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Botanical Garden

Pleioblastus shibuyanus 'Tsuboi' - Tsuboi dwarf bamboo

Family Poaceae


Forty or more species of Pleioblastus are native to Asia. They are running bamboos and, as such, can be agressive in the garden. Generally, shorter bamboo species send their underground rhizomes relatively shorter distances than taller bamboos. Non-running or clumping types, such as the Bambusa species, are better suited for the small garden.

Tsuboi dwarf bamboo is a selection of a species native to Japan. It was selected for the attractive white-stripe variegation on its leaves. It is unclear whether different clones exist under this name or if growing conditions determine the height. One grower recommends cutting the clump to the ground in spring every other year to maintain a compact clump.


See these plants at University Center.


Various sources list this plant's height as two feet tall to eight feet tall.

Care Instructions:

Light: part shade

Water: moist, not very drought tolerant

Soil: adaptable, no special requirements

This should be an easy plant for northeast Florida gardens. Information in literature is sparse and sometimes conflicting.