIM.
- Employees who have exudative lesions or weeping dermatitis shall refrain from handling blood or OPIM until the condition resolves.
- Contaminated sharps and needles shall not be bent, recapped or sheared.
- Contaminated sharps and needles shall be disposed of in puncture resistant, color-coded or labeled, leak-proof containers.
- Eating, drinking, smoking, handling contact lenses and applying cosmetics are prohibited in work areas where there is a potential for blood or OPIM exposure.
- Food and drink are prohibited in work areas where there is a potential for blood or OPIM exposure.
- All procedures involving blood and OPIM shall be performed in such a manner to minimize splashing, spraying, spattering, generation of droplets or aerosolization of these substances.
- Mouth pipetting and suctioning are not allowed.
- Resuscitation devices including mouthpieces or resuscitation bags shall be available for use in areas where the need for resuscitation is predictable (University Police Department, Student Health Services, Aquatic Center, etc.).
- All specimens of blood or OPIM shall be placed in closable, leak-proof containers prior to transport. If contamination of the outside of the primary container is likely, then a second container such as a plastic bag should be placed over the primary container to prevent contamination and/or leakage during handling, storage or transport.
C. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Gloves
- Disposable, single use gloves shall be worn when it is reasonably anticipated that the employee will have hand contact with blood or OPIM. The gloves shall be replaced when worn, torn or contaminated. They shall not be washed or decontaminated for reuse.
- Utility gloves may be decontaminated and re-used if not punctured.
- Masks, eye protection, face shields:
- Masks in combination with eye protection devices shall be worn when there is a reasonably anticipated chance of exposure to blood or OPIM through splashes, sprays, spatters or droplets.
- Gowns, gloves, aprons and other protective coverings:
- These shall be worn depending upon the task and the degree of exposure anticipated.
- Surgical caps, hoods or boots:
- These shall be worn when gross contamination is reasonably anticipated.
- There shall be a designated area in each work setting for the dispensing, storage, cleaning and disposal of PPE. Contaminated PPE that is not immediately decontaminated shall be clearly designated and treated as biohazardous material.
D. Housekeeping
- Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization Practices
- All environmental and work surfaces shall be properly cleaned and disinfected on a regular schedule and after contamination with blood or OPIM (see Attachment C).
- Appropriate personal protective equipment (e.g. gloves) shall be worn to clean and disinfect blood and OPIM spills.
- Cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of equipment shall be performed, as appropriate, after contamination with blood and OPIM (see Attachment C).
- All linens used in 成人AV视频 Student Health Services patient facilities shall be considered contaminated and shall be handled using Universal Precautions.
- All infectious wastes shall be managed according to 成人AV视频 Biohazardous Waste Disposal Policy (see Attachment D).
- Gloves shall be worn by employees who have direct contact with contaminated waste.
- All biohazardous and/or biomedical waste designated for removal and incineration off-site shall be labeled according to Florida Statutes.
E. Labels
- Warning labels as specified by the bloodborne pathogen standard shall be used. Red bags or red containers may be substituted for labels.
- The labels shall include the biohazard symbol and be fluorescent orange or orange red.
- Warning labels shall be placed on containers of regulated waste, refrigerators and freezers containing blood or other potentially infectious materials. Other containers used to store, transport or ship blood and OPIM shall also be labeled.
- Warning labels should be affixed to contaminated equipment and state which portions of the equipment are contaminated.
VIII. Exposure Management
- Wound and skin exposures shall be immediately washed with soap and water.
- Exposures shall be reported to the supervisor.
- Exposed individuals shall go as soon as possible (within 1 to 24 hours) to their personal physician or local hospital emergency room for follow-up evaluation and treatment. A confidential medical evaluation and follow-up should be conducted for all exposure events to employees.
- The route and circumstances of the exposure shall be documented.
- The identification of the source individual shall be documented unless it is unfeasible or prohibited by State law.
- The source individual shall be tested for HIV or HBV according to Florida Statutes. Retesting is not necessary when the source individual is known to be positive for HIV or HBV. Those results shall be disclosed to the employee according to Florida Statutes.
- Serologic testing of the exposed employee shall be offered within the provisions of Florida Statutes for HIV. If the employee consents to baseline blood collection, but chooses not to be tested for HIV at that time, the sample shall be held for 90 days after the incident enabling the employee to have HIV testing within the 90 days.
- That the employee has been informed of the results of the evaluation.
- That the employee has been informed about any medical conditions resulting from exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials which require any further evaluations or treatment.
- The hepatitis B immunization status and the need for immunization.
- The letter shall not include any confidential material.
IX. HIV and HBV Research and/or Production Laboratories
A. Monitoring
- Each department chairperson or director shall be responsible for monitoring his or her department's or group's compliance with the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard.
- EH&S shall assist departments in monitoring compliance with the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard.
B. Review and Update
Universal Precautions
According to the concept of Universal Precautions, all human blood, human blood components, products made by human blood and certain other materials are treated and handled as if known to be infectious for HIV, HBV and other blood borne pathogens.
The other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) which require Universal Precautions include:
- the following human body fluids – semen, vaginal secretions, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, pleural fluid, pericardial fluid, peritoneal fluid, amniotic fluid, saliva in dental procedures, any body fluid that is visibly contaminated with blood and all body fluids in situations where it is difficult or impossible to differentiate between body fluids;
- any unfixed tissue organ (other than intact skin) from a human (living or dead);
- HIV – containing cell or tissue cultures, organ cultures and HIV – containing culture medium or other solutions; and
- blood, organs or other tissues from experimental animals infected with HIV or HBV.
The following shall be observed:
- PPE: Personal protective equipment shall be used to prevent skin and mucous membrane contact with blood OPIM. These may include the use of gloves, masks, protective eyewear or face shields and gowns or aprons as appropriate for the task.
- Handwashing: Hands and other skin surfaces shall be washed immediately after contact with blood or OPIM. Hands shall be washed each time gloves are removed.
- Prevent Puncture Wounds: All sharps (needles, scalpels, and razor blades) shall be disposed of in labeled, leak proof, puncture proof sharp containers. Needles shall not be bent, sheared or recapped. Sharps containers shall be available in the area where sharps are being used.
- Dermatitis: Employees who have exudative lesions or weeping dermatitis shall refrain from handling blood or OPIM until the condition resolves.
- Biological Safety Cabinets (BSC): BSC are required for procedures that may generate an aerosol (vortexing, grinding, blending, etc.)
This section contains guidelines for the use of sterilants, disinfectants and germicides.
Environmental Cleaning
All blood and OPIM spills must be decontaminated with a 1:10 dilution of sodium hypochlorite (bleach) and water or with a 2% aqueous solution of glutaraldehyde.
Recommendations for Chemical Disinfection and Sterilization of Instruments and Equipment
Decontamination and Cleaning All the objects to be disinfected or sterilized should be thoroughly cleaned to remove blood, tissue, food, and other residue. If necessary, they should be decontaminated before or during cleaning.
Indications for Sterilization of High-Level Disinfection
Steam sterilization is the optimum way to achieve disinfection. If the item may be damaged by heat, pressure or moisture or if it is otherwise not amenable to steam sterilization, gas sterilization may be used.
Environmental surfaces contaminated with blood or OPIM should be cleaned using a 1:10 dilution of chlorine bleach solution that is prepared daily. The contaminated area should be flooded with the bleach solution and then cleaned up using paper towels. Ten minutes of the exposure is required for disinfection. Gloves should be worn during clean up procedures. Chlorine bleach can corrode metal and should be rinsed thoroughly
All biohazardous waste must be inactivated prior to disposal. The preferred method is steam sterilization (autoclaving) although chemical inactivation or incineration may be appropriate in some cases. Liquid waste that has been chemically inactivated may be poured down the drain for discharge into the sanitary sewer.
- Biohazardous Waste
Any liquid or solid waste contaminated with:- human or animal pathogens that are considered BSK-2 or above
- plant pathogens if regulated by APHIS or DPI
- all recombinant nucleic acid materials
In addition, Florida Statute 10D-104 requires the following items to be treated as biohazards:- all human disease causing agents
- human and non-human primate blood, blood products or other human body fluids
- human and non-human primate tissue and body parts
- any medical device (tubing, etc.) contaminated with a, b, or c, which represents a significant risk of infection.
- Non-Infectious Clinical Waste
This category of waste refers to waste that has been generated in a clinical health care setting and which is not contaminated with biohazardous or infectious human disease causing agents.
Clinical waste includes non-infectious waste from Student Health Services.
This material need not be inactivated prior to disposal. It must be disposed of in red or orange colored biohazard bags, biohazard boxes or sharp disposal containers that are clearly marked as biohazard.
Final disposition of these bags and boxes shall be in the appropriate biomedical waste receptacle. - Sharps
Sharp objects (needles, scalpels, razor blades and pipettes) shall be placed in puncture-proof containers with the appropriate color-coding biohazard labeling. Sharps that are contaminated must be inactivated prior to disposal.
The transport of biohazardous waste outside of the laboratory (i.e. to an autoclave or incinerator) must be in closed, leak proof containers that are labeled as biohazards. Labeling may be accomplished by use of red or orange biohazard bags or by affixing the universal biohazard symbol.
Storage of non-inactivated biohazardous waste is restricted to within the generating laboratory. It may not be store for longer than 24 hours prior to inactivation.
Landfill Policy
Local landfills will not accept any biological waste. This material should be carried to the appropriate biomedical waste collection site for disposal. It shall not be disposed of in the regular trash.
Biohazard Bags
All biohazard bags used for waste disposal must meet impact resistance (165 grams) and tearing resistance (480 grams) requirements. Written documents (bag quality test report) from the manufacturer must be kept on file.
Please note that it is the responsibility of the supervisor, department head or chairperson to ensure compliance with this policy.
This section applies to research laboratories and production facilities engaged in the culture, production, concentration, experimentation and manipulation of HIV and HBV. It does NOT apply to clinical or diagnostic laboratories engaged solely in the analysis of blood, tissue or organs. The requirements listed here apply in addition to other requirements of the Blood borne Pathogen Program Exposure Control Plan.
Research laboratories and production facilities shall meet the following criteria:
- Standard microbiological practices are used. All infections waste will be inactivated prior to disposal.
- Special practices include:
- Laboratory doors will be kept closed when work involving HIV or HBV is in progress.
- Contaminated materials that are to be transported are carried in a durable leakproof, labeled or color coded container that is closed prior to being removed from the work area.
- Access to the work area shall be limited to authorized persons. Written policies and procedures shall be established whereby only persons who have been advised of the potential biohazard, who meet any special requirements and who comply with all entry and exit procedures will be allowed in the work area.
- Biohazard signs (see Exposure Control Plan for description) shall be posted on all access doors when work involving OPIM or infected animals is in progress.
- All activities involving OPIM shall be conducted in biological safety cabinets or other physical containment devices within the containment module. No work with OPIM shall be conducted on the open bench.
- Laboratory coats, gowns, smocks, uniforms or other appropriate protective clothing shall be used in the work are and animal rooms. Protective clothing shall not be worn outside of the work area and shall be decontaminated before being laundered.
- Special care shall be taken to avoid skin contact with OPIM. Gloves shall be worn when handling infected animals and OPIM.
- All waste from work areas will be inactivated prior to disposal.
- Vacuum lines shall be protected with liquid disinfectant traps and HEPA filters that are routinely maintained and replaced as necessary.
- Hypodermic needles and syringes shall be used only for parental injection and aspirations of fluids from laboratory animals and diaphragm bottles. Extreme caution shall be used when handling needles and syringes. Needles should not be bent, sheared or recapped. Needles shall be placed in an appropriate sharps container and inactivated (by steam sterilization or chemically) prior to disposal.
- All spills shall be immediately contained and cleaned up by the appropriate professional staff or personnel trained to work with OPIM.
- A spill or accident that results in an exposure incident shall be immediately reported to the laboratory director or supervisor.
- A Biosafety Manual shall be prepared and updated at least annually. Personnel shall be advised of potential hazards, shall be required to read instructions on practices and procedures and shall be required to follow them.
- Containment Equipment
- Certified Biological Safety Cabinets (BSC) or other appropriate combinations of PPE and physical containment devices shall be used with all activities involving OPIM that pose a threat of exposure to droplets, aerosols, or spills.
- BSC shall be certified when installed, whenever moved and at least annually.
HIV and HBV research laboratories shall meet the following criteria:
- Each laboratory shall contain a facility for hand washing and an eye wash facility.
- An autoclave shall be available for decontamination of waste and other materials in proximity to the lab area.
HIV and HBV production facilities shall meet the following criteria:
- The work areas shall be separated from areas that are open to unrestricted traffic flow within the building. Passage through two sets of doors shall be a basic requirement for entry into the work area from access corridors or other contiguous areas. Physical separation of the high containment work area from access corridors or to other areas or activities may also be provided by a double-doored clothes-change room (showers may be included), airlock or other access facility that requires passing through two sets of doors before entering the work area.
- The surfaces of doors, walls, floors and ceilings in the work area shall be water resistant so that they can be easily cleaned. Penetrations in these areas shall be sealed or capable of being sealed to facilitate decontamination
- Each work area shall contain a sink for washing hands and an eye wash facility. The sink shall be foot, elbow or automatically operated and located near the exit door.
- Access doors to the work area or containment module shall be self-closing.
- An autoclave for decontamination of regulated waste or other materials shall be located within or very near the work area.
- A ducted exhaust-air ventilation system shall be provided. This system shall create directional airflow that draws air into the work area through the entry area. The exhaust air shall not be recirculated to any other area of the building, shall be discharged to the outside and shall be dispersed away from occupied areas and air intakes. The proper direction of the airflow shall be verified (i.e., into the work area).
Training requirements for HIV and HBV research laboratories and production facilities:
The following additional training requirements are required for employees in HIV and HBV research laboratories and production facilities:
- The employer shall ensure that the employees demonstrate proficiency in standard microbiological practices and techniques and in the practices and operations specific to the facility prior to being allowed to work with HIV or HBV.
- The employer shall ensure that employees have prior experience in the handling of human pathogens or tissue cultures prior to working with HIV or HBV.
- The employer shall provide a training program to employees who have no prior experience in handling human pathogens. Initial work activities shall not include the handling of infectious agents. A progression of work activities shall be assigned as techniques are learned and proficiency is developed. The employer shall ensure that employees participate in work activities involving infectious agents only after proficiency has been demonstrated.