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Career Services

Internship Class

IDS 3949 allows students to earn course credit for relevant work experience.

Working with a Faculty Mentor and the Career Success Center (CSC), students will develop a plan to integrate academic coursework with an internship experience. Students are responsible for ensuring all forms are completed, signed and returned to the CSC by established deadlines.

Steps to Enroll in the IDS 3949 Internship Course

  1. Schedule an appointment with a Career Success Center Coordinator to receive an orientation to the course and all requirements. Due: At least a semester in advance of when the internship is planned to take place.
  2. Complete and sign the Student Application and have the form signed by your advisor verifying your eligibility to enroll in the course. Due: At least 4 weeks prior to the last day of classes of the semester prior to the internship term.

    **Make sure Steps 1 - 2 are completed and approved prior to continuing the final steps.**

  3. Identify a faculty mentor willing to supervise the academic elements of the internship. The Academic Agreement Form should be signed by your faculty mentor. A copy should be provided to the CSC. Due: At least 4 weeks prior to the last day of classes of the semester prior to the internship term.
  4. Select a prospective internship site and have the organization complete and sign the Employer Application . The CSC Internship Instructor will review the form to verify the site as a credible, relevant and approvable experience. Due: At least 4 weeks prior to the last day of classes of the semester prior to the internship term.
  5. Return the first three forms to the CSC for review. If approved, the remaining paperwork should be completed.
  6. Ensure the IDS 3949 Instructor receives all site and site contact information in order to begin the Employer Site Agreement process with the site. Due: At least 5 weeks prior to the last day of classes of the semester prior to the internship term.
  7. Complete the Student-Employer Assignment Verification Form and obtain the required signatures to confirm the internship experience for the designated semesters. Due: At least 2 weeks prior to the last day of classes of the semester prior to the internship term.

Once all forms are completed and submitted to the CSC and the internship experience is approved, course registration access will be granted. Students should register and pay any tuition fees according to the deadline dates established by the University.

Course Description

College of Arts and Sciences IDS 3949 Experiential Studies in Liberal Arts

Students will participate in supervised work experiences related to their major field of study. Students may repeat this course for credit, up to a total of six credit hours.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to apply to the COAS Internship Program, you must meet the requirements below:


  • Must be admitted as a degree seeking student
  • Must have at least 60 credit hours at the time you begin your internship assignment
  • Must have a declared major (officially accepted into college)
  • If a transfer student, must have at least one semester of completed coursework at 成人AV视频
  • Must have at least one semester remaining in program of study
  • Must have at least a 2.5 成人AV视频 Undergraduate GPA
  • Internship assignments and tasks must relate to major
  • Must declare a career goal related to major


  • Must be admitted as a degree seeking student
  • Must be enrolled in courses at the time of internship
  • Must declare a career goal related to major
  • Must have one semester remaining in program of study
  • Must have at least a 3.0 成人AV视频 Graduate GPA

*Consult with a Career Coordinator for specific requirements by individual departments

**Important Note: International students must consult with the International Center for eligibility requirements.

Course Requirements

You must complete the registered hours based on the number of credit you have registered for each semester. Please note: If you register for 0 credit hours, you must complete a minimum of 100 hours/semester.

To receive: You must work a minimum of:

  • 3 credit hours 135 hours/semester
  • 2 credit hours 90 hours/semester
  • 1 credit hour 45 hours/semester
  • 0 credit hours 45 hours/semester minimum
  • Time Sheet

This document is designed to track the total hours of work performed by you at the internship site. You must complete the required hours based on the number of credits you have registered for each semester.

You must keep track of your hours on a weekly basis. At the end of the semester, you site supervisor must sign your time sheet, certifying the total number of hours you worked during the semester. Your timesheet must be turned in to the course instructor by the date assigned.

Grading System

A passing grade (P) is assigned if you receive a satisfactory evaluation on the Mid-Term and Final Evaluation Forms, complete the required ours for credit and you return all completed assignments to the Instructor by the established due dates.

A failing grade (F) is assigned when you do not submit written assignments, receive an unsatisfactory employer evaluation, or prematurely terminate your work assignment without consultation and agreement from both the IDS 3949 Instructor and the employer.

A incomplete grade (I) may be given under special circumstances, which must be discussed and agreed upon with the course Instructor. This incomplete grade will revert to a failing grade if the matter is not resolved in a timely manner.