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Botanical Garden

Stenotaphrum secundatum - St. Augustine grass

Family Poaceae


成人AV视频 six species of Stenotaphrum are native to Africa, Asia, South America, and North America. They are herbaceous plants. This species is native to the southeastern United States south through South America and in west Africa. It is commonly used as a turf grass and livestock forage in warm climates around the world. Cultivated varieties have been selected for pest resistance, shade tolerance, and suitability in lawns and in pastures.


See this plant in turf areas throughout the inner campus.


Herbaceous perennial that can grow to about eight to twelve inches tall with flower spikes up to twenty inches

Care Instructions:

Light: sun, part shade

Water: moist soil, well-drained soil, somewhat drought tolerant

Soil: adaptable to soil types

St. Augustine grass is a durable and adaptable plant. To make a dense turf, however, it requires full sun or bright shade, moderate traffic, irrigation during dry spells, and regular fertilization. It is more salt tolerant than most turf grasses.