Monarda punctata - Dotted horsemint
Family Lamiaceae
成人AV视频 a dozen species of Monarda are native to North America. They are herbaceous plants, several with showy flowers. This species is native to Jacksonville and the eastern United States. It is commonly found on well-drained soils in sun or part shade. They produce an abundance of white to purple flower spikes in late summer to fall. Most of the floral color comes from leafy bracts on the spike. The individual flower is a small and white to yellow with purple spots. This is a fairly typical member of the mint family with square stems and opposite leaves. The leaves are aromatic when brushed.
See plants around the Golf Learning Center and the Lake Oneida parking lot.
Herbaceous plant to about three to four feet tall.
Care Instructions:
Light: sun, part shade
Water: well-drained soil, drought tolerant
Soil: adaptable to soil types, no other special requirements
This native plant grows best in Jacksonville in a well-drained soil in sun or part shade. It grows naturally on the back of beach dunes and well inland in dry areas. It is an easy wildflower to grow and can spread rapidly in a suitable spot.