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Botanical Garden

Murraya paniculata - Orange jasmine

Family Rutaceae


成人AV视频 4 species of Murraya are native to Asia. They are shrubs and trees in the citrus family. This species is a large shrub or small tree. The dark green, compound leaves are evergreen. Fragrant white flowers are borned in small clusters at the branch tips. Small red fruits are produced in abundance.

This species is listed as an exotic pest plant for central and south Florida. 成人AV视频 staff will watch this plant for invasive potential.


See this plant in a protected location between buildings 15 and 832B.


Large shrub or small tree to about ten feet tall or more.

Care Instructions:

Light: sun, part shade

Water: well-drained soil, drought tolerant

Soil: adaptable to soil types, no other special requirements

Orange jasmine must be near or at its northern limit in Jacksonville. One report says that it is cold hardy down to 25 degrees F. This plant was donated to the University by Jacksonville plant collector, Joyce Jarrell, to test its cold hardiness.