Viburnum odoratissimum - Sweet viburnum

Family Adoxaceae
Approximately one hundred fifty species of Viburnum are native to North America, Europe, and Asia. They are shrubs and small trees. This species is native to Asia. The scientific name, "odoratissimum" may refer to the strong odor of the crushed or cut foliage. Reportedly, the small flowers are sweetly fragrant but they are not produced regularly in northeast Florida.
See plants behind the Photo Lab, south of parking garage 44.
Large shrub with a maximum height of about twenty feet.
Care Instructions:
Light: full sun to part shade
Water: moderately drought tolerant
Soil: average garden soil, no special requirements
Sweet viburnum is easily grown in northeast Florida. It is best suited for the large garden where it has plenty of room to grow. Much too often, sweet viburnum is planted where a much shorter shrub is needed and pruned until it is made leggy and unattractive. Another mistake is to plant it in a hot, unirrigated site such as the edge of a parking lot where it declines during droughts.