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2024-2025 University Catalog
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Social Studies Education: Social Studies (6-12)

The Osprey Map provides a term-by-term sample schedule for each undergraduate academic program at the 成人AV视频. It is designed to guide students in the selection of courses each term. The "Mile Marker" courses are those courses that should be completed before or by the end of that term. Following the sample schedule, and completing the mile marker courses at the appropriate point of your undergraduate career, will facilitate graduation in four years. The term-by-term model assumes full-time enrollment. For students enrolled part-time, the sample schedule and mile markers should be followed based on the number of credits completed. The Osprey Map should be used in consultation with an academic advisor.

The Secondary Social Studies Education program is designed to prepare teachers of social studies, history, economics, government, sociology, and/or psychology in grades 6 - 12. The culminating experience in the program is participation in a series of apprentice-like teaching experiences: two pre-internships and a semester-long internship, which allow for a synthesis of the program's coursework and the emergence of a highly trained secondary social science teacher who can effectively disseminate knowledge and skills in stimulating ways and encourage competent and responsible citizen participation. The goals, objectives, and experiences incorporated into the program reflect the current state of professional knowledge in the field at the state and national level. Visit the Social Studies Tab on the Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum: Undergraduate Programs webpage for additional information and for a complete list of prerequisites.

Career Planning
Engaging in career planning activities is significant to student success. 成人AV视频 offers customized career centers to deliver targeted programs, events, services and resources. First-Year and Exploratory students should visit the webpage and Sophomore or higher level students with a declared COEHS major should visit the .

Students should refer to their personalized Degree Evaluation provided by an academic advisor and to other university resources for additional university and college-specific policies. Visit the undergraduate university catalog for more information.

Summer terms may be utilized to facilitate graduation in four years.

  • Visit the university catalog for a list of General Education requirements. An Associate in Arts (AA) degree from a Florida public university, state college or community college satisfies 成人AV视频 general education and Gordon Rule requirements. Math selection is contingent upon appropriate placement score, the student's major and/or credit received through accelerated mechanisms (Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, Dual Enrollment, etc). General Education course work must be completed with a grade of C or higher.
  • Students are encouraged to speak with College of Education faculty directly regarding questions about the teaching profession.
  • When selecting a free elective credit it is recommended to take EDF2085 Intro to Diversity Educators.
  • Admission into the College of Education and Human Services requires a minimum of 60 semester hours or a state of Florida AA degree with a grade point average of 2.50 or better and passing scores on all four parts of the General Knowledge (GK) test prior to 90 credit hours. Program admission requires a decision by a college administrator or faculty. Find specific admission criteria for this program on your Degree Evaluation, college website, university catalog or consult your academic advisor. For more information visit the webpage.
  • In addition to the state-required prerequisites in the catalog, students are strongly encouraged to complete the following three courses (when possible) to meet their General Education and/or lower-division free elective coursework: ECO2013, WOH1012, WOH1022 and one from the following: ANT2000, SYG2000 or PSY2012.
  • A minimum grade of "C" is required in all course work.
  • Students must maintain a minimum GPA of a 2.50 or better for each semester they are enrolled in a teacher education program.
  • A level 2 background check (including fingerprints) done and verified by the school district in which the field/clinical experiences will be completed is required prior to the assignment of any student to a field/clinical experience. Students not cleared by the school district will not be permitted access to schools.
  • All course work including successful completion of Field Labs I and II are prerequisites for Student Internship (Term 8). Courses with field lab requirements must be completed during fall and spring terms.
  • Passing the Professional Education and Subject Area exams of the Florida Teachers Certification Exam (FTCE) is required for completion of internship and graduation.
  • Civic Literacy Requirement: Prior to graduation from a Florida state university, students must demonstrate competency in civic literacy through successful completion of a civic literacy course (AMH 2010, AMH 2020, or POS 2041) and by achieving a passing score on an assessment. Consult an academic advisor, the university catalog and visit the Civic Literacy webpage for additional information.
  • A minimum of 120 hours (48 hours at the upper 3000/4000 level) is required for the bachelor's degree.

Term 1: Attempted Hours 0-15

Schedule Credit Hours
IDS1932 (GW) First-Year Writing Seminar OR ENC1101 (GW) Audience and Purpose   3
EDF1005 Intro to Teaching Profession (Program Prerequisite)
(Students are required to complete a minimum of 18 hours of field-based experiences with children and youth)
POS2041 Intro to American Government (Program Prerequisite) 3
Select a General Education Course (See Degree Evaluation) 
(When selecting a math course, Math for Teachers I or Elementary Statistics is recommended)
Select a Free Elective(See recommendations listed above) 3
Total Hours: 15

Term 2: Attempted Hours 16-30

Schedule Credit Hours
ENC1101 (GW) Audience and Purpose OR IDS1932 (GW) First-Year Writing Seminar
(Select the course not taken in Term 1)
EDF2085 Intro to Diversity for Educators OR EME2040 Intro to Technology for Educators (Both are recommended courses)
(EDF2085 requires students to complete a minimum of 18 hours of field-based experiences with diverse populations of children and youth)
Select one course with the following prefix: ECO/SOC/SYG/ANT/PSY or GEO/GEA (Program Prerequisite) 3
Select a General Education Course (See Degree Evaluation) 
(When selecting a math course, Math for Teachers I or Elementary Statistics)
Select a General Education Course (See Degree Evaluation) 3
Total Hours: 15

Mile Marker(s)
EDF1005 Intro to Teaching Profession Minimum Grade C

Term 3: Attempted Hours 31-45

Schedule Credit Hours
Select a second Gen Ed Written Communication Course (See Degree Evaluation) 3
EDF2085 Intro to Diversity for Educators OR EME2040 Intro to Technology for Educators (Both are recommended courses)
(EDF2085 requires students to complete a minimum of 18 hours of field-based experiences with diverse populations of children and youth)
AMH2010 United States History to 1877 OR AMH2020 United States History Since 1877 (Both are Program Prereqs) 3
Select a General Education Course (See Degree Evaluation) 3
Select a General Education Course (See Degree Evaluation) 3
Total Hours: 15

Term 4: Attempted Hours 46-60

Schedule Credit Hours
AMH2010 United States History to 1877 OR AMH2020 United States History Since 1877 (Both are Program Prereqs) 3
Select a General Education Course (See Degree Evaluation) 3
Select a General Education Course (See Degree Evaluation) 3
Select a General Education Course (See Degree Evaluation) 3
EDF3151 Educational Psychology (Transfer Juniors take EDF3151 in Term 5) 3
Total Hours: 15

Mile Marker(s)
General Education Requirements

Term 5: Attempted Hours 61-75

Schedule Credit Hours
EDG3323 The Learning Process 3
EDF3151 Educational Psychology (if not previously taken)  3
INR3016 Global Issues in Contemporary Politics 3
Select one 3000/4000 level Major Elective with the following prefixes: AMH/ECO/EUH/HIS/INR/LAH/POS/PSY/SOP/SYA/SYG 3
Total Hours: 12

Mile Marker(s)
EDF3151 Educational Psychology Minimum Grade C
EDG3323 The Learning Process Minimum Grade C

Term 6: Attempted Hours 76-90

Schedule Credit Hours
Select one LAH course at the 3000/4000 level (LAH3300 (CD)(FC) Latin America reccomended) 3
Select one ASH course at the 3000/4000 level 3
HIS3051 (GW) Craft Of The Historian (Offered Fall and Spring terms) 3
GEO3372 Conservation of Natural Resources 3
Total Hours: 12
NOTE: Take General Knowledge (GK) Test. Submit test score results to Office of Academic Support and Information Services (OASIS) Building 57, Petway Hall, Room 1300.

Mile Marker(s)
HIS3051 (GW)Craft Of The Historian Minimum Grade C

GEO3372 Conservation of Natural Resources Minimum Grade C
Civic Literacy Requirement

Summer 3

Schedule Credit Hours
EDG4410 Classroom Management Communication 3
AMH3420 Florida History 3
Select one 3000/4000 level Major Elective with the following prefixes: AMH/ECO/EUH/HIS/INR/LAH/POS/PSY/SOP/SYA/SYG 3
NOTE: Students prepare to take the Professional Education Certification Exam and the Social Studies Education Subject Area Certification Exam. Students must attempt both exams prior to registration for Student Internship in Term 8.
Total Hours: 9

Term 7: Attempted Hours 91-105

Schedule Credit Hours
SSE4384 Special Method: Social Studies (Offered Fall term only) 3
RED4333 Reading and Writing Across the Content  3
EDF4444 Assessment of Learn/Behavior  3
TSL4324 TESOL for Secondary Content Area Teacher (Requires a 35 hour ESOL field component in a secondary school) 3
EEX4275 Teaching Students w/ Exceptionalities  3
Total Hours: 15

Mile Marker(s)
SSE4384 Special Method: Social Studies Minimum Grade C
EDF4444 Assessment of Learn/Behavior Minimum Grade C
RED4333 Reading and Writing Across the Content
EDG4410 Classroom Managment Commun Minimum Grade C

EEX4275 Teaching Students w/ Exceptionalities Minimum Grade C

TSL4324 TESOL for Secondary Content Area Teacher Minimum Grade C
Social Studies Ed Major Requirements
2.5 GPA prior to Student Internship (ESE 4943)
Professional Education Certification Exam
Social Studies SAE Certification Exam

Term 8: Attempted Hours 106-120

Schedule Credit Hours
ESE4943 Student Internship 12
Total Hours: 12
NOTE: Successful completion of Field Labs I & II are required to enrolling in the internship

Total Program Hours:



The Osprey Map is not a contract between the 成人AV视频 and the student. It should be used as a general guide for the purpose of meeting requirements and constructing course schedules. The Map may be altered periodically to meet the objectives of the academic program or the university.