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Advanced - Image Features


The Numbers tier is a great way to showcase statistics about your department through image graphics.

  • First make sure you have uploaded all your images needed for a slider before beginning (see the Inserting a Photo or Image section for more guidance).
  • Select an option for the Background Color of your numbers tier.background color selector with Blue chosen
  • In the Numbers group attach your Image and if you want add a Caption to appear below the images in black text (do not use on blue background).Number group tier in cascade with Image selector and caption writer
  • Repeat for the three Numbers groups to complete the tier and create a page section that looks like this.A Best in the Southeast 2021 Diversity Champion Insight into Diversity A Top Public University US News and World Report

Scrolling Text

The Scrolling Text tier allows you to have an image to either the left or right side of the page and a piece of text. You are able to choose the image and text position.

Scrolling text tier in cascade with a drop down for image and text position

The image will stick with your text as you scroll down on the page. This works best if you have a long piece of information where the image can stick with your text. Additionally, we recommend the image to be 600px by 300px.

You also have the option to do multiple blocks of an image and text. When you have multiple images, the second image and additional images will transition with a fade as you scroll down the page.

Scrolling block tier header in cascade with an arrow pointing to a green plus button


Sliders are a modern way to feature content on your Advanced pages. There are options for sliders with one image showing at a time, three images showing at a time, one video showing at a time (through a YouTube video embed) and a rotating sponsor slider. An example of each slider can be found on the slider section of the advanced layout page.

Slider Setup

Select the type of slider you would like to build from the Slider Type dropdown box (details on how to build each slider are below in the following sections).

The rest of slider setup is for the Video Slider, One Slider and Three Slider options. If you are building a Simple Slider or Popup Slider you can skip these following steps. Sponsor Sliders function completely differently, skip to the Sponsor Slider section for more instructions. If you are looking to build a slider that feeds from the 成人AV视频 Newsroom or events calendar you can skip to the Feed Slider section for more instructions.

  • First make sure you have uploaded all your images needed for a slider before beginning (see the Inserting a Photo or Image section for more guidance).
  • In the Section Header add a header for the whole slider and if you have additional information place it in the Intro text box field.cascade editor showing the Section Header and Intro sections of a slider filled outText of One Slider Heading Slider introduction text and header can be on the right or left of the slider
  • In the Slider Side dropdown field go ahead and select whether you would like the Section Header and Intro fields to appear on the right or the left of the slider when in full screen (please note this will not display on mobile or with two columns, the Section Header and Intro will appear above the slider.
    slider settings for Slider Side with selection of Intro on Left Side

Creating a "One Slider" or a "Simple Slider"

The "One Slider" and "Simple Slider" options allow you to feature content on your page by creating blocks with content and images. You can have anywhere from 1-9 slider blocks with an image, title, description, date/time and button link.

  • After selecting One Slider or Simple Slider from the Slider Type dropdown menu, you will see a new Slider Block group created.
  • Within the Slider Block group, you will attach your image to each block in the Image Picker. You can then add additional information to each slider block within the Title field and Description text box.Image Picker, Title, and Description boxes in the cascade slider tier editor
  • You then have the option to add a Date and Time for the slider block if it is an event. Next you can add a button link to the slider block by selecting a type from the Link Type radio buttons and either typing in the link URL or navigating to the page internally.Date and Time field and Link Type fields in cascade editor Link Type set to external
  • All this content built out will design a slider block that looks like this image below featuring the image from the image picker, date and time for an event, the description of the image or event and a learn more button linking to another page.Image and text sections of the one slider
  • Once you have finalized your slider block you can add more by scrolling up to the Slider Block group header and selecting the Green Add New Group + button.Slider block group heading in cascade with green plus symbol circled
    • This will allow you to build more content and create a manually rotating slider.
    • When more than one slider block is built buttons with carot symbols "<" ">" will appear on either side of the slider to allow for slider functionality.

Creating a "Popup Slider"

A "Popup Slider" allows you to feature image-based content on your page in a slider without worrying if all the images are the same dimensions.

Popup slider example with Ozzie, 成人AV视频 seal, and students sitting on campus

  • After selecting Popup Slider from the Slider Type dropdown menu you will see a new "Popup Slider" group, a "Slider Groups" group and three "Image Box" groups.Cascade groups for Popup Slider Slider Groups and Image Box all stacked on each other
  • Within your Image Box groups you can select a Thumbnail Image.
    • Thumbnail Images are images that appear on the page in the slider (these should be formatted to 350px X 350px to avoid compression or stretching)Thumbnail Image field in cascade with ozzie-headshot and note instructions to keep image width to 350px X 350px
  • You then have the option to Add Popup Image and Text by clicking the Add Popup checkbox.cascade field with text Add Popup Image and Text? Creates a light box when a user clicks on the image Add Popup checked
  • When adding a popup you will have the option for a Full Size Image that can be any dimensions you need and a Caption to go along with the image.Full Size Image and Caption boxes in cascade text of Ozzie wanted to to the beach so his full screen popup is a beach!
    • Users will see this Full Size Image and Caption when they click on a Thumbnail Image in the slider with a popup.painting of palm trees and ocean at sunset with caption of Ozzie wanted to go to the beach so his full screen popup is a beach!
    • An "X" button will appear in the top right of the browser allowing people to close the popup, clicking outside the popup box will also close the popup.
  • Repeat this process for all three Image Boxes, if more Image Boxes are needed the green plus on the Slider Groups section can be hit to add three more Image Boxes in a new Slider Groups container. Slider Groups tier header in cascade with the green plus button circled
    • You do not need three filled out Image Boxes in a Slider Group, if you do not add a Thumbnail Image no image will be added to the slider.

Creating a "Three Slider"

A "Three Slider" allows you to feature content on your page by creating groups of blocks with content and images. You can have any multiple of 3 from 3-15 slider blocks with an image, title, description, date/time and button link.

  • After selecting Three Slider from the Slider Type dropdown menu, you will see a new Slider Groups group created with three Slider Block groups inside of it.
  • Within each Slider Block group, you will attach your image to each block in the Image Picker. You can then add additional information to each slider block within the Title field and Description text box.Image Picker, Title, and Description boxes in the cascade slider tier editor
  • You then have the option to add a Date and Time for the slider block if it is an event. Next you can add a button link to the slider block by selecting a type from the Link Type radio buttons and either typing in the link URL or navigating to the page internally.Date and Time field and Link Type fields in cascade editor Link Type set to external
  • Repeat this process for all three Slider Block groups within your Slider Groups.
  • All this content built out will design 3 slider blocks that look like the blocks in the image below featuring the images from the image picker, date and time for each event, the description of the image or event and a learn more button linking to another page.3 slider slides showing Ozzie and two place holders with text underneath
  • Once you have finalized your slider block you can add more by scrolling up to the Slider Groups group header and selecting the Green Add New Group + button.Slider Groups tier header in cascade with the green plus button circled
    • This will allow you to build more content and create a manually rotating slider with a new set of three Slider Block
    • When more than one slider block is built buttons with carot symbols "<" ">" will appear on either side of the slider to allow for slider functionality.

Creating a "Video Slider"

A "Video Slider" allows you to feature content on your page by creating blocks with content and images. You can have anywhere from 1-9 slider blocks with an embedded video, title, description, date/time and button link.

  • After selecting Video Slider from the Slider Type dropdown menu, you will see a new Video Slider group created.
  • Within the Video Slider group, you will attach your video embed link to each block in the Video Link box and add the name of the youtube video to the Video Title box. You can then add additional information to each slider block within the Title field and Description text box.Video Link section with Video Title in cascade
  • Next you can add a button link to the slider block by selecting a type from the Link Type radio buttons and either typing in the link URL or navigating to the page internally.Date and Time field and Link Type fields in cascade editor Link Type set to external
  • All this content built out will design a slider block that looks like this image below featuring the image from the image picker, date and time for an event, the description of the image or event and a learn more button linking to another page.Video slider option with YouTube Embed of 成人AV视频 Homecoming 2023 video and text of 成人AV视频 Homecoming 2023 Description 1 Learn More
  • Once you have finalized your slider block you can add more by scrolling up to the Video Slider group header and selecting the Green Add New Group + button.Video Slider tier heading in cascade with the green + button circled
    • This will allow you to build more content and create a manually rotating slider.
    • When more than one slider block is built buttons with carot symbols "<" ">" will appear on either side of the slider to allow for slider functionality.

Creating a "Sponsor Slider"

A "Sponsor Slider" is a slider option that allow you to feature sponsors or partners of an event or department.

  • Upload all of your sponsor images to Cascade before building your sponsor slider.
    • All images need to be formatted to be 200px X 50px to ensure the slider functions properly.
  • After uploading images select the Slider option for Type from the tier dropdown menu. Under Slider Type select Sponsor Slider. You will then see a field titled How fast should the slider rotate? which is defaulted to Medium.Screenshot of Slider Type seleceted to Sponsor Slider and How fast should the slider rotate selected to Medium
    • Speeds are set as how long it takes for your slider to rotate through all the images. This means that the rate at which the slider rotates will vary depending on how many images you have as well as the speed you select. Time lengths for each option are listed below.
      1. Extra Slow = 100 seconds
      2. Slow = 75 seconds
      3. Medium = 50 seconds
      4. Fast = 30 seconds
      5. Extra Fast = 20 seconds
  • After selecting your speed you will see five Sponsor Image fields, attach your images.Screenshot of sponsor image tier within the sponsor slider feature
    • You can add more images by hovering over the Sponsor Image selecting the green Add new field plus button. Add new field option hovered in cascade

Feed Slider

The slider feeds are a way to pull in 成人AV视频 Newsroom stories or events from the 成人AV视频 Featured Calendar dynamically.

  • Once you select Slider from the Type tier you will have the option for Featured Calendar Slider and Newsroom Feed Slider under Slider Type.Slider Type options with Newsroom Feed Slider highlighted and Featured Calendar Slider above as an option
  • After choosing your slider type you will have the option to choose which feed you want to use.
    • Featured Calendar Slider options: Slider Feed for calendar feeds with Featured Events selected
    • Newsroom Feed Slider options:Slider News Feed options with All selected
  • After selecting your feed type you will fill out your Section Header and Intro like any other slider option and after submitting the events or stories will automatically populate in the slider.


Similar to the Slider tier, Spotlights are great for featuring multiple pieces of content on a page. An example of a completed spotlight can be found on the Spotlights section of the advanced layout page.

  • First make sure you have uploaded all your images needed for a spotlight before beginning (see the Inserting a Photo or Image section for more guidance).
  • After uploading your images, create banner blocks for each image (see the Banners section of the Blocks page in the manual for more guidance).
  • Once you have created the banner blocks select the Spotlight option for your tier and you will see a checkbox titled Add Icons to Spotlight Tabs?Add Icons to Spotlight Tabs? Not selected to Yes.
    • If you select yes you will get an option to add Tab Icon images, select Choose File to add an icon image to each spotlight tab.Tab Icon choose file selector in cascade
  • Scroll down and you will see a Spotlight Tab group. Spotlight Tabs header in cascade
  • Give each Spotlight Tabs group its own Tab Text and add your spotlight images to the Attach Banner Block file chooser. Tab Text box field with Spotlight 1 text and Attach Banner Block with banner2 attached
  • Add more Spotlight Tabs by selecting the Green + button on the Spotlight Tabs group header. Once all Spotlight Tabs are created you will end up with a spotlight section resembling the image below. example of a spotlight tier with Spotlight 1 selected and a shot of the student union