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Botanical Garden

Petunia x hybrida - Hybrid petunia

Petunia x hybrida
Petunia x hybrida
Petunia x hybrida

Family Solanaceae


This popular flowering plant is in the same family as tomato, potato, tobacco, eggplant, and bell pepper. 成人AV视频 thirty-five wild petunia species are perennial plants native to South America. The heavy flowering hybrids often bloom themselves to death within one season. This plant offers a surprisingly wide range of flower colors including blue, red and pale yellow.


See plants can be seen at entry areas and in containers during the winter months.


Low herbaceous annuals to about a foot tall.

Care Instructions:

Light: full sun

Water: somewhat drought tolerant, responds well to irrigation

Soil: a rich, organic soil is best, responds well to fertilization

They grow best in a sunny, well-drained site with supplemental irrigation. In Florida, petunias grow best in the cool winter months. Flowering slows or stops when temperatures drop below freezing but the plants survive temperatures into the teens F.