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Botanical Garden

Pinus palustris - Longleaf pine

Pinus palustris
Pinus palustris
Pinus palustris

Family Pinaceae


Nearly one hundred species of pines grow around the world, mostly in the northern hemisphere. Longleaf pine is native to the southeastern U.S. and northern Florida. It is identified by its very long needles (up to fifteen inches long) and its large cones (up to eleven inches long.) In the wild, it grows as the dominant tree in dry, sandy environments that are prone to seasonal fires. Natural stands were very important sources of timber and naval stores. Today, loblolly pine is the preferred pine for southern timber production, fires are suppressed and much of the longleaf pine's upland habitat has been replaced by development. As a result, the longleaf pine habitat is one of the most endangered in Florida.


See longleaf pine scattered around campus in both cultivated and natural areas. These young trees are along parking lot 2.


Tall tree to about eighty feet tall in the landscape. Old, wild specimens may reach over 150 feet tall.

Care Instructions:

Light: full sun to part shade

Water: very drought tolerant once established

Soil: best in acidic soils, no other special requirements

This native tree is easily grown in a sunny, well-drained site in Jacksonville. A well-grown specimen can be a beautiful landscape tree.