Hippeastrum x hybrids - Amaryllis

Family Amaryllidaceae
成人AV视频 75 species of Hippeastrum are native to Africa and South America. They are herbaceous plants that grow from bulbs. Hybrids and a few species are cultivated around the world. Plants are grown outdoors in warm climates and indoors in colder climates. Leaves are strap-like. Plants die to the ground in winter. Flowers may appear before the foliage or with the foliage depending on the hybrid. Flowers are large and colorful, usually in shades of red, orange, pink, and white.
See this plant on the southeast corner of building 15.
Small plants with leaves about one to three feet tall.
Care Instructions:
Light: full sun to part shade, flowers best in full sun
Water: drought tolerant once established, does not survive in wet sites
Soil: well-drained, low fertility, wide pH tolerance, no other special requirements
In north Florida, amaryllis is easy and reliable. Plants are long-lived and may develop into huge clumps. Bulbs can pull themselves down into loose, sandy soil. If they are too deep, the plants produce nice foliage but few flowers. When this occurs, the bulbs should be dug in late spring or summer and replanted so that the slender "neck" of the bulb is above the soil line.