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Center for Professional Development and Training

Workday Training Documentation

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  1. Use the link:
    - Please note that you may need to press "login" if a red bar appears. 
  2. Select "Workday" in the menu at the top of the page. 
  3. A gallery of all of the documentation will appear. 
  4. Select which job aid you need.


General Workday Documentation

Title Description Documentation
Contact Details - Review home address, phone number, and home email address. This job aid walks you through reviewing your contact details in Workday.

Edit Emergency Contact Information This job aid will walk you through the process of adding and editing your emergency contacts in Workday.

Set Up Direct Deposit and Banking Information for Payroll and Expenses This job aid walks you through the process of setting up direct deposit and banking information in Workday.

Elect Compensatory Time This job aid walks you through the processing of electing compensatory time in Workday.
Change Tax Document Preference This job aid walks you through the processing of changing your tax document preference in Workday.
Review Pay Withholding Information This job aid will walk you through the process of reviewing your pay withholding information in Workday.

Review Leave Balances This job aid will walk you through the process of reviewing your leave balances in Workday.

Review Compensatory Time Balance This job aid will walk you through the process of reviewing your compensatory time balances in Workday.
Viewing Benefits using MyFlorida People First System This job aid will walk you through the process of viewing your benefits using MyFlorida People First System.
Review My Task This job aid walks you through reviewing your tasks in Workday.

Retrieving Tasks Saved for Later This job aid walks you through retrieving your tasks "saved for later" in Workday.
Approving Tasks in Workday This job aid walks you through approving tasks in Workday.
Creating Requests in Workday using Create Request task This job aid walks you through creating requests using create request task in Workday.
Timesheet for Non-Exempt Hourly Worker This job aid walks you through completing a timesheet as a non-exempt hourly worker in Workday.
Approving Timesheets This job aid walks you through approving timesheets in Workday.
Requesting Time Off This job aid walks you through requesting time off in Workday.
Approving Time Off This job aid walks you through approving time off in Workday.
Entering and Approving Your Team's Time (For Managers) This job aid walks you through entering and approving your team's time off as a manager in Workday.
Timesheets for Police This job aid walks you through submitting timesheets for the 成人AV视频 Police Department in Workday.
Time Entry for Student/OPS Employees This job aid walks you through how to input time for student/OPS employees in Workday.
Viewing Your Payslips This job aid walks you through how to view your payslip in Workday.
Access Your Org Chart This job aid walks you through how to access your org chart in Workday.
How to Look Up a Cost Center Manager and other Roles for a Cost Center This job aid walks you through how to look up a cost center manager and other roles for a cost center in Workday.
Setup Workday Mobile App for iPhone and Android This guide will help you download, install, and set up the Workday mobile app on both iPhone and Android devices.
Troubleshooting the Workday Mobile App for iPhone and Android This guide explains common issues and solutions in the Workday mobile app. 

HCM Training Documentation

Title Description Documentation Link
Create Position This job aid takes you through the process of creating a position in Workday.

Create a Job Requisition This job aid takes you through the hiring process at 成人AV视频 in the Workday system. 

Edit Position Restrictions This job aid takes you through editing position restrictions in Workday. 

Job Changes This job aid takes you through the process of completing a job change in Workday. 

Move a Worker This job aid takes you through the process of moving a worker in Workday. 
The Offer Process This job aid takes you through the offer process in Workday, guiding you through extending an offer to your selected candidate.

Hire a Student This job aid takes you through the process of hiring a pre-selected student in Workday.

Recruiting, Hiring, and Onboarding Students and OPS This job aid walks you through the process of recruiting, hiring, and onboarding students and OPS employees in Workday.

Request Compensation Change This job aid walks you through the process of completing a compensation change in Workday.

Requesting One-Time Payment This job aid walks you through the process of completing a one-time payment in Workday.

Rehiring and Adding Period Activity Pay for Graduate Assistants, Resident Assistants, or Orientation Leaders This job aid walks you through the process of rehiring Graduate Assistants, Resident Assistants, or Orientation Leaders and adding a period activity pay in Workday.
Foreign Influence Review This aid explains information on the Foreign Influence Review and hiring process in Workday.
Rehiring and Adding Period Activity Pay for Adjuncts This job aid walks you through the process of rehiring and adding a period activity pay for Adjuncts in Workday.
Accessing Conflict of Interest Disclosure Request Form This job aid walks you through accessing the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Request Form in Workday.
Manage Academic Appointments This job aid walks you through the process of managing academic appointments in Workday.
Supplementals This job aid walks you through the process of supplementals in Workday.
Service Contracts This job aid walks you through the process of service contracts in Workday.
The Process to End Jobs This job aid walks you through the process of ending a current employee's job or position in Workday.

Procurement Documentation

Title Description Documentation Link
New Credit Card Request This job aide takes you through the process of requesting a new credit card in Workday.

Creating Requisitions This job aid takes you through creating requisitions in Workday.
Procurement Card Verification - Charging to 成人AV视频 Keys This job aid takes you through how to complete the P-card verification task. This task should be completed at a minimum of once a month by employees who have outstanding P-card charges.

Procurement Card Verification - Splitting a Single Charge between 成人AV视频 and FDN This job aid takes you through how to split a single p-card charge between 成人AV视频 and FDN companies. This will generate intercompany accounting where 成人AV视频 pays Truist (credit card processor) and FDN reimburses 成人AV视频 through the weekly settlement run.

Credit Card Termination This job aid takes you through terminating a credit card in Workday.

Create Receipt This job aid takes you through creating a receipt in Workday.
New Supplier Registration This job aid walks you through the process of submitting a new supplier registration. 
Find Suppliers This job aid takes you through finding suppliers in Workday.
Viewing a Purchasing Order This job aid takes you through viewing a purchasing order in Workday.
Procurement Change Order (Onbase) This job aid takes you through viewing completing a Procurement change order request.
Procurement Card Transaction Verification for Self This job aid takes you through viewing completing a Procurement card transaction verification for self in Workday.
Procurement Card Transaction Verification for Worker This job aid takes you through viewing completing a Procurement card transaction verification for worker in Workday.
Procurement Card Verification Event: Getting the Procurement Card Verification Out of Draft Status This job aid walks you through the process of getting the procurement card verification out of draft status. 
Request Credit Card Name Change This job aid takes you through viewing completing requesting a credit card name change in Workday.
Request Credit Card Delegate Change This job aid takes you through viewing completing requesting a credit card delegate change in Workday.
Request Temporary Credit Card Limit Change This job aid takes you through viewing completing requesting a temporary credit card limit change in Workday.
Request Permanent Credit Card Limit Change This job aid takes you through viewing completing requesting a permanent credit card limit change in Workday.

Expense Documentation

Title Description Documentation Link
Expenses This job aid walks you through the process for creating and submitting spend authorizations, expense reports, and non-travel expense reports.
Revenue & Expense Accounts This is a list of all of the revenue and expense accounts.
Journal Entries This job aid helps you find the correct Workday journal you should be using.
General Ledgers and Journals This job aid helps you understand the various types of journals available in Workday.
Ledger Account Increases and Decreases This chart helps you understand ledger account increases and decreases in Workday.
Create a Supplier Invoice This job aid walks you through the procedure of creating a supplier invoice in Workday.
Create Blanket Travel Spend Authorizations and Expense Reports This job aid walks you through the procedure of creating blanket travel spend authorizations and expense reports in Workday.
Foundation Spend Authorizations, Expense Reports, and Non-Travel Employee Reimbursements This job aid walks you through foundation spend authorizations, expense reports, and non-travel employee reimbursements in Workday.
External Committee Members Procedures - External Committee Member Form (ECM) This job aid walks you through the procedure of requesting access to create a spend authorization or expense report for a Non-Worker in Workday. 

Miscellaneous Finance Documentation

Title Description Documentation Link
Extracting Keys from Workday for One Department This job aid walks you through extracting keys for one department in Workday.
Finding Workday Key This job aid explains three different ways to find your Workday key.
Guide to Comparing Your FY25 SSBD Banner Budget to Your FY25 Original Workday Budget This job aid walks you through how to compare your FY25 SSBD (Self-Service Budget Development) Budget from the Banner system to your FY25 Budget on your Key in Workday. This guide is only intended for original budget checking and should not be used past completing the go-live checklist.
Cash Sale This job aid walks you through the process of completing a cash sale (a payment without invoice) in Workday.
View and Save Cash Sale This job aid walks you through the process of viewing and saving a cash sale in Workday.
Find Customer Payment This job aid walks you through the process of finding a customer payment in Workday.
Find Assets This job aid walks you through the process of finding assets in Workday.
Dispose Assets This job aid walks you through the process of disposing of assets in Workday.
Process for Foundation Reimbursement of Personal Credit Card Charges This job aid walks you through the process for foundation reimbursement of personal credit card charges in Workday.
Foundation Data Model (FDM) Overview This job aid explains the Foundation Data Model used by Workday.
Financial Security Roles This job aid explains the financial security roles used in Workday.
Business Asset Checkout This job aid walks you through the process of checking out a business asset in Workday.
Property Survey (Onbase) This job aid walks you through the process of completing a Property Survey (Onbase) in Workday.